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Monday, October 15, 2012

Whither PBS without Pairin?

Raymond Tombung

Was PBS president Joseph Pairin Kitingan’s decision to announce his retirement at this juncture a calculated, tactical move?

Joseph Pairin Kitingan has finally mentioned the near-taboo word – retirement! If all these years he had allayed fears among his Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) members that he was leaving the political scene, this time he said it quite clearly that he was retiring after the 13th general election when his term expires.

Now that the proverbial cat is already out of the bag, much speculation and many questions are being raised with regard to PBS’s future without him.

PBS is facing the stark reality of being a party without the founding giant to lead it.

Most political observers would openly admit that PBS’ future looked very different without Pairin at the helm.

Some may even ask if there is any PBS future to talk about because in the tradition of Sabah’s politics, Pairin is PBS and PBS is Pairin, just like Harris (Salleh) was Berjaya and Usno was Mustapha (Harun).

The idea of a Pairin-less PBS is, honestly, still “unthinkable”. In fact, to talk of PBS without Pairin simply doesn’t make sense.

This may be a case in which the old adage “nobody is indispensable” will be proven wrong again.

The suspense and trepidation gripping PBS now is palpable, even to those who are not in the party.

A heap of questions are coming out: What now? Who is going to replace Pairin when he is irreplaceable? What kind of future can PBS talk about, or even imagine, without the big guy?

The natural choice for replacement, in accordance with party hierarchy, is Maximus Ongkili. But will Ongkili be able to hold the party together?

Will party members be able or willing to make the paradigm shift that Ongkili will surely usher in with his own brand of philosophy, style and strategy?

What new, unseen forces will emerge to challenge him and destabilise the party? Or with the uncertainty prevailing on many fronts, will there be a power struggle?

Of course, PBS’ relevance is not wholly centred on Pairin alone, but also on the outcome of the the national polls.

How many seats can PBS retain in the coming election? What if BN’s foothold slides further, if not in Sabah, then in the Peninsula? Or what if BN’s seats are increased but PBS’ seats are significantly reduced?

Political misstep?

There can also be serious polemics on whether Pairin should have announced his retirement so early.

Why did he let the cat out of the bag so long before the GE13 is expected to be held?

Wouldn’t it have been a lot better to be silent on the issue until after the election is over?

Political observers think that whatever politicians, especially the veterans, say or do are well-thought-out strategic moves with subtle gambits, but this is mostly not true.

Politicians make mistakes all the time, such as shooting in the dark, putting their foot into their mouths, taking steps into political holes, or worse, explosive mines.

In the case of Pairin’s decision to announce his retirement at this juncture, one may presume it must have been a calculated, tactical move since Pairin is no greenhorn in politics.

But it is not easy to pinpoint what this tactical move could be.

What we can see is that it may have been a misstep for several reasons:
  • it has brought down morale and caused trepidation among PBS members (with the PBS Keningau Youth already saying Pairin’s leadership is still needed);
  • it has given a morale boost to his opponents, most importantly his brother Jeffrey and his State Reform Party (STAR);
  • it has caused confusion among PBS leaders who are now facing members’ hard questions about the party’s future; and
  • it has somewhat eroded the (future) relevance of the party within and without the BN.
Was ‘retirement’ a strategy?

One may also believe, or assume positively, that Pairin did it all for the purpose of gaining sympathy votes from his and PBS’ constituents.

He most likely wants to let them know that this is his last round in the game. He likely wants to make them feel they should give him their support for the last time, as their last respect and final farewell gesture.

But this may not necessarily work because there is also the other side of the coin.

Many may feel he should retire sooner, thus ushering in a change immediately after the election.

Recently, the Keningau Amanah deputy chairman Victor Leonardus had urged Pairin to step down from politics and give the younger generation a chance in the 13th general election, lest he suffers defeat and affect his status as the “huguan siou” (paramount leader).

So far only a few senior PBS leaders had reacted to this announcement, perhaps because they are still trying to get their bearings amidst their confusion and sadness.

Firstly, it is not something they should support, but not something they should strongly oppose either because of Pairin’s age. Pairin is 72 years old.

Secondly, it is a bad idea to over-react to it in the media lest the situation is made worse with conflicting statements.

Such over-reactions would betray PBS’ own fears, instability and weakness.

So PBS is clearly in a serious dilemma about it, hence the safest statement: “We still need his leadership” had been said, more out of politeness than anything else.

