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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sabah People Must Change Their Mindset and Belief System

Sabah was one of the richest and one of the most developed state in Malaysia during 1970s when Sabah was ruled by local Sabahan party, and compared to the then Malaya, which was still a Backward Kampung ruled by Malayan party during that time. This is a FACT!

Sabahan must change their mindset, belief system and have faith in our local Sabah
opposition party SAPP whereby decision making by local Sabah leaders to fight for what we rightfully deserve as stated clearly in the Malaysia Agreement during the formation of Malaysia whereby each and every one; Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore and Malaya are Equal Partners.

Sabah is blessed with abundance of natural resources and we are the one who should decide how much we want to donate to help the 11 states in Malaya, not like what that is happening now, where Outsiders decide how much they give back to us as a result of the submissive nature of our current breed of Sabahan BN leaders.

Sabah's future and destiny should be decided by the locals, not Outsiders who dictate us. We must learn from the past, find solutions and execute it to ensure prosperity reach all Sabahans, especially our natives. Sabah needs to progress and catch up with KL or even Singapore in terms of development, standard of living, healthcare, education, security and more.

Sabah does not lack of capable individuals and professionals to manage and govern our own state. It was proven in 1970s when Sabah was doing better than the whole of Malaya. We have even outsourced our home grown talent to become Australia's Finance Minister today.

Sabah people should Reject all parties from Malaya which use race and religion as their tools to Divide and Rule us. We do not have problems drinking and eating with other fellow Sabahans of different faith and religion, sitting in one same table but Not like what that has happened in Malaya.

SAPP willingly relinquish the posts of Deputy Chief Minister, Deputy Finance Minister and all the perks from BN to fight for Sabah's autonomy. We are fighting for One Country Two Systems, and not a two-party system as practiced by Malayan PR, in which case, things will remain the same and we will still be controlled by KL, like the current BN led government.

Today political scenario in Malaysia is different. Either Malayan party UMNO or PR is desperately in need of Sabah and Sarawak to form Federal government, compared to Tun Mahatir's time where Malayan UMNO could easily win enough seats in Malaya to form the federal government. This is what we call Window of Opportunity!

If the folks at PR are sincere, they should let local opposition party SAPP to take the lead as Sabah's opposition front in the fight against, that is SAPP 1 VS BN 1 in the coming GE13.

SAPP has voiced up our support to assist PR to form the federal government and even encouraged PR to focus more on the Sabah parliamentary seats but in return Malayan PR should support SAPP to focus more on state seats (40 seats) to fight for Sabah's political autonomy. This is what we call a win-win relationship!

Sabah people had already given Sabah PR a chance to have 1 to 1 fight against BN in 2004 and 2008 but that proved to be a let down, as they ended up fighting each other and was Rejected by the Sabahan people especially in Bumiputra area.

If the Sabahan PR fields a candidate in our state seat to create a 3 cornered fight, this will surely benefit BN in the coming GE13. We, the people of Sabah people should discern who are the Greedy and Opportunist!

Should we, the people of Sabah continue to be overly dependent on Malayan party to fight for us rights and destiny ? Or should we stay united and support our local home grown Sabahan party SAPP to fight for Sabah's autonomy and our children's future?

The choice is yours. A win for SAPP in Sabah, is a win for Sabahans!

Clement Lee is SAPP CLC Api Api, Organising Secretary


  1. Ya, ubahlah cara pemikiran untuk mencapai perubahan untuk masa depan negeri.

  2. Tapi sendiri perlulah pandai menilai pemimpin yang sesuai. Fikirlah baik-baik sebelum mengundi.

  3. rakyat Sabah perlu bangkit dan berusaha untuk maju. ini demi masa depan rakyat dan negeri.

  4. maa depan Sabah terletak pada tangan rakyatnya.

