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Monday, May 23, 2011

FMU proven successful and vital

10 FMU firms receive cert

SANDAKAN: Ten companies which are partners of the state government in the administration of 13 forest managements units (FMUs) were presented with certificate of compliance by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman here on Saturday.

The presentation ceremony was one of the highlights at Sabah Forestry Department's annual "Innovation Night 2011" held at the Libaran community hall.

The certificate was an official acknowledgement of their good performance of the FMUs under their charge in various parts of the state in 2010.

Among those who received the certificate from the Chief Minister was David Chieng Lee Kie, senior manager of  KTS Plantation Sdn Bhd that manages an FMU at the Segaliud Lokan Forest Reserve.

Datuk Dr Kelvin Tan, chairman of TSH Resources Berhad; Norman Wong Shew Yam, managing director of Sapulut Forest Development Sdn Bhd; and Shigeru Umehara, director of K M Hybrid Plantation Sdn Bhd were among others who did so on behalf of their companies.

Also there was Datuk Kamal D E Quadra representing Arus- Sawit Sdn Bhd, one of the two firms under Silam Forest Products Sdn Bhd that manages two FMUs.

Rakyat Berjaya Sdn Bhd, the commercial arm of the Sabah Foundation Group, a licence holder for three FMUs, including the one at Ulu-Segama-Malua, was among the recipients.

Other FMU firms that received the 2010 certiflcate of compliance were Sabah Forest Industries Sdn Bhd (SFI), Bornion Timber Sdn Bhd, Maxland Sdn Bhd and Lebihasil Sdn Bhd.

The Chief Minister also presented a special award to the Monitoring, Control, Enforcement and Evaluation (MCEE) unit of SFD in Keningau for their outstanding work in dealing with illegal logging activities in forest reserve areas there in the past year.

The MCEE team, headed by Mohd Noor Ahmad Ag Amat, included the district forest officers (DFOs) of Nabawan, Sook, Keningau, Tambunan and Tenom.

Datuk Sam Mannan, director of the Sabah Forestry Department (SFD), in his speech at the dinner congratulated those who received the FMU compliance certiflcate, saying that the government recognizes their contribution.

He also congratulated 37 officials and staff of the department who were presented with excellence awards for 2010 at the dinner and urged them to continue with this "culture of excellence".

By Joe Leong (Borneo Post)


TSH commited to forest plantation

SANDAKAN: TSH Resources Berhad is committed to develop 1,500 to 2,000 hectares off forest plantation per year.

 Its Chairman, Datuk Dr Kelvin Tan, said this would spur them to intensify their effort to safeguard the forest for the next generation.

He said this after receiving the Compliance Certificate 2010 for Forest Management Unit (FMU) 4 in a ceremony held at the Libaran multi purpose hall here.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman officiated and presenten the certificate.

“TSH is a responsible corporate citizen. We have consistently achieved compliance as we have placed forest restoration and reforestation as a priority project in the FMU under our managment," he said.

As a matter of record, Tan said, TSH has carried out forest restoration (silviculture) on 12,000 hectares'of logged-over forest.

“An addition, TSH has undertaken large-scale reforestation, having planted 6,800ha (5.5 million trees) of rubber and timber species. Planting of Latex fimber Clone Rubber and timber species are still ongoing and we are committed to develop 11500 to2,000ha of forest plantation per year," said Tan.

“He said the company has also engaged SGS to'undertake Forest Certification for its FMU under the Pan-European-Malaysian Timber Certification Sdheme.

"It is most gratifying that we are certifred to be in'full compliance," he said.

State Forestry Director Datuk Sam Mannan congratulated TSH for the achievement.

Daily Express


  1. Why is it that the BN kept on telling us that FMU was being abused when it is now shown that it is actually good policy?

  2. musang bin tidak aman jeles with SAPP success.

  3. Those company that has abused the FMU licensed should be publicly humiliated as a lesson to the rest of the holder!

  4. Good. very good.

  5. Kerajaan negeri telah memperuntukkan berbillion ringgit untuk memajukan FMU.

  6. This shows that the state government is eager to improve the whole thing for Sabah.

  7. Satu pencapaian yang hebat. Ini yang kita nantikan untuk mendapat lagi banyak pencapaian. Semoga akan sentiasa meningkat dari masa ke semasa.

  8. Keadaan akan terus bertambah baik jika usaha itu tidak pernah berhenti.

  9. hope they shows good performance continuously

  10. keep up the good performances..

  11. apa2 pun, teruskan usaha anda.

  12. Baguslah kalau macam itu, teruskan usaha anda.

  13. teruskan usaha untuk meningkatkan pencapaian..

  14. FMU policies really work.

  15. Hasil usahasama semua.

  16. Teruskan usaha anda. Pastikan kejayaan ini berterusan.

  17. FMU initiated by DYTL@SAPP.

    Before that, BN people keep on complaining about the FMU policy.

    After success, they praise BN and forgotten they are the one who complain.

    Sapi punya susu, lembu dapat nama.

    As proven BN is a FAILURE party and got no idea on how to run the government except KOREK KOREK KOREK!

    YTL only became Sabah CM for 2 years had contributed more than what Pairin and musa do, 9 years as Sabah CM.

    Don't you umno lickers felt SHAME????

  18. semoga pencapaian ini akan berterusan meningkat.

  19. Keep working hard to make FMU more successful.

  20. Anonymous May 25, 2011 3:40 PM

    "YTL only became Sabah CM for 2 years had contributed more than what Pairin and musa"

    rasa jijik pula saya baca komen ko ni bro..
    ko bangga dengan YTL hanya dengan satu sumbangan beliau? sumbangan pemimpin2 lain ko nafi.. kesian!!

  21. Peluru, you better go back to kindergarden to study english. When did I say "ko bangga dengan YTL hanya dengan satu sumbangan beliau? " ???

    Musa as 9 yrs Sabah CM made Sabah the POOREST in Malaysia and this is FACT!!! That one you call success? Sila guna otak lah sikit.

    No wonder Sabah became backward because has so many otak udang people like you in umno.

  22. Sabah is already poor before Musa become CM, get your facts right.