Whether the senior leaders of PBS like it or not, they must face the hard truth that PBS will be without Pairin within four or five years, if not sooner.

PBS ideology lost in today’s world

It is a strange feeling to try to fathom the depth of such a loss, to imagine the enormity of such a change, or to predict the frightful weight of the void, the emptiness, that is sure to come.

And nobody knows exactly what the consequences will be.

Of course, the most important question is: will PBS be able to reinvent itself to keep, or increase, the momentum of its struggle?

The most believable answer is the often heard vehement “no!”

“No political party in the history of Sabah had ever done that. Once the founding leader goes, it is downhill all the way.”

It’s hard to swallow that even with Pairin in the party today, the influence of PBS had waned so much, so imagine what it will be like without him.

The party had managed to sustain until today not in spite of Pairin but because of Pairin. So no matter how one looks at it, the prognosis is not good.

Many factors in fact had led to this scenario.

The party had not done enough to groom new leaders, and some say it had diverted from its original struggle, and attempts to justify its ideologies in recent years seemed to have fallen mostly on deaf ears.

But most importantly, time had caught up with PBS, overwhelming it with new ideas.

The world has moved on and PBS has been left behind.

Window of opportunity for Jeffrey

Political ideologies had shifted radically to make many concepts of the 1980s no longer valid.

Many groups are seen to have overstayed their welcome, many faces have become too familiar, and old oft-repeated speeches have become bland, tasteless, or plain monotonous.

When Pairin announced his plan to retire, he said: “So, people will be happylah!”

Was he hinting at his younger brother Jeffrey, who would now have a freer hand in taking over the Keningau parliamentary seat or the Tambunan state assembly seat,which he is contenting in the 13th general election?

Maybe the takeover of Keningau will happen a lot sooner than GE14 with rumour mills saying it is very possible Pairin will opt out of the race for the constituency in GE13.

Whatever happens it is clear that since Pairin announced his retirement, change had already swept over Keningau and over the whole atmosphere in PBS.

Pairin has now suddenly become a lame duck president, assemblyman and MP.


  1. Anwar Ibrahim’s indication to quit politics if Pakatan Rakyat fails to wrest federal power in the next general election is also just a strategy to win sympathy..

    1. Kami menantikan perkembangan selanjutnya.

    2. Anwar kan sama zaman dengan Mahathir , memang nilah masa persaraan dia...

    3. Anwar ada menyatakan dia akan bersara jika gagal menawam Putrajaya.. kita tgk adalah dia akan tunaikan kata-katanya.

    4. Memang kita harap sangat yang mana Anwar akan bersara cepat. Jadi kurang juga tekanan rakyat dengan gaya Anwar.

    5. Tiada yang akan bersimpati dengan Anwar. Ada harapan untuk bersara dalam politik tidak lama lagi kalau beliau tunaikan janji.

    6. Anwar tidak perlu disokong. Tidak ada guna menyokong pemimpin yang tidak ada usaha untuk rakyat ini. Hanya mementingkan diri sendiri semata-mata.

    7. Rakyat ingatlah janji2 mereka yang mahu bersara lepas PRU nanti macam si Anwar dan Ambiga.

    8. Teuskan menyokong Kerajaan BN Sabah ini. Kita percaya yang mana BN sabah mampu memberikan yang terbaik kepada penduduk Sabah.

    9. Orang yang banyak bercakap akan keburukkan kerajaan itu sebenarnya adalah orang yang dengki dengan Kerajaan BN Sabah.

    10. PBS akan terus kekal dengan parti komponen BN Sabah untuk bersama-sama membantu penduduk Sabah ini.

    11. Bersatu akan pasti dapat membuat parti itu akan terus kuat dan kukuh di Negeri Sabah ini. Gabungan antara semua pihak dalam BN memang perlu untuk memastikan perjuangan semua berjaya sepenuhnya.

    12. Anwar cakap beliau akan bersara jika kalah dalam PRU13 ni, bukan beliau maksudkan PKR atau PR. Potensi beliau untuk menang agar besar dan kerana itulah beliau berani cakap akan bersara.

    13. Huh, now said Pairin is playing tactic. Then how about Anwar said he will quit if he do not win? Is this one of the tactical moves too?

