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Saturday, January 21, 2012

BR1M is not the right economic solutions for the people

By Daniel John Jambun

I feel it is rather amusing to read so many leaders calling for us not to politicize the RM500 BR1M handouts, some even going to the extend of warning people not to link it to any political motive, because the handouts are “the government’s sincere way of trying to assist the people in today’s difficult economic climate.” But the problem is, after so many BN leaders make this warning, we can’t help thinking this must be very political indeed! It is quite clear that their intention to warn us not to politicize the matter is their way of telling us that it is all actually political. Ironically, by warning us not to politicize the matter, they are the ones ending up politicizing it!

Or is it being done on purpose? It is a very subtle and clever way of telling us it is in fact all very political. After all it is hard for the government to be generous and not be appreciated, especially because the total amount to be disbursed is so huge it can sink a ship. But as Datuk Wences Anggang of UPKO confirmed it, it is very political with some ‘unnecessary’ questions being put on the application form, such as where does the applicant vote and if he or she is a registered voter.

The other day someone said that you can confirm whether your name is in the approved receivers’ list by checking the list at the UMNO or PBS offices! My immediate reaction was what does UMNO and PBS have anything to do with it if it is not political? Are UMNO and PBS taking advantage of getting support by also becoming a checking centres other than the district offices?

Of course we are thankful for these handouts. At least the people are now in a state of excitement about getting some real cash to help them overcome many difficulties. But many deserving people are not qualified to receive them, while many who make more than RM3,000 per month end up getting them. And what I am afraid is that a lot of the amounts received will be abused, with many recipients going for the quick fixes with “tiga sepuluh, aramai it is.” The government, eventually had decided to continue spoiling the people by directly giving them fish, as if all the efforts to teach them how to fish had failed. But then again BR1M is not a surprise if we remember that the government has been practicing this method of “helping the people” all the time – giving them house building materials, water tanks, food items such as rice and other forms of groceries. At one time this was called the government’s way of reducing poverty – give them some food items and they are not longer poor for a few days! How very creative! In the case of fishermen, they are given allowances of RM200 per month, and are allowed subsidized diesel, which is welcomed, but is it the best solution to their problems? The MP for Papar, Datuk Rosnah Shirlin on January 18, during the ceremony to roll out the allowances, said that hundreds of fishermen from Papar “will have fewer worries of not having enough to makes ends meet.” Does it mean the fishermen can’t even make RM200 per month to feed their families? If that’s the case, shouldn’t the government be helping them to switch to other economic activities?

This is the problem with a government which has no clear strategic plan for poverty eradication, neither a clear plan for economic development of the state. We may have failed to notice that all these years the villagers had actually been mostly left out to fend for themselves in the villages. They go on with their traditional way of life without any new way of increasing their income, to such an extent that when the YBs come bringing in handouts they grab at it all with a lot of gusto. And then they are insulted with speeches asking them to be thankful to the government!

But these acts of giving plain handouts, which have now become a political tradition in Sabah, is in many ways an admittance and proof of failure of the government to develop the people after half a century of independence. By now, the system of roads should have been developed to give access to all farmers to send their goods to the towns and cities, and the villages should have long become centres of food production where farmers are involved in planned farming methods and are active in small village industries. The government should have placed various systems to purchase and transport these goods for processing and export and thus give the people consistent incomes. Such a system, if properly put in place, should have solved part of the problem the high import of food into Sabah, which is a staggering, and frightening, 70% of our needs!

The government can use intensive food production as an effective means to solve poverty with the intensive production and distribution mechanisms efficiently in place. The people needs to be guided and assisted to move out of their traditional backyard farming which is of non-commercial scale, to one that is of commercial-scale and targeted for factory and downstream processing.

But I guess the government is in no mood for these measures at a time when the GE13 is just around the corner. All those strategic planning can be discussed another day. The BR1M, therefore, becomes the quick political fix at a time when the election fever is already here. It shall run its course in the hope that it will influence the voting trend of the voters. And all the while the warning not to politicise it will continue.

Daniel John Jambun is Deputy Chairman, STAR Sabah


  1. kerajaan sedaya upaya membantu rakyat yang memerlukan. terserah pada rakyat mahu menilai semua tu.

    1. Receiving help from the government doesn't necessary mean that the people will vote for them. Its the government job after all to help them.

