Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has installed signboard informing the public of Sabah's Independence Day celebration to commemorate the 49 years of her freedom on 31 August.
KOTA KINABALU - The signboard was installed next to the premises of SAPP headquarters in Bornion Centre, Luyang here today.
SAPP Constituency Liaison Committee (CLC) Moyog Deputy Chairman cum Organising Secretary, Francis Mojikon said the celebration will be held at City Park here which will start at about 2 pm on 31 August.
"The installation of the signboard is aimed to inform the people of the state on the actual date of Sabah's independence. History clearly states that Sabah was given independence by the British on August 31, 1963 while Sabah, Sarawak, Malaya and Singapore formed Malaysia on September 16, 1963.
"Historical facts cannot and will not be changed but it seems that Kuala Lumpur is trying to mislead the people of Malaysia especially Sabah on the actual date of our independence.
"Independence Day being celebrated all this while including this year's of 55 years is actually the independence of Malaya given by the British on 31 August 1957, while Sabah's independence is actually 49 years," he said.
He said the installation of the signboard will be able to provide information to the city's residents about the actual age of Sabah's independence.
He said the event will alert the people about attempts by Kuala Lumpur to distort historical facts about Sabah's independence.
Francis said the theme of the Independence Day's celebration organised by SAPP, Sabah Merdeka 49 Years, coincides with the historical facts and the actual age of Sabah's independence.
He said all this while Kuala Lumpur scraped the wealth of Sabah and did not respect the 20 Points enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement.
He said Kuala Lumpur even went on to distort historical facts especially the actual date of Sabah's independence.
Don't make yourself a laughing stock on insisting that Sabah got 49 years of independence. Sabah experience independence from 31st Aug, 1963 to 16th sept, 1963, which comes to a total of 16 days only, the rest of the years till now is all about colonisation by Malaya and never independence, self government or the least autonomy as promised by Tunku Abdul Rahman. Check your facts.
DeleteFact is a fact, Sabah is in itself independent before forming Malaysia. Whether it is minutes, seconds or days..the fact remains. Hello, check what facts Anak Sabah? Facts are clearly there, so why check for what.. only left is distortion of facts that the BN government is now doing.
DeleteMany facts were simply ignored by Britain and Malaya in their haste to "form Malaysia"!
You have to look into the motivations of the British and Malayans who conspired to force Sabah and Sarawak into their neo-colonial "Malaysia".
1. Fact: The British were under pressure from the powerful wave of local demands for independence and the directions of the UN De-colonisation committee to de-colonise Sabah and Sarawak.
They dusted their 1942 Malayan Union plan to consolidate the Malayan Singapore and British Borneo protectorates (SS were only colonies from 1945. Brunei continued as a “protectorate”) into a single colonial administration called the "Malaysia Plan" which fitted in with Malaya's "Greater Malaysia" small time colonial/expansionist idea.
In 1942 the British tried to convince the ruler of independent Sarawak (yes 100 years of independence BEFORE Malaya!) to hand over Sarawak as a colony but the Rajah disagreed at the time. (He later reneged and sold out Sarawak in 1945 for a large sum of money).
2. Fact: Giving/granting Sabah and Sarawak independence created the illusion that the people here were exercising a free choice and agreeing to let their 2 "independent" countries become part of "Malaysia" to comply with the UN De-colonisation committee requirement.
3. Fact: Britain avoided conducting a proper referendum under the UNDC requirement and instead conducted a “survey” led by a British banker (!) called Lord Cobbold. Even so, they could only come up with 30% of 2,000 odd interviewees as agreeing with “Malaysia”. This does not mean 100% agreed as many misinformed people are arguing to legitimising Malaysia. In any case the British ignored this result and went ahead and jointly announced with Malaya they were going ahead with “forming Malaysia”.
4. Fact: The British not only ignored this survey or opinion poll but ignore the results of a properly conducted election in Brunei under British supervision. This was the Brunei Legislative Council elections in 1962 where the ANTI-MALAYSIA Brunei People's Party worn 99% of the electable seats (other seats by appointment). The British reused to allow the BPP to form the elected government. This led to the Brunei Uprising to oppose Malaysia and for real national independence.