  5. Bukan SAPP sudah pernah memerintah ka? Tidak ada apa yang SAPP buat semasa pemerintahan mereka.

  6. Rakyat Sabah jangan takut untuk bersuara, jika bersatu hati pasti keadaan ini akan berubah. Jangan takut dan jangan fikirkan tentang kepentingan sendiri tetapi bersama2 la bersuara untuk kepentingan bersama.

  7. Semoga semuanya akan baik2 dan segala hak rakyat Sabah akan dikembalikan dan juga rakyat Sabah akan semakin maju di masa akan datang.

  8. SAPP lupa sendiri anjing UMNO selama 15 tahun kah? ANJING MEMANG ANJING! jangan lagi menipu rakyatlah Yong KaM BING

  9. Realizing all these, then why did SAPP worked together with UMNO before and made Sabah even more backwards?

  10. wahahahahhahah! that clown Clement is actually the most idiot person i have ever seen! Yong Teck Lee kiss UMNO's ass, Clement kiss Yong's ass....nice ass kissing bro~

  11. adakah SAPP lupa sendiri adalah penolong kanan UMNO yang membawa parti semenanjung UMNO yang korup, berunsur perkauman,dan tamak? Yong Teck Lee adalah seorang opportunis yang paling keji di sejarah Sabah! Jangan percaya SAPP!

  12. rasanya ramai rakyat Sabah sekarang ni sudah terbuka pemikiran, mata dan hati. Mudah2an rakyat Sabah akan memilih pemimpin yang benar2 boleh pembangunankan Sabah dan rakytanya.

  13. Apa2 pun kita tunggu dan lihat saja apa yang akan terjadi.

  14. SAPP has done alot for Sabahans especially during YTL 2 years as Sabah CM. YTL has done much better and more than DAP penang LGE who has been Penang CM for 3 years.

    YTL has helped for the bumiputra and Chinese for the past 15 years.

    Only those opportunists will condemn SAPP who can't get project from YTL during his time as Sabah CM.

  15. Selepas baca komen2 diatas, anjing2 parti dari parti malaya PR terus serang SAPP sebab mereka takut sangat sama SAPP.

    Jika SAPP hari ini masih dalam BN, mereka akan serang juga. Tetapi walaupun SAPP sudah keluar dari BN, anjing2 parti PR ini serang SAPP juga sebab mereka tahu parti malaya PR akan kalah teruk dan ditolak oleh orang Sabah dalam PRU13 akan datang.

    Rakyat Sabah bukan sebodoh macam anjing2 PR dan kita sudah sedar anjing2 PR yang hanya mengutamakan perjuangan untuk pocket diri sendiri tetapi bukan ikhlas untuk orang Sabah.

  16. tak payah 'bombard' sesama sendiri, kita lihat sahaja keputusan PRU-13 nanti

  17. rakyat Sabah harus undi dengan bijak, undilah kepada parti yang benar2 berjuang untuk rakyat

  18. janganlah undi parti yang menggunakan bangsa dan agama sebagai alat mereka untuk meruntuhkan atau memecahbelahkan keharmonian rakyat Sabah

  19. Sabah people should discern who are the Greedy and Opportunist! - jd rakyat Sabah, undi dgn bijak dan jgn terpedaya!

  20. Masa depan dan nasib Sabah perlu diputuskan oleh penduduk tempatan iaitu parti2 tempatan yang membentuk komponen BN di Sabah

  21. parti malaya janganlah sibuk di sabah hanya mahu merampas hasil bumi Sabah. Dimana maruah kamu sebagai orang Sabah?

    Marilah orang kita bersatu padu menyingkirkan dan tolak parti import dari malaya umno atau PR dalam pru akan datang dan sokong parti pembangkang tempatan SAPP untuk masa depan cucu cicit kita.

  22. why must SAPP? why must sabahan change their mindset and belief system in SAPP?

  23. the choice is in the people's wisely people..

  24. does SAPP is not Greedy and Opportunist?
    i really doubt about this because as we know all politician are greedy and opportunist include YTL..
    then does SAPP can prove to people that all SAPP's politicians are not greedy and opportunist?

