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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Police should take action on 'Behead Dayaks' posting

KUCHING - Dayaks in Sarawak, famed headhunters of old, are seeing red after two Facebook postings called for their beheading on the grounds that they owe allegiance to “kafir” (infidel) states Sabah and Sarawak.

The postings were credited to a facebook user called “JIM-Jemaah ISIS Malaysia”.

The Dayak National Congress (DNC), an NGO, lodged a police report yesterday on behalf of the Orang Asal in Sarawak.

DNC executive secretary Alim Mideh, in a press statement issued at the Sungai Maong Police Station in Kuching, called for immediate police action against the culprit or culprits. He said he feared that the seditious postings would cause racial and religious riots in Sarawak.

“The Dayaks are very angry over the postings,” said Alim. “The police should put a stop to these to maintain racial harmony.

“If the police do not act, some more emotional members of the Dayak community may take the law into their hands.”

The first posting, which appeared last Thursday, said, “It’s compulsory for Muslims to slaughter the non-Muslims” in Sabah and Sarawak because they were kafir nations.

In another posting on Tuesday, the same user said that Dayaks, being infidels, were destined for hell and should be beheaded.

The user claimed that the genitals of the Dayaks showed through their loincloths and that the Prophet Muhammad was referring to these people when he said people who were “naked although clothed” would inhabit hell.

The offending postings have since been removed.

By William Mangor

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