    14. Biasalah kaum pembangkang ni, memang kes cemburu punya pasal.

    15. Duh, that's a major problem with the opposition. Love to make chaos and get into it and blame others for it.

    16. ya...anwar juga mengatakan bahawa jika PR kalah/gagal membentuk kerajaan baru selepas pilihanraya, beliau akan bersara dari politik...kita lihat jika anwar ni berpegang kepada janjinya atau tidak kerana selama ini janji 100 hari beliau masih belum ditunaikan...

    17. Pembangkang pasti tidak akan mendapat sokongan dari rakyat, pembangkang tidak dapat memberi pembangunan kepada kita.

  2. Anwar’s intention to quit politics was just a way to draw attention away from various issues linked to the PR de facto leader.. Anwar’s rumoured bisexuality, sex video, sodomy case, support for Israel and recent claims of RM3 billion abuse in government funds as issues the PR leader was trying to divert from...

    1. Its the time for him to rest, seeing him such an old age still traveling around, retirement not far away from now...

    2. Govt denied that the Federal Government and its leaders have been taking away the rights of the State and Sabahans.

    3. What we knew that the Federal (Government) has never for once taken the rights of Sabahans but their have given more for Sabahan. So no let listen with what opposition rumours.

    4. Go..Go...Go.. PBS can do it. Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) here should at least have two State and one Parliamentary seat considering the constituency is the party President's stronghold.

    5. Bingkor PBS Chief, Peter Jino Allion said PBS President Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, who also is incumbent Keningau MP must be backed by at least two PBS assemblymen..

    6. Alang2 mahu bersara dari politik, kenapa Anwar tidak bersara saja sekarang..

    7. One of his moves to divert our attention.

    8. Sifat sebegini hanya akan mengundang masalah yang takkan selesai.

    9. Defamation against Anwar seemed to arise more and more. I bet he is resting well now.

    10. anwar sekarang mahu balas dendam kepada BN...kerana beliau telah terlepas kerusi PM malaysia...

    11. Anwar ada agenda sendiri, hanya mau membalas dendam terhadap UMNO.

  3. Anwar should not waste any more time if he intends to retire from politics as he has said. The way Anwar practices dirty politics including his passion to denigrate his own country to foreign countries makes him a leader who is consistently dragging the people into hiding his moral misconducts and integrity..

    1. He has gone thru lot of trouble, he should take a rest instead.

    2. I believe Anwar was involved in Project IC!

    3. In fact, I think the oppositions are talking nonsense, say what don't accept Peninsula leaders. But most of the oppositions are Peninsula.

  4. Anwar is the person who started the culture of street demonstrations on the name of democracy but in fact, he has his own motives. He will do anything to become prime minister.. so that's why I don't believe when he said he will quit from politics if the opposition fails to wrest federal power in the next general election..

  5. Jika benar pairin retire, baguslah memberi golongan muda untuk menjawat.

    1. Biar pun Pairin bersara, PBS tetap masih teguh berdiri

    2. Ini saja khabar angin ba, Pairin kan sudah cakap dia akan masuk pilihan raya yang akan datang.

    3. apa2 keputusan pairin kita kena terima.

    4. Joseph Pairin Kitingan is still relevant and needed in the state's political arena said BN leader.

    5. Pairin the paramount leader of the Kadazandusun community had contributed a lot to the state and to the people in Keningau parliamentary constituency and Tambunan state seat-Tambunan BN deputy chairman Cyril Yansalang

    6. There are still many people, especially among the younger generation, who are not aware of Pairin contribution to the state all these while.

    7. Sampai masa sudah Pairin bersara. Jasa beliau akan dikenang sampai bila2.

    8. Apa yang penting ialah beliau masih lagi mampu bertahan hingga kini.

    9. pairin masih relevan dalam politik sabah...rakyat masih memberikan sokongan kepada beliau...

    10. Pairin masih lagi di perlukan.. beliau masih mendapat sokongan rakyat.

  6. Pelapis Pairin pasti boleh dan mampu pemimpin PBS sekiranya Pairin bersara selepas PRU13.

    1. Para rakyat patut beryakin terhadap PBS, menyokong parti PBS.

    2. pasti ada yang boleh menggantilan pairin dan hebat seperti Pairin.

    3. pemimpin muda perlu belajar dari pengalaman Pairin dalam menjadi seorang pemimpin.

