Honest cooperation in any relationship is important and that includes state-federal ties, opines a former Sabah chief minister.

KOTA KINABALU: The state-federal relationship which is “more a collusion than cooperation” must be changed, former chief minister Yong Teck Lee said.
He said that considering the pivotal positions Sabah and Sarawak hold in determining the political course of the country, the relationship must be changed to that of true cooperation.
“The state-federal relationship status has changed. If before the state government cannot rule without the support of the federal government, today it is the federal government which cannot be formed without the support of Sabah and Sarawak,” he added.
He was delivering a talk on “Special rights, autonomy and equal partnership status” at the United Borneo Front (UBF) inter-party seminar here on Saturday.
Said Yong: “We want to see a relationship in the form of cooperation and not kupsit sama (coalition) between the federal and state governments.”
“Kupsit sama is like the case of the cancelled coal-fired power plant project. The project was actually announced by (Prime Minister) Najib (Tun Razak)… and all supported it.
“Melanie Chia (Luyang assemblywoman) and Liew Teck Chan (Likas) tabled a motion to object to this project during the State Legislative Assembly sitting,” said Yong who is Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president.
He pointed out, however, that BN representatives like Samsuddin Yahya (Sekong) and Mohd Suhaili Said (Tungku) fought for it.
“Samsuddin said that we are anti-development while Suhaili said the people wanted the coal-fired power plant, but the Chinese did now want it.
“When Sepanggar MP Eric Majimbun raised the matter in the Parliament, semua hantam (all rallied against him), saying the people in Sabah want the coal-fired power plant… it’s clean coal and so on.
“Then when Chief Minister (Musa Aman) announced that the project was scrapped, all of them also supported it, saying the people come first, and that Musa loves the people of Sabah… What is this?” he asked.
No honesty
Yong said the same trend could be seen with the proposal to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants. “All the Barisan Nasional (BN) people refused to sign our signature campaign to call for the setting up of the commission.”
“But if one month later Najib announces the setting of a Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants in Sabah, the same thing will happen (support for Najib),” he said.
He cited the Teoh Beng Hock case as an example.
“Najib had said that there was no need for a Royal Commission of Inquiry because an inquest had been carried out… but when a by-election came, such a commission was announced and all including (MCA president) Chua Soi Lek said it was good because he (Najib) loves the people and wants to know the truth.
“So that is what we call ‘kupsit sama’ because there is no honesty in it. We don’t want this. We want a state-federal cooperation,” said Yong.
On illegal immigrants, he said the issue had been repeatedly raised in the State Legislative Assembly and Parliament, but the Umno-led government was unsupportive despite its obvious importance.
“Have you heard anyone from Umno talk about this problem? Have you heard PAS talk about this? In PKR only one or two who are not Muslims (have supported the call),” he said, adding that even Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) was silent.
On the Borneo Agenda and Borneo Alliance objectives, Yong said they (proponents) have to work harder to unify the multiracial population of Sabah.
“If not, the divide-and-rule policy practised by Kuala Lumpur will continue to succeed,” he said, adding that the tactic was common in developing nations.
Double-talking politicians
Citing an example, Yong said that when SAPP was still in the BN, a leader from the peninsula came to Sabah and told him: “‘We Malays easy to work together with Chinese; in the peninsula Malays and Chinese have worked together like siblings for 50 years; the Kadazans are not easy to work with.
“The same leader then talked to Bernard Dompok (Upko president) and said, ‘Tan Sri, we and Kadazan are Bumiputeras. The Chinese are not good.
“‘In the Peninsula, the five million Chinese want so many things… We Bumiputeras need to be united.’
“Bernard Dompok and I are buddies. He told me what had happened, and I also told him what the leader told me… but many in Sabah feel trapped by this tactic, which will result in the people fighting among themselves,” he said.
Yong added that such tactics were still prevalent in Malaysian politics.
“How do we overcome this? We need to avoid falling into this trap.
“We can belong to different parties, different non-governmental organisations, but we must have the same struggle,” he said.
Thank you Datuk Yong, I couldn't agree more >>http://bit.ly/8ZFF0q <<. As for the Borneo Agenda, I will come back later...