    2. segala bantuan yang diberikan harus kita hargai.

    3. Duit bantuan itu memang hak rakyat. Kenapa perlu tolak? Undi tetap rahsia. Usah dijadikan isu.

    4. kerajaan memang pun berusaha untuk meringankan bebanan rakyat.

    5. Zen,yup. undi tetap rahsia.

    6. walaupun hanya pemberian one-off tapi mereka yang tahu menghargai akan menggunakannya dengan sebaiknya dan bukan melemparkan kritikan dan kata2 yang negatif terhadap kerajaan.

  2. Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA) and University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will enhance cooperation in various fields in order to increase the effectiveness of development programs under the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC).

  3. The Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA) today conducted a SDC-based seminar on Promoting SMEs and Entrepreneur Development in Sabah, held at one of the leading resorts here in Kota Kinabalu. The event also saw the signing of an MoU between SEDIA and Institute Skill Tech

  4. @Anonymous Jan 23, 2012 11:11 PM <<--------

    $$$$duit rakyat --->> kerajaan (BN)= hasil(JHDN) / kwsp $$$ juga dari rakyat(rakyat dapat 0.6sen-0.8++sen) BR1M hanya RM500 untuk gula-gula (bikin tutup mata) uuuih wow besarnya..!!! kamu pigi sikul tapi masih tidak pandai matematik kah...???? otak masuk lututkah..???? kira bha...!!! berapa kali kamu dapat RM500..??? tamaha palui...!!!!

    duit bantuan=duit rakyat untuk bantu rakyat...BN dapat nama.....!!!!!???

    beginikah jenis kerajaan yang kamu mahu, ada sembilan raja di malaysia....campur satu lagi yang baru si akjan.... duit rakyat bikin beli tisu jamban untuk bikin lap..lap...lap tai pantat akjan.....................salam damai,

    1. if you don't like what is government doing which is assisting the people financially, then don't take anything from the government. Senang cerita. U hate the government, then vote for change la when election comes.

    2. Just because people were given money doesn't mean the people will vote for them. After all, votes are meant to be a secret.

    3. undi adalah rahsia...kalau kena bagi rm500 ambil sajalah..

  5. bantuan tersebut diberikan untuk meringankan beban rakyat, bagaimanapun, rakyat kena juga berusaha untuk memperbaiki taraf hidup mereka.

    1. BR1M adalah untuk meringankan beban rakyat...rakyat perlu mencari ikhtiar lain untuk menambah pendapatan.

    2. Boleh guna tu duit bayar apa2 yang tertunggak.

    3. boleh jadi modal berniaga juga:)wang yang sedikit kalau tahu menguruskannya pasti akan mendatangkan hasil yang besar.

  6. It is indeed hard to be sincere while dealing with politics.

  7. Hope they would realize they are politicizing themselves.

  8. GE13 is already so near, can't wait.

  9. Even though the BR1M is seen as not a solution to eradicate poverty in Sabah, but none the less the government is still extending this form of 'alms giving' for those who truly needed it.

    1. kerajaan tidak menyatakan bahawa BR1M ini adalah untuk membasmi kemiskinan di sabah tetapi BR1M adalah untuk meringankan beban rakyat yang memerlukannya..diharap bantuan rakyat ini akan diteruskan oleh kerajaan..

  10. Once money has change of hand, it is at the receivers' discretion as to how they choose to utilize it.

    1. terpulang kepada si penerima untuk menggunakan wang tersebut..kalau tiga sepuluh pun, itu hak dia..

  11. maybe its not the right economic solutions but people love it..hopefully this aid will be continuously.

  12. It's only one off. So it won't cause any " long term side effects ".

  13. Ini hanya salah satu idea kerajaan untuk meringan beban rakyat.

  14. I personally think that BR1M is indeed helping the people, financially and mentally. Most of the recipients are veterans.

  15. Sokong usaha kerajaan untuk membantu rakyat.

  16. Apa pun yang pembangkang ingin katakan tapi kita boleh melihat sendiri rakyat begitu menyokong BR1M ini. Maka tidak perlulah pembangkang cuba memutar belitkan cerita mengenai bantuan ini.

  17. Kerajaan cuma ingin memberikan sedikit sumbangan dan bantuan kepada rakyat. Namun perkara baik yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan pasti akan diburuk-burukkan oleh pembangkang. Kenapa perkara ini berlaku? Pembangkang takut rakyat akan terus memberikan sokongan kepada kerajaan.

