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Monday, June 13, 2011

Sabah’s Tai Chi Master – Datuk Dr. Yee Moh Chai

The Minister of Resource Development and Information Technology, Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai should stop this melodrama and exasperation over the dismal broadband services in Sabah.  Stop playing Tai Chi and away with the Mahathir syndrome because as the Minister who looks after information technology development in Sabah the buck stop with YOU!!  Grow up and take the blame like a man.  What a pathetic behavior from a Deputy Chief Minister of Sabah.

As a learned man (who happens to be a lawyer, doctor, Deputy Chief Minister of Sabah and, a British Permanent Resident), he should be aware that 2 years ago he appointed a reputable consultant to prepare the ICT blueprint for Sabah (unless he has selected memory when he lied to the Chief Minister).  Today after more than 2 years we have yet to see the final report of this blueprint.  A check at the Unit Kemajuan IT Negeri website ( still has the old IT Master Plan for Sabah which was made 15 years ago in 1996.

In the IT industry, progress relies on fast and up-to-date communication.  Anything over 6 months old are deemed obsolete.  So with the 15 year old Sabah IT Masterplan, it is well and truly a dinosaur, encased in the ancient tablets found only in the pyramids of Egypt.  How desperate it is in need of a review!!  Now the 2 sen question is can we blame the Federal Minister of Information Communication and Culture, Dato’ Dr Rais Yatim for being ignorant about the state of ICT development in Sabah when our own State Minister went AWOL?

"Tak boleh Datuk, mau wang mesti ada Masterplan"

Perhaps due to lack of any ICT Plans and real information, in his ignorance, the Federal Minister decided to give out free Netbooks to thousand of remote rural folks in Sabah who, as we know, has no electricity or let alone broadband connections.  In addition, his ministry has spent millions by giving away free Astro B’yond decoder and LCD TV to 1,800 recipients in Sabah recently…and how the rest of us in Sabah have to live with unreliable broadband services even when we do have electricity.  Sigh!!

Dato’ Rais, it seemed, is ignorant about the backwardness and the level of info-structure and utilities development in Sabah.  Dato’ Rais is, after all, from Negeri Sembilan, which is smaller than the District of Beluran.  In all honesty, I feel his mind cannot grasp the size and spread of Sabah’s population.  When he was still in high school in Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak was not in their school’s curricula.  Therefore, can we blame him if he is ignorant about Sabah?  Who was supposed to educate him about us?  We the people of Sabah or the Minister-in-charge of ICT in Sabah?

To add salt to our already open and maggoty wound to this whole episode, Yee Moh Chai is also the Minister RESPONSIBLE (with a capital R) for employment in Sabah.  Sabah is a state with the highest unemployment rate especially those categorized as “white collar” workers.  SEDIA as the implementer of Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) boasted recently that they created 32,000 jobs in 2008 and 40,000 jobs in 2009.  However, SEDIA never mention whether the 32,000 jobs are “white collar” JOBS or agriculture workers because for the same period the whole of Malaysia only managed to create less than 100,000 jobs.  This means Sabah generated 30 – 40% of employment opportunities in Malaysia!

What I want to know is where all the industries are? In comparison even the PROTON City in Tanjung Malim required a 10 year plan to generate 10,000 jobs. Tanjung Malin is close to Kuala Lumpur. Shsssss…YB Yee! Are you asleep kah?

So coming back to the issue of employment, where are all the jobs that SEDIA has boastfully claimed they have created?  Maybe being “economical with the truth” is what YB Yee’s best solution because we do not see hard-facts.  On the other hand, to be accountable the Ministry of Resource Development should provide this simple service to the public by listing through the internet and newspaper types of jobs available in Sabah.  We want to know as responsible citizens of the State, the truth!  Is that too much to ask?!

With all these Tai Chi’s and leaders going AWOL, it appears the state government is not satisfied to just making use of phantom voters during elections.  They are now even resorting to twisted, untruth reporting.  I put to Datuk Dr Yee this simple question; does Sabah really have the money for its own ICT development?  Better still, with you being in the cabinet and having firsthand knowledge of all the cabinet discussions (or am I asking too much), can the State in this moment in time even pay for the civil service salary?  Or are all these claims about billions of ringgit being spent in Sabah’s development are just some wild fantasy?  If you cannot answer this simple question then you are no more being “economical with the truth” but all the information given to the public to date becomes just blatant lies.

All the Ministers are responsible for their portfolios.  If they cannot execute their portfolios then they must take the blame.  Take it on the chin and admit their mistake, No Mahathir syndrome here by blaming others.

So to sum it up Dato’ Rias’ ignorance is as a matter of fact the whole of BN Sabah’s fault especially our dear leader, who went on absent without leave, our very own Datuk Dr Yee Moi Chai.  The buck stops with you YB Yee.  On the same note, the senior officers in the state civil service should equally share the blame for not being brave or forthright in their advice to their Ministers.  Therefore, Datuk Sri Panglima Musa Haji Aman should seriously consider that failure from the likes of Yee Moh Chai and the rest of BN Sabah, the civil service and the GLCs, REFLECTS the weaknesses of your own leadership.

