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Sunday, May 8, 2011

We want straight answer, says group

KOTA KINABALU: Association of Sabah National Type Chinese School Chairman, Datuk Wong Yit Ming said he raised the Sabah United Chinese Chambers of Commerce (SUCCC) land issue for the interest of the Chinese community.

"I do not deny that I am a politician but I raised the issue up not to gain popularity as claimed by former SUCCC President, Datuk Sari Nuar," he said.
In a press conference here, Wong who is also Sabah Prosressive Party (SAPP) Treasurer-General, denied that he had political agenda when he brought up the issue.

"The lands given to SUCCC by the Barisan Nasional (BN) government 13 years ago was supposed to be used to earn revenue for the Chinese community so that it does not have to depend too much on the Government to resolve its financial problems.

"But we have not heard anything about the lands since then. The Chinese community is asking whether SUCCC is still in possession of the land or has it been sold," he said.

Wong said in 1998, the then Chief Minister Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee had approved 20,000 acres of land to SUCCC, KCCI and the Sabah Bumiputera Chambers of Commerce and industries.

Based on a 30:30:40 per cent distribution system, SUCCC's given 40 per cent of the 20,000 acres while KCCI ed SBCCI received 30 per cent each. The land has been planted with oil palm. SUCCC was also given another piece of 200,000 acres of FMU land for re-forestation activities.

According to Wong, SUCCC under the leadership of the late Tan Sri Wong Chik Lim, during Bejaya time, was allocated a 10,000 acres piece of land and they set up the Kinabalu Foundation with the revenue from the land.

"Every year, the Kinabalu Foundation gives close to RM1 million to the Chinese community in Sabah so we are just wondering if the two tracts of land have been generating any revenue and if yes, why have the Chinese community not benefited from it?" he asked.

On Sari's statement that he will expose Wong's wrongdoings for the last 30 years if the latter keeps harping on the issue, Wong challenged Nuar to report to the relevant authorities if he (Wong) had committed any wrongdoings.

'Please don't deviate from the issue and drag politics into it. Just tell the Chinese community what they want to know if the Chinese community will benefit from the land," he said.

By: Chris Maskilone (DE)


  1. Sari Tan cheated the SUCCC! This guy is a crook!~!

  2. Mutalib M.D masuk SAPP?

  3. Sari Tan? snake

  4. Ah.... admin sapdal menumpang populariti dlm blog wikisabah ya.... toksah la sebarkan ko punya blog yg tak seberapa tu... tengok paparan utama ja dah nampak memuakkan... bagus kamu buat promosi utk sebarkan blog kamu sendiri kalu dh ingat bagus sangat. cakap mcm hebat sangat. ya la kan... pasti dpt pembiayaan dari si Sapi-EEE. kalu nda takkan la terhegeh-hegeh nak buat blog...

  5. Bila duit lebih berkuasa dari Tuhan, inilah jadinya.... segalanya mungkin dgn 'DUIT'. D.U.I.T. DDDDDD-UUUUU-IIIII-TTTTTT. DUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Ini orang pakai nama muslim untuk mendapat kekayaan. Orang ini menghina reputasi orang Cina.

  7. Agama sari tan adalah islam tapi makan char sau????

    Inilah masalah di Malaysia, rakyat boleh guna agama untuk mencapai kekayaan mereka dengan mengaku mereka islam saja.

  8. Harap penjelasan diberikan.

  9. just give the answer la..

  10. no need to talk much...

  11. what is SAPP role in this issue?

  12. better just wait for the answers...

  13. penjelasan amat diharapkan.

  14. Sari Tan can never explain this issue becoz he has swallowed the land through his own appointed companies,,

  15. both of you should make a report to the relevant authorities to prove who actually committed any wrongdoings.

  16. Penjelasan diperlukan.

  17. Here we go. Another problems faced by the Chinese.

  18. Biar la mereka yang menyelesaikan masalah ini.

  19. What you gonna do then?
