By Amanah Keningau
KENINGAU: Angkatan Amanah Merdeka (Amanah) Keningau said the terms of reference for the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants (PATI) in Sabah do not bear any meaning to the people.
Its chairman Paul Kadau in his statement yesterday said the establishment of the RCI is meaningless as it is too late to be implemented now.
“No immediate action was taken from the beginning. The government is supposed to identify who were responsible for the PTI (illegal immigrant) problems and take necessary action against these individuals.
“This issue involves corruption, cheating and the forging of documents, but in the RCI terms of reference, it failed to come up with any punishment for those responsible for this problem,” he said.
According to Kadau, it appears the KDM leaders in Barisan Nasional (BN) are turning a blind eye to this matter as it is very obvious that the RCI will not bring any solution for Sabah.
“My question for all our leaders in Sabah is, as leaders and presidents of your own movements, what is your stand on the issue of RCI?
He said the people need to know what the leaders believe in and wanting answers because the situation is critical.
I think Sabahans want to hear more on what the opposition can do to develop Sabah and improve their standards of living.Sabahans too want to know how the opposition plans to create employment.economic growth,address the high cost of living,provides affordable housing for all,conducive business environment,good development plans and so forth that is better than BN.Not RCI from top to bottom.Fed-up lah.Worst still there are so many opportunists now want to get publicity on RCI.
ReplyDeletePKR said they will resolve the illegal immigrant issues, how? By giving PR status to them. It will reduce to number of illegals in the state by converting them to PRs. Such a smart move from Anwar Ibrahim to fish for illegal immigrant votes.
DeletePR to PATIs?? PR won't make the situation better either.
Deleteala, tu pembangkang cakap ja besar...yang sebenarnya yang diorang mahu ialah undi rakyat supaya mereka berkuasa...cita2 politik diorang didahulukan..nasib rakyat belakang kira..
Deletedari apa yangs aya nampak, apa yang kerajaan buat untuk kebaikan rakyat contoh seperti BR1M, pembangkang cakap buruk...padahal pembangkang cemburu kepada kerajaan...pasal tu lah pembangkang hanya boleh bagi janji bulan dan bintang..tengok saja di negeri2 di bawah pentadbiran pembangkang, janji yang dibuat pada 2008, belum lagi tertunai sampai sekarang...sekarang dia janji lagi benda yang sama..
DeleteWell from what I observe all along, I think RCI is a great platform to curb the illegals problem. Yes punishment maybe another way of penalize them, but I think we need to investigate before putting the strokes.
DeleteIsu PATI harus diselesaikan melalui siasatan yang wajar agar golongan ini tidak mengancam ketenteraman negeri Sabah.
DeleteKena kasi betis mau paha.Semua pun tidak kena.Bagus minta nyawa.Alang alang.
ReplyDeleteBelum lagi habis siasatan sudah mahu condemn. Prejudis 24/7.
DeleteBiar beri laluan pada RCI dengan siasatan mereka. Bila lihat hasilnya nanti barulah kritik.
Deleteitulah..belum pun RCI bermula sudah macam2 keluar kenyataan...ketaralah diorang mahu femes saja...
DeleteMemang bidang kuasa pembangkang adalah dengan menangki segala kebaikan yang ditonjolkan.
DeleteSemua gila publisiti... kerajaan telah umumkan RCI.. tapi masih juga tidak puas hati.
DeleteBN dan PAKATAN sama ada peluang untuk mendapatkan undi PATI bukan semua 100% mereka ini meyokong BN,terpulang mana-mana parti politik yang pandai membuat manipulasi....!
ReplyDeleteAnwar Ibrahim promise to give all PATI PR status if they won in the coming elections. Looks like they tried to fish for PATI votes come the 13th GE too. Maybe the PATI are happy with this announcement, but Sabahans surely are not. We should wait and see.
Deleteitulah sebab mengapa pakatan harus ditolak oleh rakyat sabah...kita mahu penyelesaian tetapi pakatan bukan beri penyelesaian malah menambahkan luka kepada rakyat sabah...
DeleteAnwar is a big liar though. What he promise to Sabah won't help though.
DeleteTo All PATIs, if you think that Sabah is just a place to plunder She doesn't apply to you. If they have made you eligible to vote, it is wise to vote for Sabah Rights. I believe everyone more or less knows the drill now. Or everyone will be eating the humbliest of pie. Even worst and sooner than you think. Resources are always scarce. It won't exclude you if you are not already in the category now. Do the right thing. Call it Sabah Touch
ReplyDeleteAh huh, this is not so seemed to be a good advice. Illegals should just being categorized as illegals.
DeleteGolongan PATI harus dihantar balik, golongan ini tidak membawa manfaat dan perkembangan.
DeletePunishment for those who are involved in the Project IC is needed, but it was not the responsibility of the RCI panel to punish them, their job is to inquiry to issue and suggest the suitable action to be taken against them. Just wait and see.
ReplyDeleteMay the investigation be carried out with full of integrity.
Deletetanggungjawab untuk menjatuhkan hukuman adalah tanggungjawab mahkamah...
DeleteSebatan tidak akan mengurangkan kadar PTI.
DeleteKita tunggu sahaja..jangan banyak cakap lah pembangkang.
DeletePaul Kadau said the establishment of the RCI is meaningless as it is too late to be implemented now. Paul, never say never. The Terms of Reference is already finalized, the RCI panel already set up. We are already one step closer to implement the RCI in Sabah. Let us wait for the PM to give his green light to start the probe on those who are suspected to be involved in the Project IC.
ReplyDeleteThe government is supposed to identify who were responsible for the PTI. This is what the government is trying to accomplish by setting up the RCI, the panel will use the 6 months allocated to investigate those suspected to be involved. Once identified, they will propose the necessary actions to be taken against them.
