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Sunday, June 26, 2011

PKR Karim keep on repeating the same mistake.

I am puzzled that SAPP did not issue any strong statement to reply PKR startegist Datuk Karim Ghani's remarks that SAPP must join Pakatan Rakyat on the old excuse that local Sabah parties are ineffective.

Karim's point is that only big national parties like PKR and the Pakatan coalition have the power to solve Sabah's problems. Wasn't that the same reason Karim used when campaigning for UMNO entry into Sabah?

Karim used to pride himself as the man who brought UMNO to Sabah and a party man whose only duty is to the party (UMNO). That was after he was sacked by USNO in the late 1980s.

He was very close to the than UMNO Deputy President Anwar Ibrahim, no doubt, but was also implicated in the murky world of UMNO politics in the 1990. It was reported that he was the head of UMNO's task force on "Pengundi Luar" (Outside Voters, aka Phantom Voters).

It is a mystery that PKR has not only accepted him but even made him "Director of Strategy". As chief strategist, his first strategy was to offend SAPP supporters and other Sabahans who have gotten fed up with "Big Brother" talk by West Malaysian parties.

As I recall, Karim's reason for leaving UMNO was because he said the Federal Government under PKR (Pakatan) would revive USNO, the party that he was responsible for putting an end to. Any USNO man today can vouch their regret for the dissolution of USNO in 1992.

Sabahan (Daily Express Sunday Forum)


  1. Supporting another KL based party is like jumping out from the frying pan only to land on the fire. It will still be the same as BN where KL will dictate most of the terms. Remember you can take Anwar away from UMNO but you cannot take UMNO out of Anwar. The problem in Sabah is caused by our fore leaders naivety and stupidity which was then taken advantage of by KL. To regain back what belong to Sabah can only be achieved by the Sabahan themselves.

  2. Anonymous your are on the spot. I hope more leaders who are supporting KL based parties are realized and stop selling Sabah for their political ends. Our generation will suffer even now we are suffering. So please I don't think you are stupid enough to differentiate between PR and UMNO.

  3. Anyone who fights UMNO/BN should be welcome and not condemned whatever his past misdeeds were.The opposition needs every man and woman to be in the 'battle front' when the time comes.So those 'batu api' should stop inciting the opposition against each other so that BN can win hands down when the time comes.
    I urge these people to discard their opposition anti-opposition sentiments and focus their 'bows and arrows' at the BN.
    Karim Ghani is an asset as he is able to explain and exposed the wrongs and misdeeds of BN for the benefits of the opposition,any opposition party for that matter.

  4. Datuk Karim is an asset? I beg to differ. He is a liability to PKR. If that is true as what you claimed he is so good, why don't he expose about the PROJECT M? I believe your PKR Chief anwar was involved in Project M too when he was DPM of Malaysia except anwar is sleeping in his job.

  5. Datuk karim says only party malaya can solve Sabah problem when he introducing UMNO to Sabah.

    What happened to Sabah later? Sabah was flooded with Illegal Immigrants. NO THANKS to this traitor karim.

    But now he talking the same malayan language by fooling the Sabahans as if only party malaya PR can fight against umno. Sound familiar?

    We Sabahans do not want to be a ginny pig for another donkey years to be ruled under the hands of cunning malaya party. Get Lost!

  6. I will never vote for any party from malaya. We had enough SHITS from these party malaya leaders.

    Those party malaya members in Sabah are merely a PUPPET to their master in KL. They only fighting for their self-interest like projects and positions as promised by his boss from KL with the expense of Sabahans. How pathetic and sickening!

    This time round I will give FULL SUPPORT to our local party SAPP to get back our state government from party malaya umno.

  7. Karim Ghani is an asshole who only help where it suit his self interest like what he had done to Sabah.

    He is a traitor...and if he is not a traitor then he could be a sucker! That is all I can say of such lowly bastards who sold off Sabah to PTIs.

  8. Bagaikan satu titik nila merosakkan susu sebelangga.

  9. I think Karim Ghani is getting more popular each day albeit in a negative way.It could only mean two things,people dislike him or people are scared of him.

  10. He has nothing, why should we support him?

  11. No more Karim please! We are sick with his appearance!!!

  12. When will SAPP & DAP going to end their cold war? the 13th GM is around the corner, unless they stop throwing salvo at each other, BN will surely going to secure even a bigger win in the next GM..

  13. Karim Ghani can't be trust at all.

  14. Give Karim Ghani a break lah.People forgive Pairin and PBS for dumping BN and rejoining it.People also forgive Lajim for dumping PBS and joining UMNO.People even forgive Bernard Dompok for dumping PBS and forming UPKO.Whats the grudge against Karim?
    Everybody deserves a second chance in life and in politics no less.If you believe in the struggle of PKR then Karim is just a small component in the whole big machinery.People who support PKR should support him unless you are someone in BN who is only trying to create mischief.

  15. Karim hnya dipergunakan oleh PKR.

  16. ada yang setuju dan ramai juga yang tidak bersetuju dengan karim..

  17. Give this idiot karim ghani a break? He can take a break if he want since he is 70 years old but it seems like he is busybody and looking for trouble again and again!

    Karim who brought umno to mess up Sabah and he claimed only party malaya umno can solve Sabah problems in 1990. What happen to Sabah now?

    Today is 2011, do we still trust this traitor karim who is promoting another party malaya PR to Sabah and also claimed that only party malaya PR can solve Sabah problem?

    Why Sarawak does not has party malaya but only their local Sarawak party can solve Sarawak problem like PTI except the their CM is corrupted?

    I would not trust any party malaya leader and those hypocrites like Karim ghani again! Bye bye party malaya!

  18. Berhati-hati apabila berkata-kata dan melaksanakan sesuatu perkara.

  19. if you cannot revive USNO by yourself, better you quit from politic forever.. I don't like a leader like u who always depend on others in order to achieve your personal interest..

  20. Semua pemimpin cakap tidak bagus.Yang bagus siapa? Musa Aman?

  21. kasi revive la tu USNO.. biar bertimbun parti politik di Sabah..
