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Sunday, June 26, 2011

We can win and we can govern

"We must believe in ourselves...we can win and we can govern"

KOTA KINABALU, June 25, 2011: To bring Sabah back to its past glory and to pull themselves out of the present doldrums, Sabahans must be determined to rally behind local party like Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), which is genuine and committed in fighting for political autonomy for Sabah.

This was the message of SAPP President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee while speaking at the political gathering cum dinner themed "Sunrise after Tonight", which was jointly organized by its Kota Kinabalu and Penampang youth wings, at the Promenade Hotel here, on Friday.

He explained that this is important citing the quandary that Sabahans are currently in under Barisan Nasional (BN) rule which, he described as a form of "Federal-State collusion" (to exploit both the State's rich natural and human resources).

"Sabah under BN rule today is not a "State-Federal cooperation" but a "State-Federal collusion"; bukan kerjasama, tapi "kap-sit sama"," he quipped. The term "kap-sit" is a Hakka word which means ‘in collusion', usually for a bad reason.

He cautioned that similarly, if Sabah comes under Pakatan Rakyat rule in future, the same fate may befall Sabah/Sabahans.

"It will still be the same - "kapsit sama", and not "kerjasama". We reject this "kapsit sama" set up. Therefore, we want genuine kerjasama and please don't think that they will give us autonomy as a matter of charity, but only because they have to," he said, stressing that this message is especially for all those ‘fence-sitters' out there who have yet to support SAPP.

He conceded that currently SAPP is facing a dilemma of having to face two different schools of thought, with one group of people determined to support local party like SAPP, and another one thought it's no point to support SAPP as it's just a ‘mosquito party' and can't form the State government even if it wins in the coming general election.

"This is the dilemma that we have to overcome, and this is where our sun will rise and shine. I put this to you, that you can do something to overcome this dilemma," he said.

To begin with, he stressed that it is important that Sabahans must start believing in themselves that they are capable of governing their own state, even better than now.

And to substantiate this, he cited the fine examples of Brunei and Singapore who despite their small size and not joining the Federation of Malaysia in 1963, are now clearly better off than Sabah and Sarawak who joined.

"Back in 1963, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined Malaya to form the Federation of Malaysia as, the British was saying that if you don't join Malaya, you will not be able to administer (your own state).

"From that time, it has been implanted in the mind of Sabahans that we cannot...that we must follow (Kuala Lumpur), from London to Kuala Lumpur we will follow. That was 1963.

"But, Brunei did not join and Singapore pulled out two years later. Lee Kuan Yew came to Sabah to persuade our leaders to join Malaysia. But after we joined Malaysia, he left without even saying good bye to us!

"Today, in Asia, which are the two smallest nations? None other than Brunei and Singapore and they are also the richest. Their currencies are also the strongest," he pointed out.

Yong further reminded that Sabah which is rich in natural resources like oil and gas, was once the richest state in Malaysia but now the poorest state.

"How could this be possible when Sabah is an oil and gas producing state? We should be better off today especially when the global oil price goes up, instead of becoming poorer.

"Hence, we must first convince ourselves that change must start with us. When the sun rises tomorrow, there will be a new era in Sabah. All the problems like poverty, land issue etc can be resolved. We must not be looked down upon by others!"

"Looking at that, that's why we come up with the slogan of "SAPP Boleh!" and the young people of Sabah Boleh!

"This is how we change our negative mindset to positive mindset i.e. from "cannot win, win also no point, to "we can win and we can govern"," he elaborated.

The former Chief Minister of Sabah went on to cite United Kingdom as another classic example of how a once small and weak nation could turn the table around to become the powerful British Empire, with colonies all over the world, including Malaya and Borneo, at one time.

"Once upon a time, England was a small island nation and it always come under attack of the neighbouring countries. But over the few hundred years, England developed a strong navy and later ventured out to concur other countries like Canada, America, India and Borneo to establish one of the world's greatest empires.

