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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dr M's sly twists before Anwar's turn in Sabah RCI

Dr Mahathir Mohamad has problems leaving bad enough alone.

It was bad enough when he earlier this week told the ongoing Sabah royal commission of inquiry that he did not know anything about illegal residents being given citizenship on dubious grounds.

Perhaps sensing that the disclaimer was incredible even by the low standards of his perception of public gullibility, he must have felt he should retrieve matters somewhat the next day.

Instead, he made things worse through shunting responsibility for the issue onto Anwar Ibrahim whose turn on the witness stand comes next Thursday.

On his nemesis' possible responsibility for the Sabah illegal residents' issue, Mahathir blurted: "He was in the government. He knew the government's responsibility. If that was the government's policy, why didn't he stop it?"

The question inevitably arises: Could anyone baulk Mahathir in the 22-years he was prime minister of Malaysia?

If a practice of legitimising Sabah's illegal residents had become policy, could a subordinate during Mahathir's prime ministerial tenure rein in the action and reverse the policy?

Could someone have done anything at all to halt and overturn a wrong action or wrong policy during Mahathir's watch?

Interestingly, under sworn testimony in the initial round of Anwar's trials for corruption and sodomy in the late 1990s, an Anti-Corruption Agency chief told the court that Mahathir wanted to know from him if it was Anwar who told him to raid the offices of head of the economic planning unit in the PM's Department.

Shafee Yahaya's (left) ACA men had found RM100,000 in cash in the drawers of Ali Abul Hassan's desk. After the find, a furious Mahathir demanded to know from Shafee if deputy premier Anwar had prompted the raid.

Shafee testified in court that he went on to reject Mahathir's insinuation that Shafee had tried to fix Ali.

"It's a big sin to fix anybody," was Shafee's plainspoken response to Mahathir's testy inquiries.
This episode showed that Mahathir does not view people as moral agents but as wards of scheming superiors.

Preempting the fallout

Some people's behaviour is prompted by their religious precepts; others by their instinct for survival. Most people's conduct is prompted by a combination of motives, stemming from their morals, goals and interests.

On Sept 19, the public will get an inkling of the particular mix of motives behind Anwar's stance on the issue of Sabah's illegal residents when he testifies before the RCI.

Anwar's adversaries do not absolve him of responsibility for the Sabah illegal residents' issue. They claim he had a strong motive to be compliant in the whole imbroglio.

Making the Muslim illegal residents into citizens meant more vote-empowered supporters for Umno to whose presidency he aspired, with Sabah's 20 and more Umno divisions a big pool from which to garner votes for a shy at the party's top post.

Anwar whetted the public's appetite for his appearance before the RCI by allowing his counsel to reveal that he will not only reiterate what he has long maintained - that he was outside the decision-making loop on the issue; more intriguingly, his counsel disclosed, Anwar will tell the inquiry he knew of three people who were critical to the project's implementation.

Mahathir's outburst about Anwar's hypothetical responsibility may have been prompted by a desire to preempt the fallout from any disclosure that would include him among the three people Anwar will finger at the inquiry.

It's never his fault 

Mahathir's pugnacious character means that his accusatory fingers are pointed at others, especially when it is his turn in the crosshairs.

When the journalist Barry Wain revealed in his book, ‘Malaysian Maverick', that something like RM100 billion was squandered during Mahathir's tenure as PM, the former PM's reply was characteristic: he said that RM150 billion and more was wasted during the brief reign of his successor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Mahathir while under attack tends not to try to seek a way out through any possibility that the sprawl of the decision-making process allows the person at the pivot to claim attenuation from responsibility and hence some mitigation of culpability.

He reckons people are gulls anyway and their inherent attention deficit disorder means involved explanations are a waste of time.

It would help if Anwar is as elaborately explanatory before the RCI next week when he appears before it.

Sept 19 is a day before the 15th anniversary of the famous black eye incident he endured on the night he was detained under the Internal Security Act in 1998.

In characteristic style, Mahathir, in an attempt to deflect widespread anger over the incident, attributed Anwar's black eye to self-flagellation.

He did not recant after it became clear that the injury was inflicted by the then-inspector-general of police Rahim Noor.