5. Fact: Borneo People resisted the “Malaysia Plan” and preferred independent North Kalimantan state. At the same time in imposing the plan the British and the UN ignored the FACT that in December 1962 the people in Brunei and Sarawak had rose up in armed resistance to oppose the British/Malayan new colonial plan.
6. Fact: The Malaysia Agreement is an unequal treaty forced on us- the terms and conditions are unequal despite clauses enshrining democratic rights. This was later reinforced by amendment to make it even more unequal for Sabah and Sarawak.
7. Fact: Colonial plunder was first and foremost in the minds of the Malayan colonialists like Tunku A Rahman and Tun Razak. This is seen in their negotiations with the Brunei Sultanate. The Malayans demanded control of Brunei oil and gas but could seal the deal by giving the Sultan the right be become “Head of State” of the new political structure. Sabah and Sarawak also cannot appoint the candidate as head of state.
In a recent article Joe Fernandez pointed out that UMNO had pushed Brunei to become independent in 1984 and tried to persuade it to join Malaysia. To the sultan's credit and wisdom he refused. At the time AM Azahari BPP Leader was still alive and UMNO also tried to buy him to bring Brunei into Malaysia. Azahari as a true patriot also refused. This reflected the Malayan intention to control and dominate all the Borneo colonies. Now most facets of government is controlled from Kaula Lumpur.
So do we still have independence or are we still colonies? Look at the facts everyone!
Very well written. Thanks for highlighting all these facts. Sabah really need peoples like you.
ReplyDeleteSarawak became "independence" on 22 July and was pushed into "Malaysia" with Sabah on 16 September.
They did not even bother to comply with the UN De-colonisation committee's rules for colonisation such as holding a referendum! Even the British governors of the 2 colonies expressed their concern that the people were not ready.
They British and Malayans shouted wolf about foreign invasion and assisted Malaya to invade and annexe Sabah and Sarawak under cover of suppressing the Brunei anti-Malaysia uprising in December 1962.
The evidence of the past 49 years show that neither Sabah nor Sarawak had any real independence but remained colonies. All we got was "Malayanisation".
They did not bother with the 18 or 20 Points agreement to Borneonize that is to let us take over control of our affairs.
Then they stole our resources and have been using the oil revenue from Sabah and Sarawak to develop Malaya and enrich UMNO members.
Our economy and politics was integrated with Malaya.
Malaysia is just a bunch of broken promises.
Some people are saying Malaysia is a PONZI Scheme. Malaya had taken everthing including our independence from us and gave back nothing.
So we can only suggest to our compatriots that on 31 August (Malayan Independence Day) or 19 September (Colonisation Day) fly the colonial flag at half mast to mourn the loss of our independence and democratic and human rights or upside down to express our distress!
Ramai juga penduduk asal kita tidak faham tentang sejarah kita ini, mereka mesti diberitahu...!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteKalaulah saya ada fund/peruntukan, saya akan keseluruh pelusuk tanah air Borneo untuk tujuan ini.
Kita mesti buat sesuatu untuk mempertahankan sabah dan sarawak kerana sejarah telah dipesongkan dan diputarbelitkan demi untuk hasil kekayaan yang ada. KITA telah kerugian hasil bumi kita dan juga masa untuk pemerintahan sendiri terbantut kerana kerakusan pihak Malaya sejak 49 tahun lalu.
Bangkitlah wahai anak bangsa, anak jati Sabah, BORNEO.
Orang Borneo Urara
Tips of Borneo
89058 Kdt.
DeleteWill Wikisabah please compile all those mentioned facts and upload as a main articlle with malay translation
ReplyDeleteMeaning to say that Sabah had independence for only two weeks. Someone please put up a banner to tell the people that Sabah is yet to gain real independence.