Hence, we must believe that like England, we too can turn the table around," he said.

Yong further reminded that the political equation in this country has changed after the March 2008 general elections.

"In the past, I repeat, you cannot form government in Sabah without Federal support, now the equation has changed, whereby you cannot form a central government without the support of Sabah and Sarawak. If not because of the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak, BN is now in the opposition. This is the new political equation of Malaysia," he reiterated.

"Hence, after 47 years of waiting, it is the right time now for the sun (SAPP youth leaders) to rise and to shine! SAPP Boleh!" he proclaimed to thunderous applauds from the audience.

"We in SAPP are very proud that the second generation of SAPP members are now in the front line in the fight for Sabah," he added.

Besides Yong, the event also featured three other speakers namely John Stephen Dionysius, SAPP Youth Exco and Assistant Secretary for SAPP KK Youth, Philicica Tong, SAPP Women Exco and Supreme Council member, and Yong Yit Yoong, SAPP KK Youth Chief.

They spoke on the various perennial and pressing issues affecting Sabah, such as the continuous presence of large number of illegal immigrants in the State; high unemployment rate among the people, the youth especially; high inflation versus low pay for the wage earners, etc.

Also present at the occasion were the various SAPP KK Zone CLC Chairmen, its Deputy President Datuk Liew Teck Chan, its Secretary-general Datuk Richard Yong, Treasurer-general Datuk Wong Yit Ming, Vice Presidents Don Chin and Melanie Chia who is also Wanita Chief, Youth Chief Edward Dagul, Information Chief Chong Pit Fah, former State Finance Minister Datuk Mohd Noor Mansor, and Conan Teo, the organizing chairman.

The guests were also entertained by local hip-hop singer Atama Katama and his group of dancers, and up-and-coming Sabah Hakka pop icon, Yee Tian Long.


  1. To return Sabah autonomy back to Sabah is by default from the federal government but not only party malaya can do it be it pr or bn as claimed by the malaya leader and this has clearly written in Malaysia agreement where Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya are Equal Partner!

    Same goes to our oil which suppose we Sabahans should decide how much we donate to help the 11 states in malaya and not how much the federal government give to us.

    After read thru some of your comment and i can conclude that how naive and arrogance those party malaya puppets here.

    SAPP has said it cleared to support PR to form federal government but in return PR should support SAPP to form the State government. This is a win win situation!

    Those who condemn YTL but they forgotten was their PKR chief anwar who brought party malaya umno into Sabah in 1990 and messed up Sabah with their imported illegal immigrants. A bunch of hypocrite!

  2. Party malaya PR should stay away from Sabah and support local party SAPP if they want to topple BN in next GE13. Don't tell me SAPP alone cannot beat BN with your arrogance excuses. Can't you understand simple English PR should work and support SAPP to topple BN in Sabah and SAPP will support PR to form federal government?

    If PR still behave like UMNO and desperately want a piece of cake in Sabah, you guys are no difference like UMNO who just want to steal and rob our natural resources.

    You guys better GET LOST from Sabah.

  3. Say what you like, Sabahans should not and can not depend on someone else charity to regain the state autonomy and state rights if history is any guide. Sabahans have been gullible, taken for granted and lost the self-belief to advance their cause, the sooner they realize that their future lies in their own hands, the better.

  4. Sabah is a partner of Malaysia not just another state. The issue has beeen ignored time and time again. Basic security and infrastructure has been denied for too long. We must wake up from this injustice.

    Malaya party does not know how we suffer and has continued to ignore our rights even with current opposition.

  5. is it possible...tat.....

    malaya, has change its name to malaysia, n put borneo as its state..

    in other words, we r in malaya, but under its new name "malaysia"

    how true is tat n how legal is tat under UN law ?