Before the Sabah RCI, Anwar can show he is more precise when it comes to blame-fixing and fault-attribution on matters of not just grave, but of treasonous import.

Comment by Terence Netto, he has been a journalist for four decades. He likes the occupation because it puts him in contact with the eminent without being under the necessity to admire them.


  1. Replies
    1. king of twist memang dia...tapi master ialah anwar...dia paling pakar kalau part2 mahu pusing2 cerita.

    2. jaco betul tu, c Anwar la paling manang...blh dikira tahap PHD...*_*

    3. Kedua hero ini berkuasa besar masa itu. Jikalau mereka tidak berkaitan dengan projek IC, sudah pasti satu kejadian yang luar biasa.

  2. RCI akan menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka untuk menyelesaikan isu ini.

    1. RCI ditangguhkan lagi 3 bulan. Jumlah masa yang diminta telah diizinkan, moga-moga masa yang diambil dpt mengesan punca masalah.

  3. Siapapun yang terlibat dalam RCI pasti akan mendapat hukuman yang setimpalnya dunia dan akhirat.

    1. maksud ko apa ni???
      asal terlibat dalam RCI???
      klu begitu jau2 la sy ni...palis2~~~~

    2. Aktiviti ini seolah mengkhianati negara.

    3. Siapakah dalang mengkhianat negara? Apakah tindakan dan hukuman akan diambil?

  4. Jangan pernah lakukan kesalahan kerana ianya akan menghantui anda selamanya.

    1. Inilah akibat mereka gilakan kuasa dan menjalankan aktiviti yang haram ini.

  5. I was quite disheartened by this

  6. Harap tidak ada lagi pengeluaran IC palsu berlaku di sabah terutamanya.

    1. Segala permohonan dan kelulusan ic harus mengikut prosedur yang betul.

  7. Kita satukan kepercayaan kita terhadap RCI untuk mencari siapakah dalang yang sebenarnya.

    1. RCI akan buat apa yang terbaik agar isu PATI dapat ditanggani.

  8. Mahathir is old, no doubt about it. Its not out of ordinary that an old man not remember things that happen 20-30 years ago.

    1. Its not like that the things happen last night or last week! So give the old man some credit for remembering a bit about the past...

    2. But then again, Mahathir is famous for his 'selective

      amnesia'. Remember Lingam cases? Mas Privatisation?

      He might use this 'strategy' again now!

  9. kita hanya mempu berharap untuk mereka menyelesaikan isu IC palsu.

  10. What is Amnesia?

    Amnesia is a deficit in memory caused by brain

    damage, disease, or psychological trauma.Amnesia can

    also be caused temporarily by the use of various

    sedatives and hypnotic drugs. Essentially, amnesia is

    loss of memory.

    1. How much memory can be lost due to Amnesia?

      The memory can be either wholly or partially lost due to the extent of damage that was caused.

    2. How many type of Amnesia? There are two main types of amnesia: retrograde amnesia and anterograde amnesia.

    3. Retrograde amnesia

      The inability to retrieve information that was acquired before a particular date, usually the date of an accident or operation.

      In some cases the memory loss can extend back decades, while in others the person may lose only a few months of memory.

    4. Anterograde amnesia

      The inability to transfer new information from the short-term store into the long-term store. People with this type of amnesia cannot remember things for long periods of time.

  11. Kita pasti dapat menyelesaikan isu ini dengan sebaik mungkin kerana ahli dalam RCI juga bukan calang2 orang nya.

    1. jadi dalang projek IC, bersedia lah kamu dikenakan hukuman yang paling berat disebabkan perbuatan mengkhianat.

    2. betul sbb RCI ditubuhkan untuk selesaikan masalah bukan kasi teruk...ingat senang2 ka mo kasi manipulasi org...moral value jga bah...

    3. Kerajaan ikhlas untuk menyelesaikan masalah.

  12. when the time comes, will find who are those people involved to this matter.

  13. I don't think those involve to the case automatically respond, they will find a way to run from it.

    1. macam si anwar...hakikat bahawa dia pernah bantah RCi pada tahun 1994 akan memakan diri dia sendiri.

  14. the sun not always shine, they might not be capture now but i believe soon.

  15. kredibiliti panel RCi tidak perlu dipersoalkan...