  18. Nevertheless, BR1M is the people's rights, those who are eligible to get the BR1M should not give up the chance as it is the people's money the first place.

  19. rata-rata yang menerima BR1M pasti gembira.

  20. pekara ini tidak perlulah menjadi bahan politik kepada mana-mana pihak pun.

  21. semoga semua yang layak menerima BR1M ini.

  22. batuan sebegini cuma membebankan negara.

  23. Lebih baik menggunakan peruntukan tersebut untuk membaiki ekonomi negara. Bantuan sebegini adalah tidak wajar untuk jangka masa panjang.

  24. Idea meringankan beban rakyat cuma menambahkan beban kerajaan yang masih banyak berhutang.

  25. Gula untuk menambat hati rakyat terutama pru semakin mendekati.

  26. Harus bersikap positif terhadap bantuan kerajaan kepada rakyay yang kurang berkemampuan. Yang penting, jumlah wang yang besar ini tidak menyebabkan perkembangan yang berterusan.

  27. bantuan ini dapat membantu meringankan beban rakyat.

  28. harap semuanya berjalan lancar dan ekonomi negara semakin baik.

  29. Beban kerajaan makin bertambah dengan bertambahan subdidy, bantuan sebegini dll. Ini satu scenario yang amat tidak baik.

  30. Beban rakyat cuam ringan buat sementara. Harus juga menjalankan program yang betul-betul membawa kesan yang positif untuk membaiki beban rakyat.

  31. Agree, memang bukan satu jalan yang bijak sebenarnya. Tetapi cuma menambahkan hutang yang banyak lagi belum dilangsaikan.

  32. BR1M harus dilaksanakan dengan baik juga. harus bersikap syukur kepada bantuan oelh kerajaan terutama menjalang hari raya.

  33. Harap ini bukan gimik untuk menambat hati rakyat untuk PRU akan datang.

  34. Terpulang kepada rakyat untuk menilai bantuan ini.

  35. Bantuan BRIM ini sangat membantu rakyat.

  36. Sangat menyokong usaha kerajaan untuk menbantu rakyat.

  37. Biasalah perkara yang baik sentiasa di pandang serong oleh pembangkang.

  38. Terima kasih kepada kerajaan atas bantuan yang diberikan.

  39. bantuan seperti ini wajarlah diteruskan setiap 6 bulan kepada mereka yang benar-benar memerlukan bantuan

  40. harap penduduk yang berjaya menerima bantuan ini menggunakannya dengan bijak

  41. bantuan sedemikian menunjukkan bahwa kerajaan benar-benar komit untuk membantu rakyat

  42. ..dan bukannya untuk memancing undi rakyat semata-mata

  43. semoga BN mendapat mandat dari rakyat untuk memerintah Sabah

  44. it's true that it is not the right economic solution for the people, but at least it's not just a promise that will be fulfilled after the next GE..

  45. bantuan seperti ini wajarlah diteruskan setiap 6 bulan kepada mereka yang benar-benar memerlukan bantuan

  46. harap penduduk yang berjaya menerima bantuan ini menggunakannya dengan bijak

  47. bantuan sedemikian menunjukkan bahwa kerajaan benar-benar komit untuk membantu rakyat

  48. ..dan bukannya untuk memancing undi rakyat semata-mata

  49. semoga BN mendapat mandat dari rakyat untuk memerintah Sabah

  50. Begitu tebal budaya Korupsi para pemimpin dan Kerajaan BNUMNO sehingga begitu berani memberi wang sebagai imbalan kerana mengundi BNUMNO.

    Seorang tidak perlu ke universiti untuk belajar psikologi politik UMNOBN kerana budak2 tahun enam pun faham.

    Jika sebelum ini Istilah BOM digunakan iaitu menabur wang seara sembunyi2 sedikit masa menjelang pilihanraya, maka pada kali ini akhirnya Tuhan telah menggerakkan hati PM untuk menabur wang secara terbuka dan terang2 !

    Jadi tidak payah susah payah menghantar inteligene semasa PRU13 untuk melihat aktiviti BOM!

    Kesimpulannya ialah, BRIM= Rasuah politik=Jenayah Kerajaan!

    Tplak kerajaan rasuah!