  6. That what makes me badly sad and even cry-knowing that we are actually only colonized by another monster. 'terlepas mulut harimau, masuk mulut buaya yg lagi dasyat'. Sabah and Sarawak are better forming it own government-as a country from beginning. sungguh benci utk mengenangkan yg kedua-dua Sabah dan Sarawak terpaksa membiayai keseluruhan pembangunan 11 negeri (termasuk wilayah persekutuan) dgn menyerahkan hampir keseluruhan pendapatan dari sumber tempatan.

    Alangkah kayannya Sabah jika ia berdiri sendiri, tidak perlu menyerahkan pendapatanya kepada orang lain yg tiada kena mengena dgn tanah ini dan malah tidak pernah menjejakkan kaki di sini. apakah sumbangan perlis negeri yg hanya sekecil semut berbanding kedua-dua wilayah BORNEO. begitu juga melaka.

    Adakah kita di sini masih lagi tidur.? bangunlah... Sabah akan lebih baik dan maju tanpa umno semenanjung, tanpa mengikut telunjuk persekutuan. ubah sekarang sebelum semuanya terlambat. kekayaan sumber alam sabah tidak akan bertahan sampai selama-lamanya. oleh itu kita perlu mengambil alihnya secepat yg mungkin. jangan biarkan mereka mengaut kesemuanya baru kita menyedari akan kerugian yg kita alami.

  7. Well said YTL.You are just short of 1 inch in declaring Sabah Independence.
    Is that your motive?

  8. To the anonymous above. You can be sue for defamation if you got gut to show your bloody face and name here.

    SAPP is championing for Sabah people rights and that is what we deserve and clearly written in the Malaysia Agreement when Malaysia was formed with the conditions of the 20 points.

    You are merely a traitor to the people of Sabah by cahoot with your boss from malaya to continue to steal and rob our natural resources to feed your 11 states in malaya for the past donkey years with the expense of Sabahans.

  9. Minta YTL jangan buang masa rakyat kerana rakyat sokong Pakatan lebih daripada SAPP.
    Minta YTL buat pengumuman bahawa SAPP akan bertanding semua 60 kerusi negeri di Sabah dan juga semua kerusi Parlimen kalau berani.
    Make the announcement please.It is not premature because SAPP always talk about being the next government.To be the next government SAPP needs at least 31 state seats.So YTL what are you waiting for?

  10. Jika PR dapat sambutan di Sabah. Kenapa kalah teruk di 2008? Masih mabuk kah?

    Kerbau dari parti malaya adalah pengkhianat kepada bangsa dan negeri Sabah kita yang tercinta.

  11. To anonymous above I can sue you for defamation too for calling me a traitor of which I am not if only you dare to show your bloody face and name.
    I therefore challenge you to show your name I/C No.and address and face for my lawyers to see before giving my instructions.

  12. Kita cakap p/raya ke13 mungkin pada 2011 atau 2012 bukan mau cakap pasal 2008.Kalau cakap pasal 2008 maka BN lah yang kuat dan tidak payah lagi cakap pasal 2011 atau 2012.Kalau ikut trend kekuatan 2008 maka BN akan memerintah Sabah lagi lol.Tidak payah lagi saudara sibuk dengan SAPP pasal BN tetap menang.Lol,Lol 2008 konon.Apa kekuatan SAPP pada 2008? Tumpang rumah orang?

  13. Why did YTL talk about England,Brunei,Singapore and their strong currencies and navy? Whats that got to do with Sabah politics? He was not talking about Malaysia as a country but Sabah as a state.Were the points raised relevant?

  14. pru13 belum lagi datang pun macam kamu tahu siapa menang.

    Bukankah kita belajar dari sejarah? Parti malaya PR sudah kena diTOLAK bulat2 oleh rakyat Sabah masih tidak sedarkah? Kaki pengampu PR Sabah janganlah buang masa untuk kacau pilau di Sabah. Baliklah semenanjung.

  15. YTL compared Singapore without any natural resources can be developed better than the whole Malaysia after they quit Malaysia formation.

    But Sabah blessed with abundance of natural resources but has became the poorest in Malaysia due to mismanagement by party malaya umno.

