By Joseph Lakai
Why should Sabah & Sarawak renegotiate the Petroleum Agreement 1976, when even in the first agreement Malaya did not honor the terms?
5% of Petroleum Sale is not less than RM500 million per year. The 5% was never a Royalty but total sale based on F.O.B.
The global petroleum & gas price for the last 2 decades was excellent. Why does the amount paid to the state government remain constant?
Why need to export Petroleum from Labuan and Gas from Bintulu? Who collect the Export Tax?
Why is Sabah & Sarawak have nothing to say to the Export Tax?
What about Tax on Petroleum Products into Sabah and Sarawak, Why is Sabah & Sarawak is not getting any of it?
Today, both the Chief Minister of Sabah and Sarawak wants to renegotiate.
The issue is that Petroleum belongs to the people not the leaders.
They have no right to renegotiate on behalf of the people –Only the Dewan Undangan Negeri has that power.
By Joseph Wilfred, Vice Chairman of Sabah Progressive Party (Sapp) N-34 Liawan
ReplyDeleteIn 1976 Sabah and Sarawak right to the oilfields were signed away for just 5% so-called "royalty" which seems not to be what it really is.
The most important question is when Malaya did not honour the agreement and all the other agreements -Malaysia Agreement, 18/20 Points Agreement.Malaya had repudiated the terms.
Sabah and Sarawak are not bound by these Agreement to the extent where they are entirely for the benefit of Malaya. If these agreements are voided then Sabah and Sarawak are free from all the legal lies with Malaya.
The bottom line is that the Malayan Government has been acting as the new colonial master by annexing Malayanising and looting Sabah and Sarawak since 1963 fulfilling its objectives to create a "Greater Malaysia".
Sabah and Sarawak should be the sole beneficiary of the oil income.
But that is too late in the day to talk about getting a better deal.
Since many have realised we are still a colony, the best deal and correct question is why are we not demanding de-colonisation and taking back out control of our oilfields and country?
We are not legally bound to be in Malaysia and we should be free to become independent states.
We all can see we will be better off like Brunei and Singapore enjoying their independence and determining their own affairs without Malayan control.
This fundamental question must be raise all the time including on 31 August (Malayan Independence Day) and 16 September (Malayanisation Day).
Datuk Musa Aman akan cuba membincangkan perkara ini dengan pihak Persekutuan. Harap royalti ini akan dapat didengar oleh pihak persekutuan untuk kepentingan penduduk Sabah.
ReplyDeletetinggi ka kebarangkalian kadar royalti dinaikkan?
DeleteYa kah ?
ReplyDeleteKan Minyak milik Sabah jadi pihak Malaya lah yang patut datang bincang bukan sebaliknya?
ReplyDeleteKalau cm ada niat nak bincang kenapa baru sekarang nak bincang setelah hal ini dah jadi hot cake dan PRU dah nak sampai? Kalau nak bincang, bincang juga 20 point tu!!!!!
Loyalty memang tiba masa untuk diperbaiki lagi jumlahnya.
DeletePerkara ini akan dibincangkan menurut Datuk Musa Aman, dalam statement beliau dua hari lepas.
ReplyDeleteHarap pebincangan mereka itu nanti akan membawa berita baik kepada rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik untuk rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman dah cakap akan bincang hal ini dengan PM, so kita tunggu sajalah.
ReplyDeleteKita haruslah memberikan sokongan kita kepada kerajaan Sabah untuk membincangkan semula perjanjian royalti minyak. Kita tunggulah dan lihat.
DeleteHarap hasil perjanjiannya memuaskan hati ramai pihak :)
ReplyDeleteSudah sampai masanya royalti minyak dinaikkan. Jadi dengan adanya tindakan dari Musa utk berbincang dengan PM, rasanya ada harapan royalti naik.
ReplyDeleteharap2 secepat yang mungkin lah...
Deletetahun 1976 lagi ba Akta Petroleum tu. patut kena semak sebab keadaan masa tu jauh bezanya dengan sekarang. pasti banyak sudah perubahan perlu dibuat.
Deletemoga Sabah akan dpt kenaikan royalti minyak.
DeleteAll the best kepada Musa. Harap dia dapat meyakinkan PM untuk naikkan royalti.
ReplyDeletemusa aman pasti akan berusaha...sebbagai rakyat sabah, kita harus memberikan sokongan penuh kepada beliau..
Deletemusa aman is a parrot.
DeleteKalau royalti minyak dapat dinaikkan pasti ia jadi berita yang paling mengembirakan buat Sabahan.
ReplyDeleteya..makanya kita harus menyokong cadangan musa aman untuk perjanjian minyak disemak semula..
Deletesetuju, memang baik jika royalti dapat dinaikkan.
Deleteharap masa tu masalah PATI pun makin berkurangan.
DeleteLoyalti ini boleh disalurkan untuk projek pembangunan.
DeleteMusa aman nak bincang pasal royalti minyak. Tak perlu gaduh2, sokong musa aman untuk bincang royalti minyak. Kita hanya minta musa aman minta royalti lebih banyak dari sekarang, desak supaya minta 50%. Ataupun minta cadangan dari rakyat sabah.perkara dan point utama kita ialah berapa % harus diminta, beri cadangan. Kalu gaduh sana sini, takut pula langsung tak dapat2. Ini peluang kita, kecuali la kalau hanya pemanis pilihanraya. Yang tu mmg saya tentang.