    4. Pairin akan sentiasa menjadi penasihat tetap kepada PBS selepas bersara.

    5. There is nothing wrong for a new face to come but it is not the way to insult him.

    6. What you hate about Pairin?

    7. apa2 pun, pairin haruslah mencari pengganti yang benar2 sesuai jika benar beliau mahu bersara...

    8. Jasa Pairin akan sentiasa di ingati.

  7. YTL,JK, Lajim dan pemimpin pembangkang yang sudah hampir expire perlu dan patut bersara. Kasi peluang orang2 muda lagi.

    1. Mereka tidak akan bersara,rasanya sampai tua tua pun tidak akan putus asa, biarlah kan tiada apa2 kesan juga kehadiran mereka.

    2. mereka ni pemimpin tak relevan lagi. baik bersara saja.

    3. Mereka nilah antara pemimpin yang pentingkan diri sendiri dan kejar kedudukan semata2 terutamanya JK yang sudah lompat parti 5 kali.

    4. Mereka ni golongan pemimpin yang opportunist. Selagi tidak dapat apa yang dihajati, selagi tu tidak mahu berundur.

    5. I think YTL should retire as well. He done nothing to Sabah to be precise.

    6. Ya betul tu, sokong 100%. Tiada gunanya dia di SAPP bukan berjuang untuk apa2 juga.

    7. YTL, Lajim sudah tidak relevan...patut bersara sekarang...sebab mereka ni hanya bebanan kepada parti..

  8. Saingan pairin dan jeffrey juga menjadi tumpuan.

    1. Adik beradik bersaing sepanjang umur demi idea parti2 sendiri, dunia politik memecahkan hubungan mereka....

    2. kerana politik adik beradik tak sefahaman.

    3. selama mereka bersaing, pasti ia akan memihak kepada BN.

    4. It was not proper for Pairin younger brother, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, to call for his exit from active politics.

    5. Pairin was still needed in Sabah especially in contributing to the success of the Sabah Development Corridor.

    6. Pairin mampu kalahkan Jeffrey.

    7. Is normal, everybody is keen to see siblings fighting.

    8. Lagipun orang ramai suka melihat bagaimana Jeff akan beraksi di gelanggang politik yang belum tahu kemenangannya.

    9. Pairin jauh lebih baik daripada JK.

  9. Pencen pun dipolitikkan.

    1. Kerana Pairin mempunyai pengaruhi yang kuat.

    2. Pairin sendiri ada mengatakan bahawa PRU-13 ni mungkin yang terakhir buat beliau. kita tau lah apa maksudnya ni.

    3. Tiada modal sudah mahu buat isu bah kali tu.

    4. Apa boleh buat la gaman, semua nak dipertikaikan dan last2 dia juga yang meninggal duluan.

  10. At least Pairin to give chance to the young generation.

    1. Belum tau lagi Pairin akan bersara ke tak lagi.

    2. Bukan Pairin sudah umum akan bersara selepas PRU13 ni ka?

    3. To cut the story short, I think he is going to make something out of our context which means, suggesting a great candidate for his place.

  11. Pairin definitely has the strategy and hope there will be a very gud substitute like him

    1. His contribution will be in Sabahan heart...

    2. younger leader should learn from him.

    3. ya, jika pairin bersara pun, pasti beliau akan cari pengganti yang layak.

  12. He may think to give chance to the younger generation

    1. mungkin juga, calon yang disyorkan mesti calon yang terbaik seperti dia.

  13. I belive that, Pairin will appoint sommebody whom capable reliable person like him

    1. I wonder who will be the lucky person. maybe good as him or better than him.

    2. Pengganti Pairin harus bersedia pikul tanggugjawab yang besar. Ianya bukan saja mewakili PBS tapi masyarakat KDMR secara amnya.

  14. Pairin adalah pemimpin KDM yang baik, dia adalah Huguon Siou.

    1. dia byk membela nasib kaum KDM.

    2. Rasanya siapalah calon yang layak untuk jadi pengganti Huguan Siou ni?

    3. entahlah siapa yang sesuai...karisma pairin selaku huguon siou dan presiden PBS amat dikagumi..

    4. kepimpinan pairin memang baik dan mendapat sokongan rakyat.

  15. The 13th general election will be the last that Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, who is Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president, will be contesting.

    He said that it was tiring to carry out the responsibilities of an elected representative.

  16. "In the subsequent general election (14th), I won't be contesting. So, everyone must be happy with this decision," Pairin told reporters after launching the state-level Shell Traffic Education Programme 2012.