Apa pun sejarah sememangnya tidak patut kita lupakan. Sejarah perlu diketahui sebaiknya.
ReplyDeleteAs the saying goes, never forget history lest we repeat it.
Deleteparti malaya lupa sejarah. Kaki pengampu dari parti malaya di sabah adalah pengkhianat kepada negara Sabah sebab bersekongkol dengan pemimpin mereka dari sebrang yang kuat menipu sejarah malaysia.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Anwar Ibrahim was the one who brought UMNO to Sabah, can we still trust him?
DeleteWrong. It was Mahathir.
DeletePapan tanda "Sabah Merdeka 49 tahun" didirikan
ReplyDeleteKOTA KINABALU, 23 Ogos 2012: Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP) telah memasang papan tanda memaklumkan orang ramai tentang majlis perayaan memperingati hari kemerdekaan Sabah kali ke-49 pada 31 Ogos ini.
Papan tanda itu telah dipasang diperkarangan ibu pejabat SAPP di Bornion Centre, Luyang di sini pada hari ini.
Timbalan Pengerusi SAPP Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Kawasan (CLC) Moyog dan Setiausaha Penganjur, Francis Mojikon berkata, acara itu akan diadakan di City Park di sini dan akan dimulakan kira-kira jam 2 petang pada 31 Ogos ini.
"Pemasangan papan tanda itu bertujuan untuk memberitahu rakyat negeri ini tentang tarikh sebenar Sabah mencapai kemerdekaan.
"Sejarah jelas menyatakan bahawa Sabah diberi kemerdekaan oleh British pada 31 Ogos 1963 manakala negara Malaysia yang di anggotai Sabah, Sarawak, Malaya dan Singapura dibentuk pada 16 September 1963.
"Fakta sejarah ini tidak boleh dan tidak akan berubah tetapi nampaknya Kuala Lumpur cuba mengelirukan rakyat Malaysia terutamanya Sabah tentang tarikh kemerdekaan.
"Perayaan hari kemerdekaan yang diraikan selama ini termasuk pada tahun ini iaitu 55 tahun sebenarnya adalah usia kemerdekaan Malaya yang diberi oleh British pada 31 Ogos 1957 manakala usia kemerdekaan Sabah sebenarnya 49 tahun," katanya.
Beliau berkata, pemasangan papan tanda itu akan dapat memberi maklumat para penduduk disekitar bandaraya ini tentang usia sebenar kemerdekaan Sabah.
Katanya, majlis itu nanti bakal menyedarkan rakyat Sabah tentang cubaan Kuala Lumpur memutarbelit fakta sejarah tentang hari kemerdekaan.
Francis berkata, tema perayaan hari kemerdekaan Sabah anjuran SAPP iaitu Sabah Merdeka 49 Tahun adalah bertepatan dengan fakta sejarah dan usia sebenar kemerdekaan Sabah.
Beliau berkata, selama ini Kuala Lumpur telah mengikis kekayaan Sabah serta tidak menghormati 20 Perkara yang termaktub dalam Perjanjian Malaysia.
Katanya, tidak cukup dengan itu Kuala Lumpur juga memutarbelit fakta sejarah terutamanya tarikh sebenar kemerdekaan.
Ini siapa tidak tahu, SAPP ingat rakyat Sabah tidak faham sejarah kah? September 16, 1963 adalah hari kemerdekaan Sabah, ini semua orang pun tahu.
ReplyDeletePatutlah olang malaya bilang olang sabah semua bodoh .......macam kau la.....buat malu pi kau di malaya lah puiiiii.
DeleteSAPP/STAR/wikisabah : Sepatutnya semua jenis pemberitahuan(sepanduk, kain rentang atau papan tanda) dipasang pada semua jalan-jalan stratejik seperti simpang utama dan kawasan yang mudah dilihat dalam bahasa yang boleh difahami. Warga emas yang kurang faham bahasa melayu dan inggeris dapat diberitahu dengan sejelas-jelasnya oleh anak-anak mereka selepas membaca papan tanda tersebut.