    Not surprisingly those retarded mindset monkey will hard to understand or simply ignorant.

  16. Anonymous said...
    To anonymous above I can sue you for defamation too for calling me a traitor of which I am not if only you dare to show your bloody face and name.
    I therefore challenge you to show your name I/C No.and address and face for my lawyers to see before giving my instructions.

    Please come to see me at Le Meridien now and I am in the cigar lounge. Please walk the talk and hope you are not another chicken hen and chicken out. You are indeed a TRAITOR! I will wait for you here till 6pm.

  17. Jika SAPP hanya tumbang rumah BN. Kamu dari parti malaya PR sama juga tumbang rumah orang parti malaya.

    PR boleh tutup kedai lah di Sabah. Orang Sabah tidak mahu budaya samseng dari parti malaya. Kamu tidak beza sama umno.

  18. I got your message at 6.08pm.I do not wish to fly to KK just to see your ugly face afterall only a traitor called someone else a traitor.I think you are a bloody scumbag,a wimp who wish to create a scene in public.Cowards lol!Do you feel cornered and now is barking back?

  19. What a LOSER and you indeed a traitor to all the people of Sabah by selling off Sabah to your malaya master for the sake of self benefits. Get Lost!

  20. A dog will continue barking non-stop when its back is against the wall.And this dog doesn't have any teeth.It cannot bite so it keep on barking to cause nuisance to the people.

  21. PRK Batu Sapi 2010...Batu pun teda dapat...PRU 13 nanti...SAPP tak kan ke mana!!!

  22. Sabah under the BN led govt, has "progress" from richest to poorest.This is a fact. Yet in the past decades, BN never do anything to rectify this disparity. Sabahans should be matured enough to determine our course of life & be on our own & not determine by wm.Wm is only interested to colonize the state & get all resources to develop wm.
    It is a well known fact that S'pore progresses so far ahead is not because it is run by chinese politicians but by the policies adopt by the S'pore govt.Policies such as there is not segregation of citizens, adoption of meritocracy society and etc.
    We can not depend on our "kampong" roads linking the major towns for developments but we should have highways linking all major towns to attract foreign investments.
    Yet over the past decades, the so called developments in Sabah have yet to be seen. Our infrastructures and industries are far behind other states in wm. There is no intention of BN to prosper Sabah as it is easy to rule a weak state than prospered state.
    Sabah can be like S'pore if we have the will & faith to determine our own destiny & rule on our own. We have abundance natural & humnan resources.we can make changes & changes we must make for our future generations.
    We must segregate the present morons in BN and let them retire.

  23. Evidence and facts are before our eyes that parties of Semenanjung had used Sabah since the Berjaya signing off our petroleum to Petronas and strategic manipulation of our economy with unfair trade practices and unfair development, projects to Sabah.

    Sabah local natives were left backward by BN UMno, a Malayan party which now rooted itself in Sabah,,,,while the illegal immigrants who got blue ICs (overnight citizens) thrived and considered Malays...WTF!

    The bottom line is, we cannot trust them from KL.

  24. PBS, UPKO, PBRS, LDP or SAPP...can we trust them ???


  26. SAPP ingat mereka ini hebat ka? Mereka ingat pemimpin mereka YTL itu boleh tarik undi bumiputra ka? 'Kail panjang sejangkal jangan lah lautan hendak di duga'faham? Paling kuat SAPP boleh dapat undi 'Gaya Streets'saja.Itu pun kena bagi juga dengan Pakatan.

  27. Kaki pengampu dari parti malaya Sabah belum lagi sedar mereka kalah teruk di Sabah 2008 dan punca utama mereka kalah sebab sikap tamahak dan semua mimpi mahu rebut jadi yb. Sendiri mahu ingat lah palui.

    Jilat jangan tidak jilat bandat bos kamu dari malaya. Kamu adalah pengkhianat kepada bangsa dan negeri Sabah tercinta kita. Kamu sanggup gadai maruah dan menipu rakyat sabah dengan satu tujuan supaya dapat jawatan dan projek untuk diri sendiri. Kulit orang Sabah tetapi hati orang malaya. Jahanam!