ReplyDeleteHarap rakyat sendiri pandai membezakan pemimpin yang baik dan pemimpin yang buruk.
ReplyDeletewhen SAPP helmed the State Government with Yong Teck Lee as the Chief Minister, he did many destructive things, chief among them giving away valuable land to outsiders. in a mere two years, a huge chunk of Sabah ’s wealth fell into the wrong hands.
ReplyDeleteWhen he was the chief minister, lands allocated to natives were actually ‘stolen’ and given to public-listed companies.
ReplyDeletehe approved some 265 logging licences covering over 300,000 ha. these licenses were given to cronies, associates, non-Sabahans included, and is clearly an act of gross irresponsibility at the expense of environmental conservation, sustainability and public interest.
not less than 1 million hectares of forest lands were given out to private and public-listed companies, purportedly for SFM-Sustainable Forest Management. unfortunately, in the lot of FMU licenses, dubious individuals with no capability whatsoever were also chosen. consequently, many licensees failed to perform, incurring huge losses to the State government in the region of billions of ringgit.
a lot of 'disaster' he bring to Sabah only in 2 years.. with the incompetence of his administration, should we give him a second chance to govern this state?
Ace = Asshole
ReplyDeletePlease get your fact right before you open your mouth which is STINK with no fact and substance.
I doubt you understand what is FMU.
During YTL time, he given out more than 40k acres NT lands to Sabah native in just 2 years as Sabah CM. Datuk pairin as Sabah CM for 9 years have approved 60k NT lands to the native. Datuk Musang is the WORST only given out 5k NT lands to native even though holding CM post for the past 7 years.
Most of the lands given out to NON-Sabahans company was during Pairin and now Musang. Who sold SFI to lion group? Who given out millions of acres for those Sarawak Foo Chow to chop our timber? Who also want to sell Maliau Basin to outsider if not pairin?
Who sold millions of acres plantation lands to WM if not musang bin tidak aman? Why Malaka plantation can get 5000 acres land in Sabah? Is Sabah GLCs are so incompetence or musang himself is incompetence?
I advice to you asss, better you repent before you cause the Wrath of God, to speak with your forked tongue.
Sabahans need to beware of Sabah DAP is comprising of a bunch of political opportunist and incompetence leaders. Look at the statement issue by Sabah DAP merely good in looking after Sabah longkang as proven they know nothing how to govern Sabah.
ReplyDeleteDo we want to give chance to Sabah DAP? I would rather to vote an orang utan rather to give my vote to Sabah DAP. Why? Orang Utan somehow smarter than those from Sabah DAP.
Jangan lupa juga pasal SAS itu. Ramai rakyat Sabah yang sengsara disebabkan itu. Kalau Yong mahu mendapatkan semula kepercayaan rakyat, kena juga tengok sama ada mangsa SAS akan memaafkannya. Eh, Yong tidak pernah meminta maaf pun, bagaimana nak dapatkan ampun daripada rakyat?
ReplyDeleteBerwaspadalah rakyat Sabah, sudah pernah sengsara satu masa dahulu, masih nak sengsara lagi di bawah pemimpinan yang sama?
ReplyDeletePilihlah dengan bijak.
I wonder why Yong didn't do much for Sabah when he was the CM back then.
ReplyDeleteYong ni sekarang baru nak bising itu ini, semasa dia menjadi KM, apa dia buat tuk orang Sabah. SAS rugi kerana dia.
ReplyDeleteAnon March 18, 2011 9:55 AM
ReplyDeleteby giving more than 40k acres NT lands to Sabah is still not enough to cover the wrong he did..
During his tenure as Chief Minister, too many people's rights has been denied by him and which are: grants of land for traditional Malay villages such as Inanam, Gudon, Tebobon, Karambunai and Menggatal which is not approved for the purpose of state ownership. No contracts to bumiputra contractors and there are no job opportunities for Bumiputra.
and the other rights of the people that has been robbed by YTL is 1 million acres of timber concessions for a period of 100 years worth more than RM20 billion from Tenom to Kalabakan, sea coastal land in the gulf of Likas worth over RM500 million, sea coastal land at Tanjung Aru worth more than RM500 million, Lands of the Sabah Land Development Board (SLDB) worth more than RM2 billion taken by Sawit Kinabalu Sdn Bhd.