DeleteMasih banyak lagi kawasan yang tidak mempunyai bahan bacaan terutamanya akhbar-akhbar tempatan. Misalnya kawasan pendalaman, sebahagian Kudat, Pitas, Paitan, kawasan ulu Kota Marudu dan kebanyakkan kawasan tengah dan selatan negeri Sabah(pendek kata seluruh Sabah.
Sebenarnya masih ramai lagi penduduk kita yang hauskan berita terutamanya mengenai fakta-fakta tentang kebenaran sejarah kemerdekaan Sabah oleh pihak Inggeris pada 31hb. Ogos, 1963 ini.
Antara 55 tahun dengan 49 tahun kemerdekaan memang ada beza yang amat besar. Fakta sejarah memang tidak patut diputarbelitkan. Tugas kita sekarang ialah menegakkan fakta yang benar kepada semua rakyat Sabah tua atau muda dan seterusnya kepada generasi pelapis kini dan masa depan.
Orang Borneo Utara(non-politician)
Tips of Borneo
89058 Kdt.
The 20 Points enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement must be respected and fulfilled by the Federal Government.
ReplyDeleteSemoga sejarah Sabah dan Sarawak yang sebenarnya boleh dimasukkan dalam buku teks sejarah untuk sekolah supaya generasi muda kita boleh mengingati dan mengetahui kejadian sebenarnya.
ReplyDeleteApa yang betul2 tersemat dalam pemikiran saya ialah Hari Kemerdekaan 31 Ogos. kalau tanya 16 september tu pada pelajar, saya rasa 31 Ogos lagi dominan@paling diingat.
ReplyDeleteitu kerana kita telah makan dan tidur bersama berita kemerdekaan 31 Ogos(1957-malaya) tapi bukan 31 Ogos 1963-Sabah. 16 Sept. itu adalah hari Malaysia(pembentukan Negara Malaysia)<-- Kita 'ditipu' untuk menyertai penubuhan Negara Malaysia(sedangkan sebenarnya rakyat Borneo Utara tak pernah bersetuju pun.)
DeleteWhen the British gave us Independence on 31 August 1963 were we Sabah yet ? Or still North Borneo ? please some one enlighten....
ReplyDeleteUnity4borneo, The Malaysia agreement was signed in London between five parties in 1963 and if you look at Article 1 of the MA it says the State of North Borneo and not Sabah. The word Sabah came later at the insistence of Malaya.
DeleteThanks for the updated highlights.
ReplyDeleteAt least the people of Sabah need to konw.
ReplyDeleteRakyat patut tahu fakta sebenar supaya mereka jadi lebih bijak dalam membuat penilaian.
DeletePerhaps history is yet to repeat itself.
ReplyDeleteSabahans in unity we stand, divided we fall...please take note.
ReplyDeleteThe people needs to be enlighted properly.
ReplyDeleteMaisng-masing ada pandangan sendiri terhadap hal ini. Tapi yang penting sejarah mengajar kita utk jadi lebih baik dan bukannya sebaliknya.
ReplyDeleteya, sejarah mengajar kita untuk jadi lebih baik dan menghargai setiap yang dimiliki.
DeleteSelamat menyambut bulan kemerdekaan semuanya:)
ReplyDeletesemua harus menghargai dan menghayati kemerdekaan ini.
DeleteHal ini perlu diperjelaskan supaya tidak lagi dipanjangkan oleh mana-mana pihak hingga merosakkan keharmonian negara.
ReplyDeleteKononnya bulan kemerdekaan tapi kenapa keadaan sekarng ni macam menuju ke arah yang tak baik. huhuhu
ReplyDeleteMoga-moga ke arah MERDEKA yang sebenar-benarnya untuk negara Sabah
ReplyDeleteSiapa yang akan memperbetulkan semuanya?
ReplyDeletePastikan generasi akan datang mengetahui tentang fakta ini.
ReplyDeleteKemerdekaan yang telah kita capai, harap tidak akan terganggu begitu sahaja.
