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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Train crash ... A danger waiting to happen

Despite spending millions of ringgit, some of the automatic gates at major railway crossings are not functioning.

KOTA KINABALU: The morning after the train crash outside the Kota Kimabalu International Airport here has provoked fear and anger among city residents, with many saying that “it was an accident just waiting to happen”.

Widespread dissatisfaction and complaints have been brewing for years now over the railway line that has been plagued by controversy since the government approved a contract to upgrade the tracks a few years ago.

In an immediate reaction to yesterday’s collision between a passenger train and a fuel tanker in which eight people were injured, Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Pairin Kitingan said all illegal crossing along the railway track will be closed.

How the authorities intend to do this could not be ascertained as there are scores of such crossings all along the track.

It is the only access to hundreds, if not thousands, of dwellings on the other side of the track.

Pairin, who is Infrastructure Development Minister, said that his ministry would launch an investigation into claims that some of the automatic gates recently put up for thousands of ringgit at major level crossings are not functioning.

The collision between the petrol-laden fuel tanker and the passenger train on its way to Beaufort caused a fireball and sparked fires along the track.

Scores of motorists panicked when they saw the accident while on their way home.

“Oh my god! Oh my god!” was all one observer could say as she filmed the flames and smoke with her cellphone and later found its way onto the Internet.

Repeated collisions

The word on the ground has always been that something is not quite right about the way the line has been “upgraded”, with the number of level crossings cutting through major roads and junctions as it comes to the station in the city.

There are even private roads crossings the tracks to scores of individual houses all along the route from Beaufort to Tanjong Aru and even more when the line to Tenom opens.

Most of the roads are illegal and have been so for decades.

Numerous vehicle-train collisions over the years should have served as a warning for last night’s inevitable accident, residents of houses and workshops along the route said.

One long-time resident, a civil servant, who recently sold his house across the railway tracks, said it was a disgrace that the authorities did not provide a safe crossing for those living on the other side of the lines.

“The track is crisscrossed with roads to houses there. I was told that it is illegal to build a road or make a path across the lines when I applied for permission to get access to my land but still there are so many crossings.

“What are they (the authorities) doing about it? This is a big slap in their face.

“They know but have refused to act for years despite numerous accidents… you go check the papers. Perhaps now they will do something,” said the individual who asked not to be named.

Train badly burnt

While yesterday’s collision was an accident long in the making and which fortunately did not result in any fatalities, the state railway department has long been in a quandary.

Trains going in and out of the main station in Tanjong Aru do so about half a dozen times a day, once in the morning, again in the afternoon and a final time in the evening after offices close.

To provide feeder roads besides the railway tracks with crossings to the main highway over it at designated spots will be costly. But the alternative, as it stands now, will be dangerous.

For today at least, the route is safe. The line is closed to traffic and will be until it is cleared.

The main engine has been derailed and the two passenger carriages have been badly burned.

Michael Kaung


  1. Many things in Sabah is designed 'automatic'!!!

    Also, well known political agenda to please those kampung2 for support that road crossing official or unofficially incorporate into design to satisfy them include infrastructure in city.

    Still not too late even though this matter had been raised long times ago.
    Itulah YB's job instead of professional job to say what is for the people...hahaha!

    Please be reminded if the posts erected behind the Foh Sang shops are not properly fixed firmly to the ground may be a tragedy as it become a stretch of walling structure,mind you the city engineer?

  2. Bombard oop sorry is Bomba Dept has right again to act if the structure at the back lane be a hindrance or obstacle not comply to rule and bye-laws.

    What kind of 'sick planner' to please anyone again?

  3. Accident happens at that exactly same spot many years ago...involving cars and the then an old train. This one is just a perfect example of how ignorant is our "Big Guy" in the ministry. Shameful and stupid to say the least. Sadly to say, it will happen again...if the "Big guy" still there. They spent millions for this project and this is the best they can come up with??? Well...i believe more had end up into their own pocket rather then to the safety issues. What the hell.

  4. This is truly a disaster, the railway departments need to take actions to amend the problems.

  5. Hope that the railway can be rebuild as soon as possible after this with added precaution measures, many people relied on the trains on their everyday lives.

  6. Someone has to accept full responsibilty and resign.Jangan makan gaji buta dan gila wang saja.Nyawa itu lebih berharga.

  7. kejadian yang berlaku memang mengejutkan dan harsu dijadikan sebagai iktibar..

  8. sentiasalah berhati-hati ketika berada dikawasan lintasan kereta api..

  9. Belum sempat pun naik kereta api baru ni. Alahai. Tapi syukur semuanya selamat.

  10. This collision was a big shock to us!

  11. kemalangan inilah yang paling dashyat, pasti byk kerugian yang dialami.

  12. kemalangan ini harus dijadikan iktibar dan kita harus berhati-hati semasa melintas landasan keretapi.

  13. there are many train crash happen in other country, why not learn from them to overcome any possibility that could cause train crash?

  14. We should take this as a lesson.

  15. To blame here and there won't solve any problem,but let us find a way to avoid an accident in the future.

  16. sesiapa yang menggunakan jalan songsang dengan landasan keretapi kenalah berwaspada.

  17. pertingkatkan lagi tahap keselamatan di kawasan landasan ini.

  18. Infrastructure Development Minister will definitely find a way to solve the problem..

  19. So easy for some people talking about closing all those illegal crossings...maybe they don't live there. First, where are the alternatives roads for the residence there? Ooops! I forgot, there are passages that being laying there for few years now...No asphalt..and lots of Telecom and TNB posts in the midlle of the so-called Legal Crossings....

  20. Find in Sabah quite a lot of 'booby trap' from Manholes to Railway crossing!!!

    Anymore?Local media may help around with a column and plenty good pictures to show,isn't it?Surely it help better than 'hotline' for a picture tell more than thousand words!

  21. Sabah Railway Department should review back how come this can be?? Must have some mistake from this incident.

  22. Musang bin tidak aman should be SACKED immediately and where is the RM360 million contract awarded to this nephew Hasnol @ suria capital with such lousy job done by this incompetence scumbag?

  23. Kemalangan kereta Api baru-baru ini mengejutkan penduduk Sabah. Mungkin kesalahan dan kesilapan yang berlaku disini perlu diperbaiki segera. Jangan berulang perkara ini lagi. Biarlah ini yang pertama dan yang terakhir.

  24. Sudahpun berlaku beberapa kali kot. Kaki pengampu diatas tidak pernah baca suratkhabar ke?

    Aku sokong KM Sabah mesti dipecat serta merta!
