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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Jeffrey: Limit terms of PM and CMs

Umno should not assume that it has a right to monopolise the chief minister’s position in Sabah, says the former PKR vice-president

KOTA KINABALU: Maverick politician Jeffrey Kitingan, who has seen the best and the worst in state and federal politics for over two decades, wants an end to a pervasive system in Malaysia that allows the prime minister or chief minister to stay in power for decades.

Jeffrey, the former PKR vice-president who now heads NGOs Borneo Heritage Foundation and United Borneo Front (UBF), has urged the federal government to put in place a national policy to limit the term of the prime minister, menteri besar and chief ministers to two terms.

“We should emulate the examples of developed nations and not follow in the footsteps of nations which have a history of long-serving leaders with a reputation for tyranny and dictatorship.

“This nation should continually evolve with a proper succession of leaders so that new ideas for growth and development can be implemented and (new) generations can enhance old policies with new ones,” he said in a statement.

Jeffrey, a former Internal Security Act (ISA) detainee, said that if the leadership can be refreshed after every two terms, entire generations would not be bypassed in the decision-making process.

“This is the basis of good governance and is the first step towards the elimination of possessive greed and dominance and cronyism,” he said in an indirect criticism of long-serving leaders who kept a tight rein on the upper echelons of power and refused to give way to younger leaders.

He added Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman should set a good example by vacating his position in the next election as he had already served two terms.

“With so many political parties in Sabah alone, Umno should not assume that it has a right to monopolise the chief minister’s position,” he said.

No Sabah chief minister has ever served more than nine years in power since the British colony joined the federation of Malaya, Sarawak and Singapore (which was expelled in 1965), to form Malaysia in 1963.

Unfair ‘policy’

While there is no rule in place that says that the next chief minister should be an Umno leader from the state cabinet, it is unlikely the dominant party in the ruling coalition would give way to anyone from another BN component party to lead the state.

Jeffrey thinks that this is blatantly unfair.

He believes local-based political parties should represent their state and should be given priority over federal-based parties like Umno, MCA, Gerakan and MIC.

All four federal-based parties expanded their wings to Sabah in the early 1990s after Umno engineered the fall of the Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) government in 1994, and which is now a fellow BN partner.

“The state government has autonomy in accordance with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and as such, should decide policies for the benefit of the state first and foremost.

“If the state cabinet leaders are mere proxies of the federal political parties, they would naturally prioritise federal needs,” Jeffrey said.

He also suggested that if more constituencies were created in Sabah, the extra seats should be divided equitably among local-based parties.

“If we wish to increase Sabah and Sarawak’s voice to cover 35% in Parliament, that 35% should be MPs from local- and not federal-based parties.

“They are more likely to prioritise Borneo’s position in this country.”

Jeffrey also hit out at party hoppers for betraying the electorate.

“Good governance also means that elected candidates have the integrity to resign from their ministerial positions if they switch parties after they have been elected by the people.

“If the people mandated you to win under one ticket, you should have the integrity to step down and go for a by-election if you then decide to rule as a leader under a different ticket.

“This is simply cheating the people of their voting choices.”

Michael Kaung 


  1. It makes sense to have limited terms of public office.The problem is each time some selfish politicians hold the high office the first thing that comes to their mind is they want to stay for 20 or 30 years if not forever till death do us part.

    The problem again the party members are so hooked to material gains and rewards that they let the leader to rule as he pleases and for how long he wants.

  2. I agree, maximum 2 years should be enough.

  3. The PM or CM should be people-elected.

  4. There pros and cons, okay let us remember years ago when Sabah still following the rotation system (2 years), i don't think that 2 years is enough for them to finish the projects, etc....

  5. I think maybe 5 years might be enough for them to settle and finish all the projects, etc....

  6. If the term is short, they maybe can't do much things and if its too long, they might too comfortable and lose the focus.

  7. mungkin ada baik dan buruknya cadangan ini..apa pun, yang penting tugas dan tanggungjawab perlu dilaksanakan dengan baik.

  8. i think this is a good idea...there should be a limit terms for ministers including PM and CM..

  9. memang bagus cadangan ini...namun yang penting ialah tanggungjawab kepada rakyat seperti mana yang selalu ditekankan oleh KM sabah.

  10. kalau PM atau KM/MB letak jawatan/meninggal dunia, patut diadakan pilihanraya dan bukannya mewariskannya kepada timbalan...cara ini adalah lebih demokrasi..

