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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Project IC – Mahathir sullying the name of Tunku to save his own skin


He continues to insult our intelligence by assuming that the people are unable to differentiate between a shady operation shrouded in secrecy which is criminal and one that was done in accordance with a collective decision during the formative period of our history of independence.

Mohamed Azmin Ali, Deputy President, PR

The latest statement by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad to clear himself of any wrong doing in the clandestine IC scam under probe by the RCI shows him to be arrogant, unrepentant and an unscrupulous manipulator of history.

Dr Mahathir’s attempt to drag the first prime minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, into the mud is despicable and cowardly. He is trying to pull wool over the eyes of the rakyat by equating the IC scam conducted shadily under his watch as prime minister with the granting of citizenship in peninsula Malaysia during the Tunku’s time.

He continues to insult our intelligence by assuming that the people are unable to differentiate between a shady operation shrouded in secrecy which is criminal and one that was done in accordance with a collective decision during the formative period of our history of independence. In any event, the latter is not the subject of inquiry whereas the IC project is. So, Dr. Mahathir must stop throwing red herrings in the path just to distract us from the key issue.

The clandestine project took place just two weeks before the 1994 state election and Dr Mahathir must stop pretending he cannot see the link between that and the obvious conclusion that it was therefore a citizenship-for-votes scheme.

I maintain it is shocking to learn that the perpetrators in the scam stayed at the house of Aziz Shamsuddin and used it as the operations centre to issue the fake ICs. Equally shocking is the testimony that Megat Junid Megat Ayub had instructed NRD senior officers to issue the IC receipts.

Aziz Shamsuddin and Megat Junid could not have embarked on a scam of such a magnitude without the clearance of the man they would have to report to at that time and that would be none other than Dr. Mahathir.

I maintain my call that Dr Mahathir must be investigated for the act of treason to the people and to the nation for selling out our sovereignty in sanctioning this nefarious scheme just to ensure that UMNO-BN controls Sabah.


  1. Jika Mahathir ada bukti bahawa Tunku Abdul Rahman memberi IC kepada warga asing, baik tunjukkan bukti dahulu.

  2. Harap tindakan akan diambil terhadap mereka yang terlibat dalam Projek IC.

  3. Semua pihak yang didapati terlibat dalam Projek IC haruslah tampil memberi keterangan depan panel RCI.

  4. Diharapkan setiap keterangan yang diambil daripada saksi akan disiasat dengan teliti.

  5. Rakyat Sabah bergantung pada RCI untuk menangani masalah PATI dalam negeri.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. RCI mengenai masalah kehadiran pendatang asing di Sabah tidak mempunyai kuasa perundangan untuk menentukan penghakiman terhadap pesalah seperti yang dicadangkan oleh beberapa pemimpin di negeri itu.

  8. Tan Sri Bernard Dompok berkata penghakiman dilakukan oleh mahkamah dan RCI hanya boleh mengesyorkan bentuk tindakan yang harus diambil oleh kerajaan.

  9. RCI tidak harus dipolitikkan kerana niatnya murni bagi menangani isu pendatang tanpa izin ke Sabah sama sekali.

  10. Mereka yang sudah pergi kalau bersalah sekalipun tidak akan mendapat hukuman pengadilan dunia.

  11. Di akhirnya nanti, harap semua pesalah yang disabitkan akan mendapat hukuman atas tindakan mereka menjual maruah negara.

  12. RCI akan siasat dan pastikan projek IC dpt dibasmi.

  13. Pemuda Barisan Nasional (BN) Sabah yakin kerusi Parlimen Penampang akan kekal menjadi milik BN pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 sekalipun digembar-gembur pembangkang sebagai kawasan ‘kelabu’.

    1. Ketuanya Datuk Awang Kadin Tang berkata tindakan pembangkang menguar-uarkan Penampang bukan lagi kawasan selamat BN adalah sekadar gimik politik untuk mengelirukan pengundi.

    2. “Apa yang nyata ialah BN semakin kuat di kawasan Parlimen Penampang, khususnya dalam kalangan pengundi muda dan saya yakin dengan kerjasama semua sayap Pemuda komponen BN, kerusi Parlimen Penampang akan terus kekal di tangan BN,” katanya selepas perjumpaan dengan Pemuda BN Penampang, di sini malam tadi.

    3. Kerusi Parlimen Penampang kini disandang Menteri Perusahaan Perladangan dan Komoditi yang juga Presiden Pertubuhan Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Bersatu (UPKO) Tan Sri Bernard Dompok.

    4. Mengulas lanjut, Awang Kadin berkata Pemuda BN Sabah akan memperhebat kempen mendekati pengundi muda ‘atas pagar’ dalam usaha membantu BN meraih kemenangan pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.

  14. Ketua Pemuda Umno Penampang, Hafiz Sua Abdullah member jaminan akan memberi sokongan padu kepada Dompok jika beliau dicalonkan semula di kawasan Parlimen Penampang.

    1. Beliau berkata sejak pilihan raya umum 2008, BN telah membawa banyak pembangunan di kawasan Penampang, dan berharap rakyat Penampang akan terus memberi sokongan padu kepada BN demi masa depan yang lebih cerah.
