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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Former DAP councillor wants Lim removed as CM

Lim Guang Eng has no understanding of Penang's aspiration and needs, says former councillor Tham Weng Fatt.

GEORGE TOWN: A former DAP leader called on DAP members and voters to replace Lim Guan Eng with state party chief Chow Kon Yeow as Penang Chief Minister in the next general election.

Former DAP action team chief and councillor Junior Tham Weng Fatt claimed that Chow can be a better Chief Minister because the state party chief had better understanding of Penang’s aspirations, needs and demands.

Tham claimed he would not have left the party if Chow, not Lim, had been the Chief Minister .

Tham left DAP in 2009 to join Parti Cinta Malaysia (PCM). He is now PCM’s Penang special action team chief.

“Chow has the respect of many grassroots members because of his humble and down to earth character.

“He listens to people’s views and would always try to resolve issue with amicable solutions,” Tham told FMT here today.

State executive councillor Chow is Padang Kota assemblyman and Tanjung MP, while Lim is Air Putih assemblyman and Bagan MP.

Tham claimed that Chief Minister Lim does not understand the sentiments, demands and needs of Penangites simply because he was an outsider from Malacca.

Although Chow is also an outsider from Klang Valley, nonetheless he said that the state DAP chief had been living in Penang for  over 25 years now.

He described  Lim as an arrogant politician, who had sidelined many local politicians in favour of outsiders.

Prior to the 2008 general election when DAP was a struggling opposition party, Tham was commonly known among locals as ‘Mr DAP’ for his enthusiasm in highlighting local issues.

However he was not given a seat in the 2008 general elections.

Tham claimed Lim could not shed his confrontational ways and behave like a chief minister.

“Old habits die hard. Lim still continues to behave like an opposition leader than a state executive chief.

By Athi Shakar


  1. Lim Guan Eng only good at talking. What does he know about economics and good governing???

  2. All politicians are only good in talking especially those who in umno/bn pack. not only that, they are also a very 'sweet talking' one. so don't ever blame any of them because that is exactly what they good at. a word came from their mouth worth thousand of ringgit, if not million. The PM himself make a hundred thousand of ringgit word almost every day and sometimes million when come the by-election. what more for general election. so Anonymous 1, what say u?

  3. Lim Guen Eng should step down as CM and let Chow Kon Yeow to be Penang CM. A lot of Penangite like me prefer Chow Kon Yeow who can do much better than Lim Guen Eng for Penang.

  4. Lim Guan Eng can be a good motivator but not a CM, he does not have any management, economic skills or sense.