  17. Pairin, 72, who is Keningau MP and Tambunan assemblyman, has been active in politics since 1975.

    When asked by reporters whether he would be defending his Parliamentary and State Assembly seats, he replied in jest: "It looks like it!"

  18. n another development, Pairin expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on the handing over of the instruments of appointment in Putrajaya on Friday to the Chairman and members of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to tackle the problems of illegal immigrants in Sabah.

  19. The commission comprises former Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong as the Chairman, and the secretary, Datuk Saripuddin Kasim who is also the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism.

  20. Parin mrupakan pemimpin yang dihormati dan disegani.

  21. parti mana yang berjuag untuk rakyat pasti akan disokong.

  22. pemimpin muda harus mencontohi kualiti kepimpinan yang ada pada pairin.

  23. Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan has confirmed his intention to run in the 13th general election, quashing rumours of his early retirement.

  24. The state's long-serving assemblyman said the plan was to defend both his Keningau parliamentary seat and Tambunan state seat.

  25. Pairin, 72, who is also Sabah's deputy chief minister, said he planned to retire by the 14th general election.

  26. "How do they know? You should quote what I said also -- that I am ready to contest," Pairin said of various online news quoting party insiders who claimed that he would be slowing down in the coming election.

  27. A Free Malaysia Today article yesterday claimed that Pairin would not contest the larger Keningau seat, which covers three state constituencies, but that he was still keen to be renominated as Tambunan assemblyman.

  28. The Huguan Siou, or paramount leader of the Kadazandusun community, was also said to be concerned about a possible negative impact on morale within PBS if he withdrew from the state political scene.

  29. "I will retire, but not for this election." Said Pairin Kitingan.

  30. "What I have planned and what I've discussed with my colleagues, is to contest this coming general election but not in the elections after that. I want to retire in the 14th general election. I hope those people concerned will be happy."

    1. Even after Pairin Kitingan has gone into retirement, he will always remain as our Huguan Siou.

  31. Pairin has been Tambunan state assemblyman for 36 years since 1976 when he first won the seat under a Berjaya ticket. Pairin won and has retained the Keningau seat since 1986.

  32. The struggle of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) must continue despite the impending departure of its president, Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, after the 13th general election.

  33. “Retirement doesn’t mean that the party shall stop contesting or that our candidates will stop contesting. Our candidates will continue to contest, especially if we’re allocated more seats,” said Pairin

  34. Pairin reiterated his intention not to contest in the 14th general election to allow for far-sightedness to prevail and for adequate planning to be carried out for the good of the party and its members and supporters.

  35. “While it is still a long way away to go, it is necessary to make the decision so that proper planning on the direction of the party would be able to take place.

  36. “In politics, there are areas for change that needs to be conducted for the good of the people and future generation. Don’t feel sad that I will not contest in the 14th election. This is in our planning so that our members and supporters would be able to think of the future for the party,” he said.

  37. Pairin added such changes were crucial and he hoped in years to come, there would be more participation from the party’s young turks.

  38. He urged for all members to remain united, steadfast and consistent in their fight as well as to look after the party’s machinery.

  39. While calling for senior members of the party to conduct awareness seminars so that the young would appreciate the party’s history, its struggle and fight for the future as well as its objectives for the people.

  40. “There is a need for us to inculcate this awareness among our young so that we can work together and build a better future together,” he stressed.

  41. In his speech, Pairin also likened PBS to a polished gem that has been moulded by the aspirations and dreams of its members and the people in Sabah.

  42. Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) supports the call made by Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman urging elected representatives to “turun padang” or visit their constituencies regularly.

    1. Its president, Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan said all Barisan Nasional (BN) Yang Berhormats must take heed of the request in order to serve the people better and ensure the success of the implementation of the government development plans for the people.


    2. PBS wholeheartedly support the call because that is the only way to immediately serve the needs of the people and solve their problems.

    3. He said YBs in PBS had no problems responding to the request even though there had been complaints from certain quarters.

    4. PBS celected representatives have taken note of the complaints and what is important is that they continue to improve their services to their constituents.

    5. Musa had reminded elected representatives to go down to the ground to determine development projects that needed to be implemented in their respective areas.

    6. Pairin did not deny that red tape or bureaucracy in the public sector was one factor that sometimes hampered the work of elected representatives.

    7. However, he believed that the problem could be resolved if the government departments, YBs and the people worked together closely.