The people shares in Koperasi pembangunan Desa (KPD) worth RM60 million taken by Benta Holdings, money people in the state treasury amounting to RM36 million per annum through Great Force Sdn Bhd, demolish the government houses in Tanjung Aru to build a resort by a crony, but until now the land is abandoned because the land has no title...etc
he did all of this in just two years..
Ace = Asshole
ReplyDeleteSo far I knew Tg Aru government house still existed but never given to any YTL crony as you claimed?
Keep on licking your musang bin tidak aman asshole until you eat his shit ya. Muahahahaha
SAS issue again? 99.9% Sabahans knew who was the culprits behind SAS if not those from assssno. Why YTL needs to apology if not done by him?
ReplyDeleteYou better repent your sin by spreading untrue and lies to others.
SATAN is happily welcome you in HELL with all your BN traitors.
BN's Achievements To Date (just to name a few):
ReplyDelete1) PKFZ White Elephant 14 Billion
2) 7.6 Billion Scorpene tin can
3) 500 Million halal commission on Scorpene
4) 810 Million palace balloning to some 1.2 Billion
5) Maltrade II land grab by Naza, costing taxpayers some 2.2 Billion
6) Limbang off shore blocks L and M giveaway to Brunei of 320 Billion
7) Maminco ... cornering the tin market 2.2 Billion
8) Bank Negara Forex fiasco costing ? Billion
9) Perwaja Steel 15 Billion
10) Naval support ships to cost 2.5 Billion so we can do humanitarian service to Indo or Philipines as if earthquakes or volcanoes erupt
every month
11) 60,000 APs worth 2.4 Billion given to a few umNOputras
12) 810 Million New Parliment ... Westminster and the White House still standing even after 100s of years
13) BMF scandal 4 Billion ... Carrian group ... BMF manager was murdered
14) 6.75 billion to PSC Bhd for locally made naval vessels which were never delivered
15) 12.5 billion for economically senseless double tracking railway from Ipoh to the Thai border
16) Altantuya, picked up a stone while walking in KL which turned out to be C4
17) Teoh Beng Hock, room too hot, opened window and accidentally fell out!
18) A. Kugan
19) Aminurasyid
20) Nasir Safar's "Chinese prostitutes & Indian beggars"
21) Toyol 24 Million Palace
22) Missing jet engines ... what a joke. Ain't you ashamed to be a Malaysian?
23) Bala's flip flop
24) Perak coup de tat unlawful grab
25) Sodomy I & II
26) MAS shares - Govt bought at $8 ringgit when market price was $3.5 ringgit
27) School classrooms and computer labs - 10 billion, direct nego. How much did the Government actually get?
28) Halal Hub - 2 billion spent, nothing done, only 200 million left
29) Armoured carriers - 8 billion going to be spent. By industry standards, a good armoured car will only cost half a million. Mindef will spend 30 million for each armoured carrier!
Long but not exhaustive list of scandals.
Sia pun beli SAS bah tapi sia tidak salahkan Yong sebab sia tahu syaitan assssno guna REPCO share yang tinggi suruh ex-finance minister @ dari syaitan asssno juga, guna DUIT SAS beli itu share REPCO yang tiada nilai. Kau fikir orang Sabah buduh macam orang asssno ka? HAHAHAHA!
ReplyDeleteAllah tahu kerja dosa syaitan assssno dan orang yang kuat fitnah sini. Tunggu dan lihat lah siapa masuk neraka.
Yong has done a lot of good things in just a short 2 years compared to other CMs. We have to give credit for his contributions in helping the natives gain their native titles, the regulation efforts to monitor illegals, helping to take care of the disaster victims of Greg, the El-nino periods.
ReplyDeleteHis 2 years of CMship were all not honeymoon years but trial becoz of the Asian financial crisis, and numerous natural disasters.. God has put this test to him..where no other CM can handle.
Penyokong yang membabi buta masih banyak lagi.
ReplyDeleteRakyat sendiri yang akan menentukan kerajaan seterusnya.