KOTA KINABALU - It is ironical that Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal has said that the Rule of Law must be respected when he himself failed to uphold the Rule of Law and comply with the Constitution of the State of Sabah regarding his purported swearing-in as the second Chief Minister on 12th May.
Datuk Ellron Angin said in according to legal practitioners that were consulted, the swearing-in of the 19 lawmakers were properly done before the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly as required in the State Constitution.
Ellron, who is PBRS Sook assemblyman told that the advice given by the lawyers was also that Shafie failed to appreciate the separation of powers between the Executive and the Legislative branches of government and the statutory requirements.
"Furthermore, being a member of Parliament for many years does not make him an expert in parliamentary procedures and separation of powers in a Westminster model of government," he addedd.
Shafie has reportedly voiced his displeasure over the swearing in of the 19 lawmakers not aligned to Warisan, citing “stern action would be taken against those who went against the rules of the assembly”. His actions, including the rumoured ticking off of both the Speaker and the Secretary of the Assembly and the summary dismissal of the Secretary, also appear to have failed to show the respect and autonomy of the Legislature and the Speaker as head of the Legislature.
"If the rumours are true, then Shafie’s actions against the Secretary and Speaker appear to be more than an emotional outburst but rather an iron-fisted show of power. This abuse of power with the failure to properly understand the procedures and separation of powers reveals his shortcomings as being unfit to hold senior position in government.
"Before Shafie take any further action while awaiting the outcome of the court cases taken by Musa, he should look into the mirror and reflect upon himself whether he have failed to uphold the Rule of Law by breaking the law and contravening the State Constitution by getting himself sworn-in as the unlawful Chief Minister," said Ellron.
In BM version ...................
Shafie Tidak Menepati Peraturan Undang-undang
KOTA KINABALU, 18 Jun, 2018: Sangat ironis bahawa Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal mengatakan bahawa Peraturan Undang-undang mesti dihormati apabila dia sendiri gagal menegakkan Peraturan Undang-Undang dan mematuhi Perlembagaan Negeri Sabah mengenai pengikrarannya - sebagai Ketua Menteri kedua pada 12 Mei.
Menurut pengamal undang-undang yang telah dirundingkan, perumpamaan 19 ahli undang-undang telah dilakukan dengan betul sebelum Speaker Dewan Undangan sebagaimana dikehendaki dalam Perlembagaan Negeri.
Nasihat yang diberikan oleh peguam juga adalah bahawa Shafie gagal menghargai pemisahan kuasa antara Eksekutif dan Cawangan Undangan kerajaan dan keperluan undang-undang. Tambahan pula, sebagai anggota Parlimen selama bertahun-tahun tidak menjadikannya pakar dalam prosedur parlimen dan pemisahan kuasa dalam model kerajaan Westminster.
Shafie dilaporkan menyuarakan rasa tidak senang terhadap sumpah daripada 19 pembuat undang-undang yang tidak sejajar dengan Warisan, dengan menyatakan "tindakan tegas akan diambil terhadap mereka yang melanggar peraturan perhimpunan". Tindakannya, termasuk khabar angin yang dibicarakan oleh Speaker dan Setiausaha Perhimpunan dan ringkasan pemecatan Setiausaha, juga kelihatan gagal menunjukkan kehormatan dan autonomi Badan Perundangan dan Speaker sebagai ketua Badan Perundangan.
Jika khabar angin itu benar, maka tindakan Shafie terhadap Setiausaha dan Pembesar suara kelihatan lebih daripada kecaman emosi tetapi sebaliknya menunjukkan kekuatan kuasa. Penyalahgunaan kuasa ini dengan kegagalan untuk memahami dengan betul prosedur dan pemisahan kuasa mendedahkan kekurangannya sebagai tidak layak untuk memegang jawatan kanan dalam kerajaan.
Sebelum Shafie mengambil tindakan lanjut sambil menunggu hasil kes mahkamah yang diambil oleh Musa, dia harus melihat ke dalam cermin dan merenungkan dirinya sama ada dia gagal menegakkan Peraturan Undang-undang dengan memecahkan undang-undang dan melanggar Perlembagaan Negeri dengan mendapatkan dirinya sendiri bersumpah sebagai Ketua Menteri yang menyalahi undang-undang.
Datuk Ellron Angin
Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar
Mematuhi secara sah pada 10 Mei 2018
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