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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sabah Govt should take stern disciplinary action against Jheains for disgraceful act

The just transferred Director of the Sabah Islamic Affairs Department, (Jheains) Amri A. Suratman, appears to be invoking the Islamic concept of taqiya – the end justifies the means – in stating today in the local media that the fraudulent conversion of some nearly 100 Christians in dirt-poor Pitas, the second poorest region in the Federation after Nabawan, was valid under Islamic law although investigations into the shameful incident was continuing.

The statement by Amri A. Suratman is a violation of human rights, the Federal Constitution, the Malaysia Agreement and its annexures including the 18/20 Points and Batu Sumpah in Keningau, all constitutional documents on Sabah and Sarawak's "Federation" with Malaya since 1963.

The Sabah Government should take stern disciplinary action against Amri A. Suratmn for the disgraceful manner in which he has been running Jheains and bringing disrepute to Sabah. It's not enough to transfer him immediately to the Deputy State Secretary's Office and leave matters hanging there.

How can the so-called conversion be valid when the victims had no intention to leave Christianity and embrace Islam?

Also, if the victims had any intention to leave Christianity and embrace Islam, they would not be kicking up a fuss over the fraudulent conversion or continuing to attend Church.

Jheains must declare the conversion of the victims in Pitas valid invalid or face the prospect of being taken to Court and washing dirty linen in public.

It’s obvious that Jheains has outsourced its dirty work to rogue elements masquerading as Muslim NGOs.

The entire episode is a shameful blot on Islam and coming in the wake of claims, in defiance of the Constitution, that the term Allah is exclusive to Muslims, the seizure of the Catholic weekly the Herald on Oct 26 at Kota Kinabalu International Airport and a suggestion by the Mufti of Sabah that the Orang Asal in Sabah should be declared as Malays and come under Article 160 of the Federal Constitution.

Article 160 states that Malays are Muslims habitually speaking the Malay language and practising Malay culture, customs and traditions.

There's no such as Malay culture, customs and traditions and there's no such thing as a Malay race or Rumpun Melayu.

The so-called Malays in Tanah Melayu or Malay reservations -- immigrant Bugis, Javanese, Minang, Acehnese and other immigrant Muslims -- are not Orang Asal.

Fraudulent conversions have been going on in Sabah since the dark days of the Mustapha Government which was illegitimately sworn in after kidnapping candidates on their way to the polling stations and being returned unopposed in every seat in Sabah. At one time, Muslims formed less than 20 per cent of the Sabah population. Today they claim to make up half the population even without taking into account the illegal immigrants with MyKads and on the electoral rolls and other illegal immigrants.

For the record, The National Registration Department has also been recording Sabahans with “Muslim-sounding” names as Islam in their MyKads although they are Christians and regular church goers. These victims are routinely told by the NRD to go to the Syariah Court and get a declaration that they “are no longer Muslims” if they wished to have non-Islamic MyKads.

How can people who were never Muslims in the first place get a declaration that they “were no longer Muslims?”

Why should non-Muslims go to the Syariah Court to get the declaration advised by the NRD?

The right forum would be the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak if the NRD persists in its foolishness.

Daniel John Jambun is President of Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BOPIM)

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