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Monday, March 10, 2014

Missing MH370: Identified man with stolen passport, say Malaysian cops

CNN-IBN reports that the Malaysian Police has identified one of the persons who boarded the ill fated MH70 flight with a stolen passport. However the police are tight lipped about the details of the passenger for now and haven't listed his nationality but clarified that he wasn't Malaysian.
Malaysia identifies one stolen passport user on missing plane

One of the two suspects, who travelled on the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 on stolen passports, has been identified, Malaysian police said today.

"I can confirm that he is not a Malaysian, but cannot divulge which country he is from yet," said Inspector General of Police, Khalid Abu Bakar.

Khalid added that authorities are still trying to find out whether the suspects came in legally or not.

Authorities investigating the mysterious disappearance of the plane which was en route to Beijing have been looking into video footage of the two suspects travelling on stolen Austrian and Italian passports.

An official of the Civil Aviation Department today said a probe was on to determine how the two alleged Asian-looking suspects could have passed through immigration here.

The Beijing-bound Boeing 777-200 of Malaysia Airlines had 239 people aboard, including five Indians and one Indian-origin Canadian, when it went missing two days ago.

Business Standard

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