    Aku tidak akan undi parti malaya lagi. Aku akan terus sokong parti local SAPP yeng ikhlas memperjuangkan untuk rakyat Sabah dan Sabah otonomi.

  28. Kenapa SAPP mahu berkerjasama dengan Pakatan kalau Pakatan parti malaya? Sebab SAPP tahu mereka tidak boleh menang tanpa bantuan Pakatan.Bodoh betul monyet SAPP ini.Dia tidak sedar semua PATI sokong UMNO.Dia maseh khayal dan terus mengampu YTL.

  29. Kalau begitu yakin, kita tunggulah PRU-13.

  30. I can't wait the next GE. So, Sabahans get ready.

  31. Ba Kamurang, mengundi kita nanti.

  32. Have you seen a dog wagging its tail between the legs in Le Meridien? Can anyone look for it at the cigar lounge?

  33. Anonymous vs anonymous... who win? the one waiting at le meridien and another one says he only got the comment after 6.08pm and he can't fly back to kk just to face the le meridien man ugly face.. I think the le meridien man win and the 'fly' man are coward. that's how umno/bn people act. they are best in making excuses to others so that they can run. no wonder many of their promises are left behind unattended for several decades. if you dare to say that i'm lying, please, someday when you step you foot here at sabah, go somewhere interior. Pitas for instance. bad road condition. people are too poor to live. after that, see the bn manifestos for the Pitas.

  34. Bermimpi di kala Matahari masih lagi bersinar dengan terang nya....

  35. Kalau di batu sapi sudah kalah apa lagi di kawasan2 lain....

  36. ya.. YTL di Batu sapi pun kalah, ini pula nak menang di seluruh Sabah.

  37. See, DAP & SAPP fighting with each other not only outside, but here in the Internet.

    BN will surely win big in Sabah...

  38. just wait and see for PRU-13 whether SAPP will win and govern or not.

  39. PRU 13 belum pun tahu bila, sudah kecoh. Bah mari ramai2 pergi mengundi kemudian tunggu dan lihat siapa yang menang.

  40. Kalau kalah komplen 24/7. Kalau menang diam2 pula.

  41. SAPP is day-dreaming so are its supporters.They acted like gangsters and if they lose in any argument they will get annoyed and ask people to see them in posh hotel like Le Meridien just to show-off their lifestyles.If you are a kampung folk then I think you would dare not even walk into the hotel because you are a poor kampung guy.But their foolishness lay in the fact that they are willing to stoop so low as to be ready to create a scene in a hotel right in front of the public and degrade themselves just to argue about their party.Their arrogance are limitless and reflects so much on their party stance in confronting any dissent towards their leaders and party.They want you to agree with them and to disagree means you are a traitor and deserve the scorn in the way they think fit.
    No one is afraid of trouble.This country is govern by a rule of law and if and should anyone breaks the law he should be willing to face the full brunt of the law itself.If SAPP thinks they have enough hooligans wanting to create trouble on any members of the opposite party then the same could be taken against them.Unfortunately some commenters do not come from good educational background as to confront criticisms intelligently and once cornered would get mad,irritated and offended as to throw a challenge and cowardly enough in trying to make a scene and trouble in full view of the people as to choose a renown hotel owned by the CM family himself.
    Stupidity and foolishness are not in our domain and if anyone choose such then it can only show their backward mentalities and serves to show the statement made by their president 'We can win,we can govern'is just nonsensical at the very least.
    To the anonymous concern you are just a bloody coward,a wimp,a scavenger who is hiding under the underwear of your president.Learn from us,never argue on politics in a public place but in a public forum.

  42. It seems like the party import from malaya monkeys were offended when be called to meet up at Le Meridien but they had forgotten most of the malaya boss fly to KK will stay in 5 star hotel in Sabah by the expense of tax payer money. At least that guy ask those monkey to meet at meridien using his own money if compared to those party malaya monkeys.