ReplyDeleteMahathir and anwar should be investigated.
DeleteRoyal Commissions usually involve research into an issue, consultations with experts both within and outside of government and public consultations as well.
ReplyDeleteThe results of Royal Commissions are published in, often, massive reports of findings containing policy recommendations.
DeleteThe commission may be made up of a committee or more often a single person, often a senior barrister or a retired judge.
ReplyDeleteThe primary job is investigation of the question that is put to it ("the terms of reference") and to make findings that are tabled in parliament. The powers are entirely dependent upon the Act of Parliament setting it up. Generally these include the power to call witnesses and compel answers. Sometimes a commission can punish by itself but this is usually restricted to contempt of the commission. Criminal charges if any generally come from the findings which are then acted on by the Director of Public prosecutions. Evidence at the commission will generally be introduced in Court at later prosecutions.
It is common for the commission to be able to force answers that incriminate the people giving them, but for this part of the evidence not to be allowed to be used in prosecuting those people later. This is on a case by case basis.
The Commssioners act much like judges but are often a bit more interventionist than a normal judge in a Commonwealth country and will ask more questions and get stuck into witnesses more.
Datuk Seri, who will be responsible to pay all expenses incurred in conducting the inquiry?
ReplyDeletedari dana rakyat la.. mana lagi..
DeletePenghakiman hanya boleh dilakukan oleh mahkamah dan RCI hanya boleh mengesyorkan bentuk tindakan yang harus diambil oleh kerajaan.
ReplyDeleteYa totally Agreed, They must state the punishment for those who involve with the Fake IC.
ReplyDeletejika siasatan mendapati ada yang bersalah, hukuman pasti akan dikenakan.
DeleteMake sure they find the root cause of the problem.
ReplyDeleteMahathir should be the first person to be investigated.
DeleteKes projek ic bermula sejak Dr. M. Tidak hairan ada pihak membuat kritikan sebegini.
DeleteThey only have 6 months to investigate.
ReplyDeletehopefully thet 6 months time frame is enough to solve this issue.
DeleteWhat punishment to be more precise?
ReplyDeletewould be nice to see the culprit in jail for 20 years and be cast out from the country forever after 20 yeas in jail.
DeleteLet RCI make suggestions on what punishment to be given to the culprits.
ReplyDeleteya, RCI akan memberikan syor hukuman terhadap yang bersalah.
DeleteHave there being any investigation lately?
ReplyDeleteThe court should pass the judgment.
ReplyDeleteWhile RCI recommends proper actions to be taken.
Deletemana2 yang terlibat dalam projek IC pasti tidak akan terlepas dari hukuman..
ReplyDeleteif RCI is meaningless without punishment, then we need to bring back ISA..
ReplyDeleteLet the panel members do their job first for 6 month and see how it goes.
ReplyDeleteya, biar panel melaksanakan tugas mereka dalam RCI ini.
DeleteHukuman kuat harus dikenakan ke atas mereka yang terlibat.
ReplyDeleteRCI harus diberi kuasa dan kebebasan untuk siasatan yang wajar.
ReplyDeletemereka yang bersalah akan dihukum juga bah tu.
ReplyDeletesemoga RCI ini akan berjaya mencari penyelesaian terbaik terhadap isu pati.
ReplyDeletetunggu dulu pelaksanaan RCI. moga ia brjaya.
ReplyDeleteDiharap RCI akan berjaya.
DeleteHukuman perlulah ikut undang2 yang ada.
ReplyDeleteThe burgeoning population of illegal immigrants in the east Malaysian state of Sabah has been a thorn in the side of many Sabah natives. They said foreigners have taken away jobs, business opportunities and now, allegedly stealing native land.
ReplyDeleteKnown as "Land Below The Wind", Sabah has long been a safe harbour for Filipinos who came to escape poverty and unrest in southern Philippines.
DeleteMany arrived by boats in the 1970s during the Jolo civil war, and more than 80,000 were accepted as refugees and given permits to stay and work.
DeleteToday, the Filipino market along the city's waterfront is a reminder of that past. A popular tourist attraction, the Filipino market is also a symbol of Sabah's perennial immigrant problem.
"The problem in Philippines, fighting and fighting especially economic problems, that's why they come here to find food and shelters," said Roslaine, a mother of four who sells pearls at the market.
DeleteIt is a family business started by her great-grandparents, who arrived from Mindanao, 40 years ago. Now, she and her family are all Malaysian citizens.
DeleteImmigrants - both legal and illegal - contributed to Sabah's population explosion. In 1970, Malaysia's second largest state had just over 600,000 people. By 2010, the number had more than quadrupled to a staggering 3.2 million.
According to government statistics, foreigners account for 28 per cent of its population, but many Sabah natives believe that the number is much higher because many foreigners have assimilated into local community by adopting malay names and becoming Muslims. They can also speak the Malay language fluently.
DeleteWilfred M. Bumburing, the member of parliament for the Tuaran district in Sabah, said: "They are already going into the fabric of our economy, they control the taxis, the buses now they are going to mini markets, displacing our people... They bring along their poverty, social problems, and culture of crime."
The pressing concerns of Sabah natives have finally prompted Prime Minister Najib Razak to set up a royal commission of inquiry to tackle the problem, as resentment was further fuelled by suspicion that the government gave citizenship to foreign immigrants during Dr Mahathir Mohamad's term as Prime Minister, in exchange for votes to stay in power.
DeleteUnder a state-funded squatter resettlement program, thousands of illegal immigrants have been moved inland to ease congestion in cities across Sabah.
DeleteThe situation is criticial as foreigners were accused of encroaching into the natives land. Many Sabah natives fear that if nothing is done to stop the influx, they may one day become ethnic minorities on their own soil.