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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

SAPP: Don't touch beach and central market

KOTA KINABALU, September 10, 2013: Some 30 members of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) gathered at the Kota Kinabalu Central Market to voice their protest against the re-zoning of public place into commercial purposes.

They later gathered at the Tanjung Aru first beach next to the Prince Philip Park (pic at left) carrying the same message on Sunday afternoon.

SAPP Secretary General Datuk Richard Yong said: "The Government should not implement any development projects at the expense of public interest. The word development should never be the reason for any government to deprive the people's interest.

"Instead, the government should create more facilities and provide space for leisure and recreation, free of financial burden to the general public.

"It has been mentioned in the Sabah Development Corridor Report that the area covering the High Court, DBKK, State Library and Central Market (pic at right) had been re-zoned from that of public utility to commercial and going to be developed for private commercial purposes,

"The State Library had since been relocated to Suria Sabah shopping mall which is least suitable for any library.

The group carries placard objecting to the re-zoning so that city dwellers could continue to enjoy the facilities provided by the Central Market which is common in many big cities around the world.

Richard, who is also SAPP Tanjung Aru CLC Chairman said: "It is shocking to see so many trees at the Prince Philip Park area chopped down supposedly for the celebration of Malaysia Day on Sept 16.

"The historical site which is part of Sabah's heritage must be preserved and protected instead of outright clearing and felling trees of 100 years old. (pic at left ...what remains of old tree cut)
"What is the plan of the government? What is in the pipeline? The people want to know what is going to happen to the park, the beach and the surrounding areas.

The group carried banner with words mentioning "Save The Beach, No delineation, reclamation, Save the beach for the future generations, The beach land belongs to the people forever.

Also present were SAPP President Datuk Yong Teck Lee, Deputy President Datuk Liew Teck Chan, Wanita Chief Melanie Chia.

Daily Express


  1. ni SAPP cari publisiti murah saja ni...diorang satu kerusi pun tidak menang pada pru13 lalu...sudah jelas SAPP ditolak oleh rakyat sabah...terimalah hakikat..

  2. kalau tiada pembangunan mau bising...ada pembangunan mau kena buat pun bising...dulu YTl jadi KM, apa pun tiada...aiya, bagus tu SAPP bubar lah cepat2...buat malu saja mau bising2 padahal sudah tidak relevan..

    1. tu la pembangkang, semuanya mahu dibangkang dan dikritik

  3. SAPP cuma mementingkan diri sahaja. Ini juga rakyat menolak SAPP dan memberi peluang kepada BN.

    1. terbukti melalui piliharaya 13 lalu...SAPP satu kerusi pun tidak menang...bahkan di kubu kuat SAPP pun, mereka tidak mampu menang...SAPP sudah lapuk...patut bubar saja.

    2. masih bernyawa pula SAPP ni. sangkakan sudah berkubur selepas PRU13.

  4. Keindahan alam semulajadi harus dipeliharakan. Jangan pula diancam dan menyebabkan ketidak seimbangan.

    1. Bangunan bersejarah harus dipeliharakan. Keunikan ini harus dibela dan dijaga dengan baik.

    2. ya la. bangunan bersejarah memang harus dipelihara. biasalah, benda unik dan klasik.

  5. Kerajaan tidak harus mengambil langkah tanpa mengambil tahu akibat dan puncanya. Baik juga jika suara masyarakat didengari.

    1. apa yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan adalah untuk rakyat...pembangkang saja yang mahu cari publisiti murah..

    2. SAPP perlu follow up perkara tu.

  6. Kerajaan harus memberitahu apakah rancangan dan langkah diambil untuk merobohkan bangunan bersejarah dan keindahan alam demi perkembangan.

    1. patutnya ada perancangan. semua tu akan memberi kesempatan kepada pembangkang membuat isu.

  7. Alam semulajadi harus dipelihara agar tidak mengancam keseimbangan alam sekitar dan ekosistem.

    1. SAPP berusaha sangat untuk membuat publisiti. Lihat PRU13, SAPP tidak mencapai keputusan yang baik.

    2. kerajaan negeri komited dalam pemuliharaan dan pemeliharaan alam semulajadi..

    3. jagalah alam sekitar, jangan hanya tahu membuang sampah. walaupun ada DBKK tapi kita masih ada tanggungjawab menjaga kebersihan.

  8. Memelihara pantai dan sungai adalah tanggung jawab bersama. Kerajaan tidak harus mengabaikan kepentingan memelihara pantai ini demi pembangunan.

    1. kerajaan tidak akan melakukan sesuatu perkara yang mana merugikan rakyat..

    2. Isu pantai menjadi topik pertama SAPP selepas kalah PRU13

    3. sebab SAPP sudah ketandusan isu...isu pantai pun dia mahu kasi jadi isu politik sudah..

  9. SAPP baru hidup semula.

    1. hidup semula? lucu...lama sudah terkubur tu SAPP..satu kerusi pun tidak menang masa pru13...

  10. nampaknya YTL sudah bersemangat untuk meneruskan perjuangan politiknya.

    1. bersemangat untuk meneruskan agenda politik peribadi adalah...kempunan YTL jadi YB haha...kotoh..

  11. SAPP tidak malu kah sama Star? Star ada 1 kerusi, SAPP langsung tiada...haha

  12. i think all the protesters should be locked up for public disturbance

  13. we should all remember that SAPP did not win a single seat in 13GE and here they are again making a public noise

  14. the government can never do anything that is against the interest of the people

  15. the government knows how to keep and reserve historical buildings. the oppositions are not to dictate what to do for the government

  16. the plans of the oppositions will never succeed no matter their plans or schemes

  17. the government is working towards serving his people better and all what the oppositions can do is to nuisance all over the state

  18. the government has a better plan and all SAPP could do is to protest against the good plans of the government towards its citizens

    1. SAPP ni mahu hidup di zaman batu...nasib baik tiada mesin masa..kalau ada bulih hantar diorang pi zaman dinosaur..haha

  19. what does the oppositions want again?

  20. 30 orang lagi ahli SAPP yang tinggal...yang lain semua sudah lompat...
