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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pembela: Christianity biggest 'threat' to Islam

pembela seminar on islam under seigeThe NGO Muslim Organisation in Defence of Islam (Pembela) has blamed Christianity as one of the biggest contributing factor to their alleged decline of Islam in Malaysia.

"It is clear for all to see, of the aggressiveness and confrontational ways of Christians in bringing cases to court, their police reports all over the country and their press statements whether on the Allah or Al-Kitab issue.
"They all have something to do with their movement in spreading Christianity amongst the people," said Pembela president Yusri Mohamad.

He was speaking to reporters after Pembela's forum entitled 'Islam Under Siege: What Can We Do?'.

Adding that Christians are on a mission to convert Muslims in the country, he said that it all starts with “confusing” Muslims by using Islamic terms.

"It is their strategy to confuse Muslims by using terms and phrases which the Muslims commonly use," he said.

Pembela had previously stated that Islam was under siege particularly in relation to recent developments in Islam-Christian affairs.

At the forum attended by representatives of some 35 Muslim NGOs, the panelists repeatedly made references to Christianity, attributing it to one of the factors of why Islam is under "siege".

ann wan seng pembela seminar on islam under seigeA representative from the Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association Ann Wan Seng told the audience that there is a subtle movement by the Christians to lead Muslims into apostasy.
"It's very subtle. It is like salt in your food. You can't see it, the taste might not be strong, but you know it's there. And it's very effective," he said.

He also claimed that Petaling Jaya in Selangor was the centre of this Christian activity, and that their "conversion" activities are becoming more open and bolder.

"If you go there, you can see that their leaflets and literature everywhere," he said.

Take on harsher role

Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) president Zaid Kamarudin Abd Rahman also said that other threats to Islam include globalisation, liberalisation and pluralism.

speakers pembela seminar on islam under seige"There are still Muslims who think that their religion is not under attack or under seige because their senses are already dulled by entertainment and other earthly pleasures...

"All Muslims must unite in defending Islam. If it is true that there is work to change the constitution to usurp the position of Islam by certain quarters, then we must react in equal measure," he said in his presentation.

Islam-Christian relations have worsened recently, especially after the furore over incidents such as the usage of the word "Allah" that went up to the Federal Court, vandalism of churches and surau and releasing Bahasa Malaysia bibles into the country after being stuck in Port Klang and Kuching for months.

Police reports have been lodged by Christian and Muslim groups since then, each accusing each other of extremism or "challenging the position of Islam".

Pembela urges probe into claims

Most recently, Utusan Malaysia front-paged a report quoting a pro-Umno blog claiming that the DAP in cahoots with Christian leaders in attempting to make Christianity the official religion of the country.

"This has to be investigated. If this is true, we have to be careful," said Yusri.
Meanwhile, Yusri said that even if Pembela were to take a harsher role as urged by several of the participants in the forum, it will be within the confines of the law.

"We will voice out our demands clearer. We won't ignore the laws of the country when fighting for our issue while insisting that "we're not extremists."

By Regina Lee


  1. Islam is a threat to unity in malaysia..not Christianity. The Umno govt should have allowed conversion like that Freedom of Religion is really practised.

    There will be harmony among the people if Religion is confined to personal preferences, and nothing to do with their dirty politics!

  2. I believe it should be exactly that way.

  3. The alleged pastors should report back the disseminator of defamatory to the police and sue them accordingly. give them a lesson to remember.

  4. The accused pastors should report back the disseminator of defamatory to the police and sue them accordingly. give them a lesson to remember.

  5. If there were Malay Muslims and Malay Christians in Malaysia, religion will not used as a tool for politicians' dirty politics.

    Malaysia has never practised what it preached in the Rukun Freedom of Religion.

    Freedom of religion is that every citizen has the right to choose whatever religion they want to embrace or practise.

    I am sure there are a lot of malay muslims who will want to convert to other religions if they have a choice....and so what is so wrong?

    Umno seems to be controlling Islam rather than the other way round...good example is the 'Allah' issue...The Word 'Allah' is only a reference to God...and did anyone says that Islam is a fake religion or rather a copycat of the Bible?

  6. It seems like UMNO owned islam. Allah must be very sad. SATAN should be happily waiting for UMNO members in hell.
