The fighters are veteran members of the Moro National Liberation Front and some have slipped through the security forces.
MANILA: Battle-hardened Moro guerrillas have sailed from Mindanao to reinforce followers of Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III who are battling Malaysian forces in Sabah, one of their leaders said Wednesday.
The fighters are veteran members of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) who waged a decades-long insurgency against the Philippine government before signing a 1996 peace pact, Muhajab Hashim told AFP.
“Many have slipped through the security forces. They know the area like the back of their hands because they trained there in the past,” Hashim told AFP.
“We are expecting more of them to join (the fighting) even if our official instruction is for them to refrain from going.”
If the claim is true, the Moro fighters will be engaging Malaysian security forces with little or no experience in warfare.
Hashim could not say how many MNLF fighters had managed to slip through naval cordons set up by the Philippines and Malaysia, but said “thousands” had earlier expressed interest in joining.
Hashim is chairman of the MNLF’s Islamic Command Council overseeing all of the group’s armed forces, which were meant to disarm as part of the 1996 peace pact but never fully complied.
He said that although MNLF leaders had not officially instructed their men to sail to Malaysia, they fully supported the sultan’s efforts to reclaim the Malaysian state of Sabah as his territory.
“MNLF fighters are adherents of the sultan, we are followers. So there is more than an alliance,” he said. “We feel very strongly against the attacks against our brothers from Sulu.”
Malaysian security forces launched a major offensive on Tuesday to end a three-week standoff between followers of Kiram that has left at least 27 people dead.
However, the sultan’s aides said in Manila that their followers, believed to originally number between 100 and 300, had escaped Tuesday’s attacks.
The MNLF was founded by Muslim scholar Nur Misuari to fight for a Muslim homeland in Mindanao in the late 1960s, and had once received support from Malaysia.
ReplyDelete“Many have slipped through the security forces. They know the area like the back of their hands because they trained there in the past,” Hashim told AFP.
"If the claim is true, the Moro fighters will be engaging Malaysian security forces with little or no experience in warfare."
This is a big2 "Thanks" to UMNO which has in the past sponsored and trained the MNLF and all this happened in Sabah!
So where does that put Sabahans who traded in their independence for UMNO promised protection in Malaysia just 50 years ago?
Will Sabahans wake up to the fact that not only UMNO failed in its promise to defend Sabah from foreign invasion but actually was a sponsor and financer for the MNLF with Sabah oil money?
How is this possible? UMNO broke all its Malaysia formation promises and impoverished Sabah and Sarawak by plundering their resources. UMNO also exposed the Borneo people to domination by foreign illegals.
Now the fear of foreign invasion and domination is coming true at the same time in Sabah. The Moros threaten to invade in large numbers and there are 2 million illegals who may support them in their take over of Sabah.
Again a big "thank you" UMNO! You lousy bunch of brainless shitheads!
Would anyone in their right mind still want to sign any petition to "remain Malaysians"?
It is time to re-assess the relevance of Sabah and Sarawak as annexed stated in Malaya.
It is time to wake up and see that real independence like that enjoyed by Brunei and Singapore is one million times better than what people are calling a hell-hole called Malaysia!
lol, when are you gonna wake up and see that all you sandniggers will be exterminated and there will be NO deal, and you won't even get your payments anymore, LMAO, you're fucked!
ReplyDeleteGo back to LandFill-ippines, you rice nigger!
ReplyDeletePengikut Sultan Sulu Tiada Cadangan Hantar Pasukan Bantuan Ke Sabah
ReplyDeletePencerobih ini tidak harus bersikap sebegini khas di tapak negara lain.
DeleteTidak akan ada bantuan pasukan ke Sabah (untuk pengikut Sultan Sulu) dari Pulau Simunul di Tawi-Tawi. Menurut laporan portal ANC.ABS-CBN News pada Selasa 5 Mac 2013, keluarga mereka di Tawi-Tawi juga sudah bersedia menerima kenyataan bahawa mereka yang terkepung di Lahad Datu tidak akan pulang ke pangkuan mereka.
ReplyDeleteWartawan ANC.ABS-CBN News, Jeff Canoy, yang berada di Pulau Simunul melaporkan bahawa terdapat beberapa orang lelaki di pulau itu yang bermaksud untuk turut menyertai pencerobohan ke Sabah tetapi telah ketinggalan bot. Ditanya samada mereka akan menyertai rakan mereka di Lahad Datu, kumpulan lelaki berkenaan menjawab bahawa mereka tidak bercadang untuk berbuat demikian, melainkan ada arahan (dari ketua mereka).
Seorang pengikut Sultan Sulu, "Capt. Akhmad Ibnohasim" memberitahu dia telah dijanjikan oleh Kesultanan Sulu bahawa kehidupannya di Sabah akan lebih baik dan akan diangkat sebagai pegawai tentera yang sewajarnya.
ReplyDeletePada Isnin 4 Mac 2013, pihak kerajaan Filipina juga telah melawat wilayah tersebut dalam usaha menghalang lebih ramai pengikut Sultan Sulu menyeberang ke Sabah.
ReplyDeletePantauan yang lebih ketat harus dibuat agar tiada pengorbanan yang berterusan.
ReplyDeleteMereka harus dikenakan hukuman yang ketat.
ReplyDeleteTuntutan ini tidak akan mengkhabur.
ReplyDeleteJangan membiarkan kuasa ini merebak.