ReplyDeleteya..kita harus sokong musa aman...
DeleteSelagi ada peluang untuk naikkan royalti minyak, guna pakai peluang ini sebaik-baiknya. Sesiapa pun mahu keadaan jadi lebih baik dan bukan sekadar janji terang bulan politik.
Deletesemua pasti menyokong usaha yang sedang dibuat ini.
DeleteMasalah ini harus dibawa bincang. Perselisihan dan pergaduhan diantara cuma merumitkan lagi keadaan.
Deletemahu semak semula perjanjian minyak pun, SAPP mahu bising...seolah-olah SAPP tidak mahu perjanjian ini disemak semula..SAPP ni memang mengacau saja tahu...patutlah YTL kalah di batu sapi dulu..
ReplyDeletesapp memang pandai mengkritik saja. tapi tidak buat apa pun.
DeleteNampaknya BN & Musa sudah panik dan tergesa-gesa umum rci & minyak royalti dalam masa yang singkat dekat pru-13 untuk pancing undi.
Deletesebenarnya SAPP ni bukan berniat mahu selesaikan, saja mahu politikkan perkara ni untuk hasut pemikiran rakyat.
DeleteBila kerajaan tidak menyemak semula isu royalti minyak ini, SAPP bising. Kini kerajaan sanggup menyemak semula perjanjian royalti minyak, SAPP juga bising.
DeleteSAPP bukanlah mahu memperjuangkan hak rakyat, tapi untuk menjana publisiti untuk parti nyamuk mereka.
SAPP mmg kerja dia buat bising saja.
Deleteni joseph wilfred mungkin melobi untuk jadi calon SAPP di liawan...kompom kalah lah kalau dia tanding..
ReplyDeleteSabah adalah tuan punya minyak. Sepatutnya kelebihan berpihak kepada Sabah.
ReplyDeletememang benar tapi macam mana juga kalau pemimpin dari Sabah sendiri yang tandatangani 5% tu. memang banyaklah penyesalan rakyat terhadap pemimpin tu.
DeleteSemoga perbincangan antara kerajaan negeri dengan kerajaan pusat akan membantu Sabah dan Sarawak meningkatkan royalti minyak kita dari 5% kepada perjanjian royalti yang lebiih tinggi.
Deletesemoga hasil perbincangan nanti akan memanfaatkan Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKita tunggulah dan perbincangan isu royalti minyak oleh Kerajaan Sabah dan Sarawak dengan kerajaan Pusat. Semoga ia membuahkan hasil.
Deletebaguslah kerajaan berusaha untuk mendengar suara semua pihak.
ReplyDeleterakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan.
DeleteBINCANG saya sokong penuh tetapi dah nak dekat APRIL 2013 tak sampai setahun lagi MESTI PR13 jadi segerakan nanti mc bincang kena tanguh sebab kena Pilihan raya bila MENANG (Kalau kalau)maklum FIXED DEPOSIT dah goyah,Rakyat Sabah Sarawak terus berputih mata.......
ReplyDeleteDatuk Najib Razak said a Special Committee will be set up to look into the oil royalty issue, it will take 6 months to do so. There is still enough time before April 2013 if the Special Committee begins now.
DeleteIsu loyalti tidak harus digunakan untuk "political interest". Ia seharusnya diusahakan demi rakyat.
ReplyDeleteIsu loyalti selagi tidak diurus dengan baik, pasti mendatangkan kesan kepada BN di pru akan datang.
ReplyDeleteNow the sabah Bn government says the issue on petroleum royalty will be taken for discussion with the federal Government... haha is it just because GE13 is close by and they know they are losing out of support. Anyway no discussion would have happen if we in the opposition didnt push the issue. I guess its admission by the BN that we were right all along.
ReplyDeleteBUT I would rather have it all and get the hell out from malaysia!*&%$?#*
The opposition may call it a political gimmick, but to the people of Sabah and Sarawak, it is a reflection of the prevailing strong ties and mutual trust between the leaders of the two states and the Federal Government.
ReplyDeleteIf Sabah really can get more than 5%, sure people of Sabah will be very happy.
DeleteThe issue is actually nothing new and the opposition is merely "copying" it from political parties which are now aligned with the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN).
ReplyDeleteThe fact is, it was Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) which had first raised the issue. It was a dominant topic in its campaign in the 1985 state election that saw it toppling the Berjaya state government.
Politics should not be allowed to get into the way when dealing with such a delicate issue, in order to reach an amicable solution that would benefit the people of Sabah and Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteWhat is more encouraging for the leaders of the two states is the openness and willingness of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to hear them out.
ReplyDeletePerhaps, it is not far-fetched to assume that Najib will respond positively to the readiness of the two states to discuss the issue with Putrajaya.
As the Federal Government had already agreed to the formation of a special committee to review the oil royalties for Terengganu and Kelantan, it is only fair for Sabah and Sarawak to request that the review should also include the two East Malaysian states, the main contributors to the national oil production.
ReplyDeleteDulu ramai pembangkang minta royalti minyak dikaji semula tapi sekarang pembangkang ramai juga yang kritik.