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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

AirAsia QZ8501's tail containing black boxes found: Indonesia SAR chief

JAKARTA - Two days after an Indonesian Navy Captain said that he may have located AirAsia Flight QZ8501's tail, Indonesia's search and rescue chief has confirmed it saying they have found the crucial part of the crashed plane that contains black boxes – flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder - the BBC said.

The tail section recovery means the investigators will now able to lay their hands upon the black boxes of the plane that hold vital clues to what might have happened to the plane before it crashed.

Indonesian search agency chief Bambang Soelistyo said on Wednesday that they had found the plane's tail as the search entered 11th day.

Also, underwater devices were deployed to help divers locate the plane parts effectively.

The finding came as the officials expanded the Most probable search area eastwards 40 nm and curtailed the underwater search area to 300 sq nm, tweeted Indonesia Navy Chief Abdul Aziz Jaafar.

More than 40 vessels and 20 helicopters were deployed and focused to find the exact location of the plane’s wreckage.

Yesterday, the searchers recovered two more bodies taking the total number of bodies plucked from Java Sea to 39.

Out of total of 39 remains, 16 remains have been identified by DVI POLRI and 23 remains are still being identified.

The ill-fated Flight 8501 that went off radars just after 42 minutes of taking off, was flying to Singapore from Surabaya with 162 passengers.

Of 162 people on board the plane, there were 137 adult passengers, 17 children and one infant, along with two pilots and five crew. Majority of them were Indonesians.

The plane's pilot, Captain Iriyanto, had made a request to climb to 38,000 ft to avoid stormy clouds, however the permission was not granted as there was another plane in that route.

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