  25. i think sabahan are wise enough to make their choice in the coming GE.

  26. SAPP is history.Never trust their leaders.They are goons who try to redeem their political sins and expect people to believe them.They will be buried once and for all after GE13.

    NO to SAPP!HELL to SAPP!

  27. Memang perlu ubah mindset dan fikiran untuk lebih maju tapi kena hati-hati juga. Jangan main hentam ja, nanti lain pula yang jadi.

  28. Jadi Sabahan harus mainkan peranan masing2. Buat penilaian sebaik mungkin dan undilah pemimpin yang benar2 layak.

  29. Tak sabar mahu tunggu next GE dan pastikan undi anda tidak disia-siakan.

  30. Saya yakin jika smeua bersatu hati dan bulat suara dalam mmebuat keputusan pasti Sabah akan berkembang lebih maju.

  31. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.

  32. Memang betul hanya parti pembangkang tempatan SAPP betul2 ikhlas berjuang untuk Sabah.

    Yang lain itu dari parti malaya UMNO, PKR, DAP dan PAS datang ke Sabah hanya mahu merampas hasil bumi Sabah. Siapa sifat TAMAK, rakyat tahu dan bukan bodoh macam kaki pengampu parti malaya PR.

  33. DAP in Sabah is rotten to the core and consisted with a group of opportunists without any quality!

    I used to vote DAP in 2008, but this time I will vote for our local party SAPP. No more vote from me for any party import.

  34. setiap orang ada pilihan masing-masing.

  35. terserah kepada setiap rakyat untuk memilih apa yang mereka rasakan terbaik untuk mereka.

  36. Siapa kata SAPP TAMAK???SAPP "BERHAK" memerintah Sabah dan menguruskan hasil negeri Sabah KERANA ini semua hak orang Sabah.

    Parti malaya seperti UMNO, PAS, DAP dan PKR yang tamak kerana mau hasil negeri Sabah yang kaya..

    Jadi kalau SAPP memerintah semua hasil yang enjoy adalah orang Sabah....

    Kalau parti malaya memerintah, orang semanjung yang enjoy hasil bumi kita...kita dapat apa????tarakkkkkkkk......

    BODOH!!!!tak pandai pikir....bahalul punya orang Sabah.....

    semua mau jilat pantat orang semenanjung...BODOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH>>>>>>>

  37. Saya pun mahu sokong SAPP kali ini. Saya bangga sebagai orang Sabah dan kerajaan Sabah mesti ditadbir oleh parti tempatan.

  38. Kenapa perlu memilih SAPP? Apa yang SAPP ada. SAPP parti yang tidak ada pendirian sehingga sanggup bersama dengan PR. Parti sebeginikah yang perlu kita sokong?

  39. Penduduk Sabah sendiri yang menilai SAPP. Biarkanlah apa yang SAPP mahu lakukan.

  40. Anonymous September 13, 2011 8:45 AM,

    Masalah sekarang ini SAPP sendiri bersekutu dengan PR(PAS, PKR, DAP)..? Macammana itu. Kamu kata "Yang lain itu dari parti malaya UMNO, PKR, DAP dan PAS datang ke Sabah hanya mahu merampas hasil bumi Sabah." Jadi kamu rasa SAPP ini tidak mengunakan akal merekakah bersama dengan PR?

  41. "Sabah needs to progress and catch up with KL or even Singapore in terms of development, standard of living, healthcare, education, security and more."

    Perkembangan sebegini memerlukan sokongan, usaha, perjuangan dari semua masyarakat. Percaya ke tak, sekeping kertas undian cukup membawa perubahan yang dahsyat.

  42. Nasib SAPP berada di tangan orang Sabahan. SAPP perlu berusaha lagi untuk menambat hati dan kepercayaan oleh rakyat Sabah. Kami menilai berdasarkan sejarah dan keputusan hail perjuangan.

  43. I am open minded to all parties eiter UMNO, SAPP, PR, DAP etc., as long as there can strike more for the people, boost up Sabah economy, certainly they are the right choice.