ReplyDeleteSAPP the new independence hero?
ReplyDeleteBendera Sabah dan Malaysia semakin kurang dikibarkan bila Hari Kemerdekaan menjelma.
ReplyDeleteya, setiap individu patut bersemangat untuk kibarkan bendera.
Deletesemua harus faham sejarah agar kita lebih mencintai negara dan negeri kita.
ReplyDeletesemoga keamanan dan keharmonian yang ada akan terus dijaga dan dikelalkan.
ReplyDeletebanyak pula duit SAPP untuk buat itu signboard.. sebelum ini setiap kali SAPP bagi bantuan, mesti dana itu datang dari derma rakyat.. adakah pembinaan signboard ini juga hasil dari derma rakyat?
ReplyDeletemasa YTL jadi KM Sabah, kenapa beliau dan pemimpin2 SAPP tidak betulkan sejarah Sabah?
ReplyDeletekalau ko kerja dengan kerajaan ko kena ikut cakap kerajaan dan begitulah yang terjadi kpd SAPP. SAPP sekarang bukan lagi dalam kerajaan jadi SAPP boleh tolong kita betulkan fakta sejarah ini. Itu pun terrorist tidak tahu kah??? sama dengan nama ko sebagai terrorist jugalah....kan, harap maklum...
DeletePBS UPKO dalam kerajaan tapi boleh suarakan dan sentiasa perjuangan RCI, NCR dan royalti minyak Sabah.
Deletebagi saya pemimpin2 pembangkang suka sangat mengelirukan rakyat.. memang betul Malaya merdeka 55 tahun manakala Sabah merdeka 49 tahun.. tetapi Malaya yang mengajak Sabah untuk bergabung membentuk Malaysia.. so sudah tentulah tarikh mana2 yang lebih awal digunakan untuk sambutan hari merdeka.. takkan la Malaysia mahu guna "Malaysia 49 tahun merdeka" sedangkan ada tarikh yang lebih awal dari itu..
ReplyDeletepun agak salah. Malaysia tak pernah wujud sebelum sept,1963. Tarikh terbaru yang harus digunakan sebagai lambang perpaduan atas perjanjian yang dibuat bersama. Pihak Malaya mengajak Sabah dan Sarawak bergabung tapi Sabah sebenarnya menolak dan tak pernah mahu bersama Malaysia tapi kerana Malaya terlalu licik menipu dengan menggunakan strategi yang kita tak dapat elak kerana kurang pemahaman dan perhubungan yang agak jauh.
DeleteKetahuilah wahai terrorist bahawa Malaysia digunakan untuk menjajah semula negara Sarawak dan Sabah.
.....sedihnya dan sangat mengecewa kalau masih ada yang terrorist yang tidak dapat informasi yang betul. ko masih kegelapan, bukalah tempurung tuu..........
Sudah jadi pembangkang, baru la SAPP semangat dengan isu2 kemerdekaan.
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today called for a stop to debate over Merdeka Day and Malaysia Day, saying both the dates were meaningful and important in the country's history.
ReplyDelete"Aug 31 (1957) and Sept 16 (1963) are sacred dates," he said at the Malaysia Day open house in Kampung Assyakirin.
ReplyDeleteNajib said it was more important to look ahead and not back in the interests of the people and country, with the federal government's assurance of continued development for Sarawak in line with the state government's vision to become a high-income state.
ReplyDeleteThe prime minister said that from the time Sarawak gained independence within Malaysia, the federal and state governments had together brought about continuous change without the need for a new declaration.
ReplyDelete"Many possibilities became realities for Sarawak," he said, adding that it was important to maintain the good understanding between the federal and state governments.
ReplyDeleteEarlier, Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud called for continuity in the national leadership established since independence to ensure that Sarawak became a high-income state.
ReplyDeleteHe said Najib's father, the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, with the cooperation of the state government led by Tun Abdul Rahman Yakub in the 1970's, had laid the foundation for Bintulu to become a progressive town through the development of petroleum and gas resources.