    Those party malaya monkeys from Sabah better go to hide in your cave instead of to project yourselves like a FOOL here.

  43. Sabah to become backward today was because those party malaya followers from Sabah who sold off Sabah to their malaya leaders for the sake of their self-interest. They are still continue doing it now.

    Pakatan rakyat LOST BIG TIME in Sabah in 2008 even though One on One fight against BN. Nevertheless, they will never accept the fact because most of them are opportunists and got no idea on how to develop Sabah and make Sabah to be progressive.

    The people of Sabah will show all the party malaya an eXIT door in the coming GE13. You guys better get your boat back to Malaya.

  44. The opportunists are those who sit at Le Meridien waiting for BN Ministers and YBs just to say hello.Without realising these SAPP so-called supporters are showing how double-face they are.On one hand they criticised party Malaya and on the other they like to hang around at Le Meridien knowing that it is a place for BN leaders to stay.These people are just two timers,hypocrites pretending to support SAPP but 'cari makan' by pretending to befriend UMNO/BN leaders.
    How else could they explain their presence at Le Meridien as their favourite leisure spot? Do the people want to trust these people? They are like chameleon and can change their colours as they think fit.At SAPP function they support YTL and later on turn their back,sit at Le Meridien and wait for BN ministers to pass by with the hope that they get noticed.Its true what I said before they are just scavengers looking for crumbs at the hotel.These people can easily be turncoats with the right price.You think they are idealists?
    For the people who read this comment and their comments you will now realise the substance SAPP members and supporters are made off.Beware and don't get fooled by their treacherous slogans and engineered schemes that are filled with malice and with the intention of hoodwinking the people of Sabah.

  45. Who are these opportunists??? maybe u could tell the Sapp can try further their noble causes.

  46. tunggu dan lihat sajalah..semuanya terserah dengan pilihan rakyat.

  47. SAPP seperti begitu yakin akan menangn besar dalam PRU13 ini. PAstikah? Sudahkah SAPP menjiwai hati rakyat? Rakyat yang menilai apa yang mereka rasa terbaik untuk mereka.

  48. Those idiots from party malaya are only good in slandering.

    Whoever from SAPP if go 5 star hotel to have drinks and dinners will be accused waiting for BN leader? This is those idiots logic from party malaya. hahahaha

    What about when their party malaya boss like Wan azizah, anwar, Fauziah, lim kit siang, William Leong, Tian Chua, teresa kok, khalid ibrahim came to Sabah who used to stay in 5 stars hotel in KK? Why keep quiet?

    This idiot definitely has a selective amnesia and discriminative mindset against local Sabah party. You guys must be very worries about the strength of SAPP and I can see you will try to use whatever evil way just to tarnish the name of SAPP.

    Nevertheless, GE13 is the EXIT door for party from malaya. Bye bye!

  49. SAPP akan berjuang untuk kebaikan rakyat dan mempertahankan hak2 dan tanah2 rakyat Sabah daripada dirampas oleh lanun dari sebrang.

    Rakyat Sabah akan sokong SAPP untuk menghalau parti import malaya keluar dari Sabah dan semua kes curi tanah dan hasil bumi Sabah mesti dihentikan.

  50. I am a Sabahan of course I am sure and I believe our Sabahans can.

    What about you the ANON above? You sound like you are not a Sabahan.

  51. Cakap tak serupa bikin.

  52. Anon June 29, 2011 2:31 PM

    I'm a genuine Sabahan. What make you so sure that SAPP is going to help you out?

  53. Retorik semata mata.

  54. SAPP ini 'kaya' dengan temberang saja.Kamu ingat dia boleh menang dan jadi kerajaan ka? Tujuan dia kasi Sabahan benci dan gaduh sama sendiri.SAPP adalah parti cina macam Gerakan tapi guna melayu dan KDM sebagai 'poster' saja.

