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Friday, March 4, 2011

Assemble all Bumiputra and non Bumiputra of Sabah-make KL realise

By Abdul Jalil 

I have written quite a number of articles on the need for change. Some published in the Daily Express but others have been sidelined.

Late last night, I sent one more to the daily Express and hope it will be published soon (this Sunday or next). Anyway, the main objective is to raise political awareness (I hope).

What do we do now? I am not a politician as I intend to be just an amateur political analyst. I have no political inclination.

The Barisan Nasional government has done quite a lot for the people of Sabah but not enough to make the people happy. Everyday when we read newspaper, we can read about the plight and grouses of the people meaning it is time for change! Personally, I am happy with the performance of the import parties and the local parties associated with the import parties. However, I am also not keen to support the import opposition parties, as they will also behave the same way if elected to form the next government.

Now, I have only one choice and that is to support SAPP, not as politician but as an ordinary rakyat who cares for the interests of the Sabah people as a whole.

You may be wondering why SAPP? Datuk Yong Teck Lee has shown to the Federal people that we Sabahan can no longer tolerate the patronizing of our interests. He left the Barisan Nasional on principle! What else do we have if not our pride?

It has been too long that our local leaders have been "Kowtowing" to the Federal leaders. The current local leaders in Barisan Nasional will one day regret when they are condemned by our future generation. The history of Sabah shall, in future, condemn them and call them "selfish and stupid". I shall not be part of the groups who will be responsible for the deteriorating living conditions and for the lack of economic wills.

As I see it, I rather leave the future of Sabah in the hands of SAPP and Datuk Yong Teck Lee. As a Bumiputra, we have Haji Amde Sidik to protect our interest and furthermore, Datuk Yong Teck Lee has always looked after the interest of the Bumiputra while not forgetting the other communities in Sabah.

So, I urge all of you to support SAPP and rally together to make changes. If you miss the boat for change in the next election, then we only have ourselves to blame, as there is no more hope for the future. Please, if you love Sabah, then SAPP is the only answer! Stop arguing among ourselves and have faith in the leadership of Datuk Yong Teck Lee and Haji Amde Sidik.

Assemble all the Bumiputras and Non-Bumiputras of Sabah and make the Federal people realize that we are united; we want to continue to be in Malaysia as Malaysia is a beautiful country but we do not want to be patronized.

We decide what we want and if we fail, at least we have the satisfaction to tell our children that we tried but betrayed by the other local leaders who are more interested in their own personal gains. They sold their souls but ours still intact! If all the Bumiputras and Non-Bumiputras realise all the current shortcomings of the Barisan Nasional government, I am confident they will vote for a truly local party without prejudice. "IF YOU LOVE SABAH, VOTE FOR SAPP"


  1. Spot on! All the Sabahans must be united under one umbrella our local opposition party SAPP to topple BN in the coming GE13.

    None of the Non-Sabahan party will fight for us except our local party.

  2. If PR is sincere to form the next federal government, they should focus all their resources at semenanjung and work with Local East Malaysian party and let them focus on their resprective states in order to defeat BN.

    Divided we fell, united we stand!

  3. Bro..let's do it for the love of " Sabah Tanah Air ku" no one will help us to go through these hardships, we cannot rely on our brothers in Malaya anymore...

  4. Bro...too, Sabah is left to fend for itself now and in future. Let us come to realise that why Sabah has become what it now, by being the poorest state in the country. There must be something wrong with everything.

    Just give it a thought, are we being marginalized? The answer is definitely be a YES! becoz we were taken just being taken for granted, manipulated in every sense, economically, politically.

    Whether it is BN or PR, we Sabahans are still under the Semenanjung ever colonialistic mindset of controlling Sabah which they considered as one of the states.

    Our Sabah people's breaking point to that is to have a strong local opposition with the people's support to say NO! If that cannot be done, then it will be called a day for Sabah...sayonara!

  5. Sabahan please open your hearts and mind.Don't be selfish.What we have today is for our generations.Those Sabahan leaders in BN are the biggest hypocrites and traitors. The careless as long the live in comfort.

  6. malaysian in sabahMarch 5, 2011 at 10:11 PM

    Brother, you are right. no body can help us and our children, our grandchildren. only ourselves, only myself, you and many many many you can help ourselves. please vote ourselves, vote SAPP to save our beloved Sabah. tell all your relatives, friends to vote SAPP in the coming general election.thankyou.

  7. Brother, this article when read together with the SNAP's latest to leave the Pakatan fold, should leave readers with the clear message... Let locally based opposition Parties lead the opposition front in Sabah and Sarawak,MP seats will be pledged to Pakatan to conquer Putrajaya..
