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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Anwar: No problem testifying in RCI

The opposition leader says he has no problem testifying in the RCI probing into citizenship granted to immigrants in Sabah.

KUALA LUMPUR: Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim said he would have no problem testifying in the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) probing the ‘Project IC’ in Sabah.

“I have no problem whatsoever. I knew for a long time the project was under the prime minister, that it did not involve a Cabinet process, so it is the full responsibility of the prime minister and finance minister.

“When I was there, even I was not briefed on the issue [of providing citizenship to immigrants],” Anwar told reporters at a press conference.

Yesterday Sabah Umno liaison deputy chief Salleh Said Keruak has challenged Anwar to tell the truth about the illegal immigrants to RCI tasked with looking into the long-standing problem in the state.

He said that Anwar was duty-bound to do so as he was deputy prime minister at that particular period, adding that “he was a powerful man and knew what was going on in Sabah”.

But Anwar said today he felt he had no reason to be worried because the RCI was an independent and transparent body.

“So they can check with the ex-AMK chief and the ex-MKN officers that I did not participate in any meetings with relevant authorities on the issues discussed in the RCI. They can check any files,” insisted Anwar.

Anwar also said the RCI had not summoned him because “they know I have nothing to do with it.”

“So Umno can try and use [this issue against me] but they must answer whether they themselves are directly involved.

“[Prime Minister] Najib [Tun Razak] himself is fully aware of the subject because it is still in practice,” claimed Anwar.

“It does not entirely implicate [former prime minister Dr] Mahathir [Mohamad] because it’s ongoing in the last few years. It did not end with the resignation or retirement of Mahathir.”

‘Mahathir has forgotten history’

He also flayed Mahathir for dragging the first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman into the issue.

The RCI, which began last Monday, is investigating claims that citizenship was given to illegal immigrants in Sabah during Mahathir’s administration.

Mahathir had admitted to reporters that foreigners were granted citizenship in Sabah during his time at the country’s helm, but stressed that it was “within the law”.

“One should also look back and remember that Tunku Abdul Rahman was worse than me, he gave one million citizenships to people who are not qualified and were not even tested,” Mahathir had told reporters.

“Why is it when he does it, it is not wrong, and when I do it, it’s wrong?”

Anwar said today: “Maybe Mahathir has forgotten history… this was the deal made by the Reid Commission and endorsed by Umno.”

He also said that Najib’s silence over the issue was a complete “abdication of responsibility” that reflected a weak position.

Last week, a former Sabah National Registration Department (NRD) director had reportedly told the RCI that blue identity cards were issued to increase the number of Muslim voters in Sabah.

According to media reports, he also said immigrants in Sabah were taught how to vote in elections, otherwise their identity cards were cancelled.

Last Wednesday, former Sabah NRD assistant registrar Kee Dzulkifly Kee Abd Jalil reportedly testified that 100,000 blue identity cards were given to Filipino, Indonesian and Pakistani immigrants in Sabah in 1993.

The late Megat Junid Megat Ayub, who was then deputy Home Minister, had also been accused of ordering the NRD to issue temporary documents to allow immigrants to vote in a 1994 state election.

The RCI disclosures have left a bitter taste in Sarawak, where thousands of Christian natives are still stateless.

Anisah Shukry


  1. Anwar ni satu2nya politician yang paling liat mahu mengaku.. kalau ada video sekalipun, dia tetap nafikan..

  2. PBS questions Anwar’s silence on RCI’s evidence

    All Sabahans should thank Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for setting up the Royal Commission of Inquiry

    Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) vice president Datuk Herbert T Lagadan has also questioned opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s silence over the evidence presented to the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah.

  3. All Sabahans should thank Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for setting up the Royal Commission of Inquiry

    “Why has Anwar been silent on the illegal immigrants issue and the Royal Commission of Inquiry’s proceedings so far? Is there anything he is afraid of?” Herbert asked.

  4. All Sabahans should thank Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for setting up the Royal Commission of Inquiry

    The Kadamaian assemblyman also said that he supported Sabah Umno deputy liaison chief Datuk Seri Salleh Said’s call to get Anwar to testify in the on-going Royal Commission of Inquiry hearing.