  44. Anonymous said...
    janganlah undi parti yang menggunakan bangsa dan agama sebagai alat mereka untuk meruntuhkan atau memecahbelahkan keharmonian rakyat Sabah

    Saya sokong sepenuhnya terhadap kata Anonymous, parti yang teramat menegaskan konsep agama dan bangsa seharus dipinggirkan kerana ia merosakkan keharmonian negara yang berbilang kaum dan bangsa. Malaysia milik semua bangsa.

  45. No perfect parti in Sabah but we need to choose the best among them. Which the right choice? Let the people to decide as we judge by your pass results and future mission for the people of Sabah.

  46. Kita kena sokong parti pembangkang tempatan SAPP jadi kerajaan Sabah. Orang Sabah mesti tolak parti malaya macam umno dan pr.

    Kita percayalah parti tempatan SAPP BOLEH! Sabah BOLEH!

  47. SAPP kerjasama dgn parti malaya PR dan telah memberi tahu PR focus di malaya dan SAPP focus di Sabah.

    Lihat saja Sarawak, tiadapun ada parti malaya umno mengimport PENDATANG HARAM ke Sarawak macam Sabah.

  48. maybe Sabah should ruled by local Sabahan party.

  49. Sabahan harus memperjuangkan apa yang sepatutnya menjadi milik mereka.

  50. Bukan senang untuk semua masyarakat menerima perubahan terutama perubahan yang berkemungkinan membawa kesan negatif. Ini lar ramai sanggup terima keadaan sekarang walaupun keadaan sekarang bukannya yang terbaik untuk mereka.

  51. "Sabah needs to progress and catch up with KL or even Singapore in terms of development, standard of living, healthcare, education, security and more."

    All these need support and hard work from all the people of Sabah. It's not hard as we have all we need here especially natural resources that can bring tones of incomes.

  52. "We do not have problems drinking and eating with other fellow Sabahans of different faith and religion, sitting in one same table but Not like what that has happened in Malaya."

    Syukur jika ini berlaku di Semenanjung, semua masyarakat dapat berkongsi dan hidup dalam suasana yang harmoni dan berbilang bangsa.

  53. SAPP has voiced up our support to assist PR to form the federal government and even encouraged PR to focus more on the Sabah parliamentary seats but in return Malayan PR should support SAPP to focus more on state seats (40 seats) to fight for Sabah's political autonomy. This is what we call a win-win relationship!

    Masing-masing mengharapkan kuasa dan power sendiri, Bukan senang untuk mereka bersatu-padu dan menentang parti lain.

  54. Aku boleh nampak parti malaya PR menang TAMAHAK!

  55. If we think deeper, we are actually shortchanged by the BN-Umno on commerce, job opportunities in civil services, projects...sucking our oil, paying various taxes to the federal government, and worst of all political control of our Borneo State of Sabah.

  56. 1. SAPP fighting for Sabah autonomy.

    2. Party malaya PR (DAP, PAS, PKR) fighting for Anwar Sodomy and using race and religion as their political tools.

    3. Party malaya umno fighting for to legalise all the PATI in Sabah in order to outnumber the local Sabah native population. Sarawak no PATI become bumiputra problems except Sabah!

    Which party above are relevance to Sabah people if not SAPP?

  57. jika ada parti tempatan lain di sabah selain SAPP, saya akan sokong parti itu..

  58. Aku tetap sokong SAPP kali ini. Aku tidak mahu lagi parti malaya PR atau UMNO.

  59. Is SAPP sincerely fighting for sabah autonomy or just an act to get the sabahans support?

  60. I think many here has a problem with SAPP because the leader is YTL . Can he still be trusted?

  61. YTL has done so much good things for Sabah people including he dares to make a move by getting out from the corrupted BN. Musa is rotten to the core and he is the MOST corrupted CM in Sabah history.

    We should support YTL and SAPP this time.