  11. The very ideal way is adopting the Japan way. PM elected by the people not by the so-called perwakilan. and the most important thing is, do not 'warising' the PM post to its DPM. the term is 1 plus 1 which is 1 term means 5 years. so its all 10 years if the PM have successfully re-elected by the people. i think the research on PM popularities like the Japan and the US do is good. do research every 6 months to determine the level of PM popularity. the research should include the PM KPI, physical success of development which can be seen throughout the country and the people perception. the people should be asked randomly.

  12. I doubt that Jeffrey didn't have this kind of though when he was still serving in the government back in the 90's...i know this question sound silly & out of context...but why now & not then Jeffrey?

  13. jawatan PM dan KM tak harus dijawat terlalu singkat dan juga terlalu lama. apapun, rakyat berkuasa untuk menentukan pemimpin mereka.

  14. semuanya kena dibawa brbincang.

  15. Agree with Tom Hawk. This is a democratic country isn't it? Therefore, walk the talk! Rid off the liability leaders.

  16. We the people want this, but how about the leaders? Are they willing to compromise? Doubt it.

  17. harus kaji dan ambilkira kesannya jika had penggal pentadbiran untuk seorang KM atau PM dipendekkan.

  18. referring to the statement made by Jeffrey, I think Pakatan should not join the contest in this state for the next GE since they have no local-based political parties.

  19. Pa Jeff how to realise d dream without persuading for a change?
    Should be having a serious discussion with your brother and PBS bah...!!!
    Better everyone do it in parliament and walk the talk (dream).

  20. Macam macam cadangan.Kasi satu olang 10 tahun cukup.Gua pun fed up pasal semua gila kuasa.

  21. 5 years sufficient enough? Depends what we judge it also.. Projects that involve economy growth usually consists long term that can go until 3-5 years time. Make sure the best "hand-over", guess 3 or 5 years of their services may not the issue here also.

  22. Tom Hawk said...

    The very ideal way is adopting the Japan way. PM elected by the people not by the so-called perwakilan.

    I think Tom words make more sense, the PM should b elected by the people. They have the right to vote thier own leadership.

  23. "the term is 1 plus 1 which is 1 term means 5 years. so its all 10 years if the PM have successfully re-elected by the people."

    Great idea. I think these make more sense that each PM can service with 1+1 term and each for only 5 years.

  24. Open research to the public. We can get more ideas and we can hear the people voices too. May be they can come with better idea. All these needed to study and plan.

  25. Malaysia negara berdemokratik, seharus PM dipilih oleh rakyat juga. Rakyat berhak untuk memilih pemimpinnya sendiri.

  26. I think fresh faced leaders are needed.

  27. I suggest to injet new blood so that the younger generation to join politic to share new thoughts and ideas.

  28. 5 years of services good enough.

  29. Idea was great, limits terms to 5 years both PM and CM.. Sufficient enough for them to plan and execute their project plan.

  30. Kebelakangan ni memang banyak cadangan yang baik termasuk limit terms of PM & CM, tambahan kerusi di Sabah dll. Kesemua ini seharus dipertimbangkan supaya kami sentiasa di hadapan.

  31. Just go ahead with the brilliant idea. Limit their terms of PM & CM. 5 years great enough to proven themself and to run their project too.

  32. I suggest a 2 term CM and no more and will the best to judge and for the CM to execute his job well or not well.

  33. Indeed, good leader stays while bad leader must go.

  34. Yang penting kalau semua happy, maka boleh dipertimbang kan lagi.

  35. Consideration is important.

  36. JK candangan itu perlulah dikaji semula. Is for our state development...Lihat sendiri difference Sabah dan Sarawak?? KM bertukar-tukar dengan yang kekal. Sarawak look more develop than Sabah?? Betulkah tidak?? Bukti ada jadi sukar untuk dinafikan. Sabah banyak projek terbangkalai kerana sistem bertukar KM dahulu.

  37. yes, agreed. If the people mandated you to win under one ticket, you should have the integrity to step down and go for a by-election if you then decide to rule as a leader under a different ticket.

  38. that should be the fair system

  39. biarlah suara ramai dlm parti yang menentukan samada cadangan untuk menghadkan tempoh 2 penggal kpd PM/MB/KM diterima secara +ve atau -ve.

  40. perlanjutan jawatan KM untuk penggal seterusnya juga bergantung kepada prestasi dan kewibawaannya memerintah negeri itu

  41. rakyat Sabah mesti bijak memilih KM yg betul2 layak memegang jawatan ini
