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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Arrogance and 'ulterior motive' of DAP

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) urged the Sabah DAP greenhorns not to be too arrogant and overestimating themselves to the extent thinking their party alone can win all the seats in Sabah in the coming General Election, its KK/Penampang Zone Committee Member, Foo Si Chin.

Foo said undoubtedly SAPP was 'woken up' even before the Batu Sapi Parliamentary by-election, especially when the then Sabah DAP Chief Dr Hiew King Cheu described the consensus reached between Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) top leaders and SAPP not to attack each other but BN during the campaign period, as mere "coffee shop talk".

SAPP was further jolted up when DAP colluded with Umno to attack SAPP instead of BN, especially when Hiew defended BN's records etc, he said in a statement here Thursday.

Foo said all along, SAPP acknowledged that it was the peoples' wish to see the opposition work together to fight BN on 'one-on-one' basis.

"In fact, SAPP had already started discussion with PKR in June 2009 when its deputy president Azmin Ali was chairman of Sabah PKR but there were some people within DAP and PKR who think they can win all seats, and sabotaged the working relationship with SAPP."

"Let DAP and PKR learn from Sarawak. Winning three seats by PKR and 12 seats by DAP is not a victory. 416 promise by DAP has become same as 916 promised by PKR," he said.

"The same government and the same Chief Minister Pek Mo is in power, only DAP in opposition. The oppositions, DAP and PKR Sarawak, even quarrel over the "Sarawak shadow cabinet", what more if there is a real cabinet?" he asked.

"So, SAPP advises young green horn not to be arrogant, and over-estimate themselves to the point of thinking DAP can win all seats on their own.

"SAPP reaffirms our stand ever since 2009 to have a one to one straight fight against BN," he said.


  1. Penjenayah pertama menjadi ketua menteri sabah

  2. Sabah DAP adalah musuh dalam selimut dalam pembangkang. Ketua Sabah DAP ditangkap pergi kediaman Shamsudin Yahya UMNO sekong masa prk batu sapi.

    Kamu percayakah ketua pembangkang pergi rumah yb umno masa pilihanraya hanya minum kopi?

    Jangan lagi memperbodohkan orang kita lagi.

  3. Kenapa Sabah DAP boleh dapat projek dari orang umno di KK water front?

    Yang setahu aku semua projek BN akan diberi sama kroni mereka sahaja.

    Fikir fikirkan lah.

  4. Well known fact, Dap Sabah and Umno are in cahoots...moneywise for personal benefits and opportunity.

    What I have heard reliably was that Umno has rewarded Dap Sabah for helping them win during the batu sapi by-elections.

    Dr Hiew has never refuted nor said a word on these allegations. He has kept his money given by Umno to maintain his extra-marital sexual relation rendezvous with who and who's wife or wives.

  5. Minta Lim kit Siang siasat orang dia diSabah dan tukar mereka yang sudah jadi pembelot.Jangan kerana dua tiga pembelot yang lapar kan wang ringgit nama DAP rosak.Memang bukan senang untuk menyelia pemimpin party dan wang ringgit adalah pemusnah seperti di Perak dimana wakil rakyat DAP dan PKR cabut lari kerana wang.
    Begini lah lumrah politik yang serong dan bertujuan memperdayakan ahli,penyokong dan rakyat amnya.Banyak yang berpolitik untuk memperkayakan diri dan mencari wang ringgit.Semangat rakyat sudah tidak wujud dan rakyat terpedaya.
    Seperti juga dalam UMNO/BN hanya perlu tanya beberapa pemimpin dan YB apakah perjuangan dan ideology mereka berpolitik.Mungkin mereka jawab kuasa dan wang.Itu saja.
    Dalam satu pilihanraya saya terasa terkilan apabila seorang pakcik kepada calon UMNO berkata kepada saya bahawa cara cepat untuk cari wang adalah berpolitik dan menjadi ahli politik.Ini dia mentality orang Sabah dalam memasuki dan menyokong UMNO.Andai kata Pakatan menang esok dan jadi kerajaan maka orang yang sama akan menyokong Pakatan untuk bertujuan mencari wang dan kekayaan dengan jalan 'short-cut'tanpa titik peluh dan usaha.Memang betul dan tepat sekali kata-kata bekas TPM Tun Ghafar Baba bahawa jadi orang politik ini senang saja yang penting kita pandai bercakap.Mungkin saya buat sikit tambahan iaitu pandai kelintung dan membohong.

  6. Oh orang KL memang orang KL, mana mereka peduli kita di Sabah? Fikirlah!

  7. Sabah is like a chess game for them...BN or Pakatan just get out from Sabah!

  8. Dap should not be big-headed after getting some seats in Sarawak. The reason they got these seats is becoz of no local Chinese based parties in the opposition....and the Chinese in Sarawak want to see a less than 2/3 majority to force Taib to resign...nothing more..
    They do not want a total change in government, the dayaks, ibans, melanaus and other local bumis want to maintain the status quo becoz they want Sarawak to be ruled by Sarawakians, not by KL.

    Sabah is now ruled by KL...every BN candidate must be endorsed by the PM before they can carry the BN tag. The CM is chosen by the PM.

    BN Sabah is only a pawn to serve BN Umno...and that is why Sabah has become the poorest state after four decades of federal control.

  9. DAP can never be the Sabah government beside to be a barking dogs.

  10. Pakatan comprising of PKR,PAS and DAP plus SAPP will not be able to win majority seats in Sabah.This is because the strength of Pakatan is in the urban areas which is also in conflict with the strenght of SAPP.There are more than 30 malay majority areas which can easily be won by UMNO and with additional support from PBS and UPKO will easily form the majority to form the next government.
    This is the pathetic political situation Sabahans are facing as majority of the muslim bumiputras are very much behind UMNO and it is not easy for them to waver or bent their support.Pakatan and SAPP therefore have to view this seriously and wake-up from their daydreams that they can muster support and win in the malay majority areas in Sabah.Admit it and work harder.

  11. Keangkuhan dan kesombongan tidak patut ada dalam sebuah parti.

  12. PR dan Sapp ingin bekerjasama tapi mereka nampak seperti tidak sehaluan.

  13. Sabah DAP masih lemah lagi.

  14. sikap rendah diri perlu ada. jka kita angkh dan sombong, kita takkan disukai. begitu juga dalam politik, perlu ada sikap rendah diri dan sentiasa mendekati rakyat.

  15. KAlau DAP tidak dapat buat apa-apa di Sabah biarlah. Itulah pilihan rakyat. Projek kena bagi kepada DAP, kira baguslah itu. Kalau asyik UMNO untuk UMNO ada pula setengah pihak yang tidak puas hati. Tapi bila UMNO dan DAP ada juga yang tidak puas hati. Memang susah kita mahu memberikan kepuasan 100% untuk mereka ini.

  16. albet wong, we are from PBRS and as one of the BN component party. Why UMNo don't give project to PBRS instead of to give to opposition DAP? You better go to hell dickhead and keep your filty mouth shut. Bodoh punya manusia!

  17. SAPP trying to say that they alone can win all the seats in Sabah.. so Pakatan, don't waste your time to put your candidates in this state..