    1. Kerjasama semua pihak harus diberi agar isu PATI yang menghantui Sabah dapat diselesaikan.

  16. Why he want to twist the truth?

  17. The logic is not there when Mahathir say he know nothing about i.c Project.... making it bad, he accuse the government staff for being greedy...... now i know where ANWAR get his attitude from.

  18. Avoiding cannot save you from the sin of the world, wait until you got up there.

  19. lets not disturb this innocent man as anwar himself has not yet said anything himself

  20. i still believe that Mahathir is telling the truth

  21. yes, let hear from Anwar. he has been too silent for us regarding this issu

  22. what has Anwar got to say about this?

    1. Anwar will play tai chi. Mahathir may be one of names he will announce.

    2. anwar pun pusing cerita juga lah macam mahathir...dua2 raja pusing...

  23. RCI will definitely do their job to bring the culprits to justice

  24. This man is so cruel

    1. orang yang paling pentingkan diri sendiri

  25. Pakar putar belit kan

  26. masih belum selesai lagi RCI ni

    1. ia dilanjutkan hingga disember ni...belum lagi selesai..

  27. I wonder why the rest has never been called

  28. He should be prosecuted

  29. He is not fit of everything

  30. Replies
    1. silap2 dia jadi macam si harris...tarik diri..

    2. siapa ko maksudkan milo??
      Anwar ka???
      klu dia tarik diri mmg ketara sgt la penakut..hahahaha...

    3. anwar tidak jadi tarik diri tapi dia tuduh pak lah dan najib...dia cakap konon ada pasukan khas bagi kewarganegaraan...hairan macamana dia tahu sedangkan sebelum ini dia cakap tidak tahu apa2, siap bantah RCI lagi tahun 1994..

  31. The first meeting was chaired by Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Ongkili on Tuesday, in line with the decision made by the Sabah and Sarawak Bumiputera Technical Committee Meeting in June for the committee to be set up in Sabah and Sarawak respectively.

  32. A total of RM19.72 mil had been channelled by the Federal Government through the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry.

  33. Umno is open to work with PAS for the benefit of the Malays and Muslims

  34. Understanding between the two parties in terms of policies can bring the Malays and Muslims up to the level that people wanted to see.

    1. Petronas was also reported to have prioritised locals in terms of business opportunities, especially with Petronas service stations.“All Petronas service stations in Sabah are 100 per cent owned by locals,” said former Petronas service station dealer Jahid Jahim.

  35. Mereka ini cuba mengelirukan keadaan sahaja.

    1. ya lah...bosan dengan keterangan diorang yang berbunyi ' i don't remember'...

  36. Adakah Mahathir telah memberi penerangan yang benar?

    1. adakah anwar memberi keterangan yang benar?

  37. Proceedings of the RCI to investigate the problem of illegal immigrants in Sabah here concluded today to make way for RCI commissioners to deliberate on the evidence.

  38. The inquiry also saw a number of high profile politicians giving their testimonies namely, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as well as vocal state leaders on the issue such as Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan.

  39. Relevant authorities were also sought after during the proceedings to determine whether they had taken any action or made efforts to improve standard operating procedures, methods and regulations to avoid non-conformity with the law with regard to the problem.

  40. The inquiry had focused on whether the issuance of the blue ICs or citizenship to the immigrants was made based on the law as well as whether those who illegally obtained the blue ICs or temporary identification receipt (blue) or citizenship were registered in the Electoral Roll

  41. they would among others investigate the number of immigrants in Sabah who were issued identity cards or citizenship.

  42. Anwar Ibrahim has denied involvement in the so-called ‘Project IC’ in Sabah during his time as member of the federal cabinet, including when he was deputy prime minister until his sacking in 1998.

  43. the RCI on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah, he did not even know that it was dubbed ‘Project IC’, but had heard there was a special task force which dealt with the admission of foreigners and gave them ICs in the state

  44. Anwar, who is Parti Keadilan Rakyat defacto leader, described the special task force as a “secretive operation

  45. RCI chairman Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong if he agreed that Malaysia’s system on the issuance of citizenship was weak, Anwar disagreed.

  46. the government had every right to withdraw ICs given to foreigners.

  47. place them in different categories
