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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

China demands satellite data from M'sia, anguished Chinese families call MAS 'the real murderers'

China demanded that Malaysia turn over the satellite data used to conclude that a Malaysia Airlines jetliner had crashed in the southern Indian Ocean killing everyone on board, as gale-force winds and heavy rain on Tuesday halted the search for any remains of the plane.

The weather is expected to improve so that the multinational search being conducted out of Perth, Australia, could possibly resume Wednesday. But even then, the searchers face a daunting task of combing a vast expanse of choppy seas for suspected remnants of the aircraft sighted earlier.


Anguished Chinese families call Malaysia Airlines 'the real murderers'

Zee Media Bureau/Supriya Jha

01:50 pm: Malaysian Airlines hunt in 'recovery and investigation phase', says Aus PM

The search operation for the ill-fated plane has moved into "a recovery and investigation phase", said Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

"I have offered Malaysia, as the country legally responsible for this, every assistance and co-operation from Australia," he added.

12:00 pm: Chinese passengers' kins call Malaysia Airlines, govt and military the "real murderers"

After the Malaysian PM yesterday announced that MH370 had ended in ocean, the Malaysia Airlines MH370 Family Committee accused the Malaysian government, military and the airline of cheating the people, by wasting human resources and hiding the facts deliberately.

In a scathing statement issued on Tuesday the committee of the aggrieved family members said, “If we are to remember our 154 relatives, we have lost their precious lives. So Malaysia Airlines, the Malaysian government and the Malaysian military are the real murderers of our family members.”

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