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Opposition SAPP Youth led RCI campaign on PTI |
Its treasurer-generaI, Datuk Dr Marcus Mojigoh, alleges that there seemed to be a lack of political will in addressing the matter.
"When something like this is debated in Parliament, they tried so hard to evade the issue. They always beat around the bush when asked by Sabah MPs. lt is annoying getting that negative reaction," he told. The Bornea Pos, when asked to comment on the public outcry following the murder of van driver Joni Somudin by a robber.
He urged the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to do something about it.
Mojigoh said a memorandum on illegal immigrants had been submitted to the Federal Government by UPKO deputy presidernt Datuk Wilfred Bumburing sometime last year, but he does not know what has become of the memorandum.
"I think they just throw the memorandum into the rubbish bin," he said.
Mojigoh said the people are already fed up and that the people could see how useless it is even with their representatives voicing their grouses on their behalf.
He said that while foreign labourers are crucial for Sabah development, particulary, in the construction industry, it is imperative to ensure they are here legally.
"The bad hats have to be screened. Those who have no business to be in Sabah must be sent back," he said.
Mojigoh also stressed the need to facilitate their work passes, adding that foreigners who overstay and do not have any document must be arrested and deported to their home country.
However, the lack of a positive directive and effort to address the problem has made it difficult for enforcement agencies to act on the issue.
The lack of a positive direction and effort has also, according to Mojigoh, led the people to perceive that the minister in charge is not keen in solving the problem.
By Janne Lajiun BP
As long as UMNO still in Sabah. The PATI issue will not be settled forever!
ReplyDeleteWhen UMNO being kicked out from Sabah, I believe 99.9% of Sabah problems will be solved.
UMNO is our boss and we are the 'tukang turut'.Yes boss,yes sir,ok boss,bolih boss,beres boss,selesai boss,bolih menang boss.Ask Musa,he should know better.Hidup UMNO boss!Hidup BN boss!Sabahans never learn.I hope UPKO did not shout or yell for political reasons but for the love of Sabah.Again if you love Sabah then get out of BN.Why stay?
ReplyDeleteAll Sabah BN parties should echo SAPP's call for RCI and resolve the PTI problem in Sabah, and if their taiko Umno don't take action..they all should join the opposition in fighting the cause...if not, goodbye GE13
ReplyDeleteUpko, sampai bila mau main wayang. Kalau berani keluar dari BN dan sertai pembangkang.
ReplyDeleteIllegal immigrants issue must be solved before its too late.
ReplyDeletemasalah PATI ini sudah lama berlarutan. harap ianya akan dapat diselesaikan.
ReplyDeleteusaha beterusan dan komitmen daripada semua pihak penting untuk menyelesaikan masalah PATI ini.
ReplyDeleteasyik2 masalaha PATI. hingga sekarang isu ini tak pernah selesai. semua harus bekrjasama untuk selesaikan masalah ini.
ReplyDeleteNot going to be easy to solve this Pati issue.
ReplyDeleteAll parties should cooperate to help find a permanent solution to this issue.
ReplyDeleteHopefully someday Sabah will be free from illegal immigrants.
ReplyDeletePendatang adalah punca kepada semua masalah.
ReplyDeletePATI issue will never end if the political / government not aggressive to handle & settle the problem.
ReplyDeleteHow many times we have been saying about this?
ReplyDeleteMasalah PTI yang semakin meruncing memang satu bencana.Namun apakah cara utama untuk menghalangnya?
ReplyDeletementeri dalam negeri memang tidak serius untuk menyelesaikan isu PATI di sabah sebab isu ini bukannya berlaku di negeri dia..
ReplyDeletekalau menteri KDN serius menyelesaikan isu ini, SSD sudah ditubuhkan..ini tidak..sampai ada rakyat tempatan ditembak sekarang pun menteri KDN masih lagi tutup mata..
ReplyDeletementeri KDN tidak sesuai memegang jawatan tersebut..najib, gugurkan dia dari kabinet menteri..ganti dengan pemimpin dari sabah..
ReplyDeleteperbincangan yg terus menerus tanpa ada sebarang tindakan tidak akan membuahkan apa-apa hasil.
ReplyDeletetubuhkan SSD jika menteri KDN (dato seri hishammudin) serius menangani isu PATI..
ReplyDeleteisu PATI akan menjadi punca BN hilang majoriti atau kalah jika isu ini tidak diberi perhatian serius..sesuatu harus dilakukan oleh najib bagi mengelak kekalahan BN di sabah atau kehilangan lebih banyak kerusi seperti apa yang telah berlaku di sarawak..
ReplyDeleteIsu mengenai PATI di Sabah harus dipandang serius oleh kerajaan agar langkah-langkah yg lebih efektif dapat diambil untuk menangani masalah ini.
ReplyDeleteBenar..pa guna kalau cakap saja tapi tidak ada tindakkan susulan untuk menangani masalah ini.
ReplyDeletePATI penyebab berlaku jenyah diSabah. Seperti seludup rokok, pecah rumah, kecurian dan sebagainya. Harap PATI ini dikeluarkan dari negeri ini.
ReplyDeleteBilakah agaknya masalah PATI ini dapat diselesaikan ya..Orang Sabah naik boring uda dengar semua ini. Tidak juga pandai habis-habis..Kalau bertambah adalah.
ReplyDeleteMakin banyak dihantar pulang, makin banyak yang kembali.
ReplyDeleteUPKO has finally voiced out.
ReplyDeletesepanjang tiga bulan tahun ini kerajaan sudah hantar 1624 orang PATI belum termasuk yang dalam tahanan. hasil itu adalah dari usaha operasi sekali seminggu. sekarang jabatan imigresen menggandakan usaha kepada dua kali seminggu... so kerajaan bukannya tidak melakukan apa2..
ReplyDeletekalau mau cepat selesai.. minta peruntukkan pistol dari kerajaan.. mana2 PATI yang berlenggang2 di jalan tembak terussss.. confirm tidak sampai seminggu masalah PATI selesai..
ReplyDeleteBlack kata tiga bulan tahun ini kerajaan sudah hantar 1624 orang PATI ..
Berapa yang masuk dalam 3 bulan ini? Apa guna hantar balik 1000+ PATI tapi yang masuk 10000+ PATI ke Sabah?
Kenapa takut nak tubuhkan RCI? Sendiri mahu ingatlah orang umno! Orang Sabah bukan lagi sebodoh macam kamu.
Kalau hantar PTI balik siapa sokong UMNO? Yang sudah ada MYKAD itu senang di 'kelintung' olih UMNO,kasi $50 saja mereka menari dibawah bendera BN.
ReplyDeleteRasanya PATI ni tidak akan lenyap dari Sabah selagi tiada kerjasama dan langkah yg efektif diambil.
ReplyDeleteThere is no use complaining to UMNo, just vote them out!
ReplyDeleteTukar baju bah!
ReplyDeletebilalah masalah PATI ni nak selesai.
ReplyDeleteFor the love of Sabah and its children, all local political parties show us your consience, your courage, show us that you have got balls. Show the Federal government that you no longer be fooled and dragged aorund by the nose like Kerabau. Stop up to reject this BN/UMNO. The coming GE is your last chance. Do something about it don't let your children blame you, don't let the future generations curse you for your inaction just because of some positions, a few Ringgit more which are all temporaly. FOR GOODNESS SAKE DO SOMETHING. The BN will never solve the Sabah PTI issues.
ReplyDeleteUPKO, bagunlah kalau mau kekal releven.