  5. All Sabahans should thank Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for setting up the Royal Commission of Inquiry

    “Being the Deputy PM and chief director of election operation in Sabah in 1994, he (Anwar) may have given instructions relating to phantom voters. To be fair to the real and true people of Sabah, both Anwar and former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir should be called to testify,” he opined.

  6. All Sabahans should thank Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for setting up the Royal Commission of Inquiry

    All Sabahans should thank Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for setting up the Royal Commission of Inquiry, he said, adding: “Now we can see the ray of hope that there will be a solution on the problem that has plagued us for more than four decades.

  7. All Sabahans should thank Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for setting up the Royal Commission of Inquiry

    Anwar was duty-bound to do so as he was Deputy Prime Minister at that particular period, adding that “he was a powerful man and knew what was going on in Sabah.

  8. All Sabahans should thank Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for setting up the Royal Commission of Inquiry

    Don’t be a hypocrite, perhaps with the inside knowledge, Anwar can help shed some light … so tell the truth to the RCI. He must not play politics. At least (Datuk Seri) Najib (Tun Razak), our Prime Minister is prepared to seek the truth and approved the formation of RCI to identify the roots of the problem.

  9. All Sabahans should thank Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for setting up the Royal Commission of Inquiry

    We should not come to a conclusion and blame certain parties just because of statements by few ex-ISA (Internal Security Act) detainees. We should let RCI complete its works … What we want is a permanent solution.

  10. All Sabahans should thank Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for setting up the Royal Commission of Inquiry

    Those who were qualified and obtained their citizenship through proper procedure should not be punished and those who obtained it through illegal or dubious means must have their citizenship revoked. That should be the way.

  11. Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein meminta agar orang ramai jangan terus membuat kesimpulan sendiri mengenai isu pemberian kewarganegaraan di Sabah oleh kerajaan BN.

  12. Menurut beliau, proses perbicaraan baru sahaja bermula dan ramai lagi saksi-saksi yang akan dipanggil untuk memberikan keterangan masing-masing kepada Suruhanjaya Diraja (RCI).

  13. Dua orang daripada saksi itu adalah tahanan ISA telah memberi kenyataan, dan selebihnya dua orang lagi memberi kenyataan bercanggah, dan ada sebab mereka ditahan dalam akta ISA, jadi kredibiliti saksi itu diragui, itu cuma beberapa, ada lebih 100 lagi saksi yang akan dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan.

  14. Jelas Hishammuddin, beliau meminta agar masyarakat terus mengikuti perkembangan isu itu terlebih dahulu sebelum mahu berkata apa-apa.

  15. “Saya cadangkan agar masyarakat tunggu dan lihat mengenai perkembangan terkini ini sebelum membuat apa-apa keputusan sehingga selesai semua saksi memberikan keterangan mereka.”

  16. Naik jet peribadi pun sebelum ini cuma dinafikan. Tapi bila terbongkar cakap ada orang kasih derma.

  17. Tidak tahu apa yang terjadi dengan Anwar sekarang ini.

  18. Memang patutlah rakyat terus menolak Anwar untuk menjadi pilihan rakyat.

  19. Semakin hampir Pilihanraya semakin berdentum sana sini isu lompat parti terutamanya dari negeri dibawah Bayu Sabah. Lompat si katak lompat yang mana bukan pekara baru bagi pemain politik negeri Sabah sebaliknya sudah lama berlaku.

  20. Jangan biarkan Anwar mengambil alih kerajaan yang sedia ada. Nanti bertambah bermasalah kita pula.

  21. Pelbagai isu dimainkan oleh pembangkang untuk mencari sokongan rakyat. Tapi kebanyakkan tidak berjaya.

  22. Anwar Ibrahim awal awal lagi menafikan dirinya terlibat dalam RCI. Betul ke lu tak terlibat Anwar Ibrahim? Betul ke ni Nuar? Tunggu jelah Anwar Ibrahim, bila hang dipanggil nanti satu Malaysia nak tahu apa cerita yang lu sembunyikan