  55. To the ANON above who claimed he is genuine Sabahan,

    I tell you what, what make you think that our local party SAPP setup by all the pure Sabahans cannot do better than your party import from malaya?

    I would rather trust our own Sabahans rather than to trust outsider.

    You have projected yourselves as a Sabahan is useless and incompetence, and the WORST still is you need outsider to do your job.

  56. SAPP temberang? Kamulah yang temberang dan tipu sendiri. Hanya orang yang palui macam kamu dan tidak ada kepala otak aksi tahu sanjung tinggi2 orang malaya tetapi terus pijak-memijak orang Sabah sendiri dan sudah lupa pula kamu sendiri pun orang Sabah.

    Siapa yang memecah-belahkan orang Sabah jika bukan orang luar?

  57. Mana ada SAPP 'setup by pure Sabahans'pasal banyak PATI yang sudah memiliki K/P Malaysia jadi ahli SAPP.Karut lah!Dari mana datang ahli sendiri pun tidak tau.

  58. Are we proud with the situation now in Sabah? Have you ever count how many politic party in Sabah?

    Why are we so easy to be control and manipulate?
    Because we never stand together. Because we are happy to be divide and rule.

  59. Can we still put our trust on Yong Teck Lee?

  60. Once Sabah was rule by their very own local party such as USNO, Berjaya and PBS. If the theory that only the local know how to rule the state, how UMNO can find hole to penetrate in the state politic arena and rule the state?

  61. Bukankah kita pilih pemimpin berdasarkan keupayaannya?
    Seorang pemimpin tempatan yang berasuah, tidak amanah dan seorang pemimpin dari lain negari yang berkebolehan dan jujur, mana yang kita pilih? mana yang diberi peluang?

  62. True leader and good leader carried special characteristic in him. He must be sincere, honer, integrity, trustworthy, competency accountability....! And many.

  63. Sapp claim there can govern, shall we give them an opportunity?

  64. Its a big mistake to support SAPP.I fully agree with rudeo that local parties were given the chance to govern Sabah in the past but they failed to keep up with all their sweet promises.Just look at USNO,Berjaya and PBS.They blundered and had to be thrown out.SAPP could be worst.Just forget SAPP because the real battle will be between Pakatan and BN.GE13 will see a fight between these two giants but not a mosquito like SAPP.It is just trying to be a nuisance and a spoiler.
    Try not to read too much what SAPP supporters write and comment because you will get bored and tired of the same empty slogans and obscene words they use.They are good at throwing tantrums and bad words but its only because they are becoming emotional,desperate and frustrated for not being able to garner the peoples support and trust towards their leaders.
    Lately you would have noticed aggressiveness from SAPP supporters in their comments and slowly but surely they had taken off their hoods that had been hiding their true faces,characters and behaviours.They are hypocrites putting up fake struggles purportedly for the people but in truth and reality for themselves.
    Pakatan will prevail with your support and in spite of all the challenges our leaders are facing it is not far away from the destination that it has charted.The people will see a new dawn,a new day and a breathe of freshness in the air for a new found freedom and liberty,economic success and prosperity and religious freedom that will be shared equally by all and where opportunities benefit those deserving hard working people and where imbalances are eradicated and those who truly deserve are rewarded without any prejudice as to colour or creed.Thats the REAL AND NEW MALAYSIA is all about.Thats what Pakatan will stand for.

  65. no second chance, or don't give your (Sabahan) support to the party who did many destructive things to our beloved state or to the party who responsible to a huge chunk of Sabah's wealth fell into the wrong hands.

    they will not be able to return what was stolen from us even we give them a second chance to rule this state, but at least we can tell them what we think of them by rejecting them in the next GE.

  66. knowing what BH or malaya parties are capable of creating fault hope for sabahans in the past decades in destroying our culture and integration of local races, we must not give them another chance. Sabahans must vote wisely to make changes for local party only.

  67. you can say that you can win and you can govern, but at the end, people will judge you..