Be advised Datuk Musa that your political future depends very much on your colleagues performances and the abilities of the people whom you appoint to head the GLCs and government departments.  The people of Sabah will remind you how well they perform when the next GE comes…which is just around the corner! 

Sabah Sifu


  1. Musang bin tidak aman and sotong yee should resign immediately.

    Datuk Shafie Apdal should replace Musang bin tidak aman immediately before umno lost BIG TIME in the coming election.

    Musang Bin tidak aman has so many corruptions case against him. His name is real STINK in the eye of the people in Sabah.

  2. Oleh kerana Sabah perlu bergantung kepada kerajaan persekutuan.

  3. I think Yee not play Tai Chi. He already do his part but Rais just ignore the state's request.

  4. Rais the person who need to be blame on this matter.

  5. Rais yang main tai chi nie.

  6. Well, i have to disagree with Sabah Sifu..

    Dr. Yee Moh Chia in fact has done so much in his capacity as a Minister of Resource Development & Information Technology.

    Since 2005, Dr. Yee's ministry has trained over 150,000 Sabahan's in ICT. In last year alone, a record 65,000 were trained in ICT; 36 of them qualified as Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers (MCSE), the most coveted ICT qualification, and 10 of them the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP).

    To promote IT awareness in the rural area, 19 e-Desa centres will going to be built this year since the first opened in 2005 at Kampung Sokid at Bundu Tuhan in Kundasang. Each e-Desa centre costs 600,000 ringgit and will equipped with 10 computers with Wi-Fi, a scanner and a public address system.

    Thats only the tip of the iceberg. There are many more project under Dr Yee's but readers may have to check it themselves..

  7. Datuk Yee hnya menyuarakan isi hati penduduk Sabah mengenai kemudahan teknologi komunikasi di Sabah yng masih lagi lemah. apa yg diharapkan tahap komunikasi di sabah ditingkatkan.

  8. Apart from IT, employment is also one of the issues being oversee by Yee Moh Chai's Ministry.

    During a career expo organized by Yee's Ministry in 2010, 33 employers offered 420 jobs and 39 institutions of higher learning introduced courses to school leavers that will give them the skills and qualifications for top paying jobs.

    In 2009 career expo, more than 2,000 jobs were offered by 60 companies and government agencies.

    Apart from that, Yee's ministry also offered free ICT & language class for Sabahan to make themselves more knowledgeable & giving themselves "an extra values" when applying for a job.

  9. apa yang disuarakan Dr. Yee Moh Chaia adalah wajar dan merupakan keperluan rakyat/pengguna yang perlu dipertingkatkan.

  10. bagi saya, kini seharusnya semua berusaha untuk meningkatkan kualiti jalur lebar yang ada.

  11. Pemimpin Sabah berdiam diri atau bersuara lantang pun jadi isu. Diam salah, bercakap pun salah. Macam mana mahu maju ni?

  12. He has done a lot especially in encouraging more Sabahans to be trained in ICT field. He's also contributed funds for several schools in KK.. All the best to Dr Yee..

  13. no need to resign...better seek for solutions ASAP..

  14. dr. yee has done his its time for rais yatim to fulfill his promises..

  15. 'people first, performance now'...

  16. hope this issue will be ended soon..please do something about it.

  17. Him resigning is not the solution to this problem.

  18. What has Rais done to help the people so far??

  19. Hope datuk Yee do for rakyat and not just for a drama. We believe datuk Yee will fight for this broadband services in Sabah.

  20. Bagus YMC. Kalau benar YMC sayangkan Sabah bantulah menangani maslah ini. Jalur lebar agak terhad di Sabah jadi kita mahu jika boleh seluruh Sabah memperolehinya.

  21. Yee ambil berat dgn perkembangan jalur lebar di Sabah, kerana itu dia mengadu kepada Rais mengenai masalah jalur lebar di Sabah. Yee harus kekal dalam usaha memajukan teknologi komunikasi di Sabah.

  22. As a highly educated and season minister, Rais do not need to be educate about Sabah. Size of the state where he came from does not matter is about how big the brain he carried.

  23. Now a day, whoever on the CM seat and how long he can sit on it are depends very much on how well the whole administration performing.

  24. State Government cannot do much if the federal did not channel enough allocation to the state.

  25. Why blame our state leader? Dr Yee had done his job.
    Rais's and his ministry should take the blame.

  26. Yee already made complain to Rais and now the ball is under Rais's foot.

  27. Instead of giving laptop to the people who live in the area where there have no electric supply,
    why don't use the money to provide them electricity?

  28. Sometime u will not sure whether u are using broadband or 'narrowband'.

    Hope the service provider upgrade their service so that we really can surf faster as what they sale.

  29. Hahaha, sometime 'no band'.

  30. Hope the Sabah new ICT Master Plan will coming out soon. Work hard Dr Yee and colleagues.

  31. Sabah have enough money to develop its ICT. This can be done by increase another 15% of the oil royalty pay from Petronas.

  32. Sabah have been ignored and sidelined by the Federal since long ago.
    Dr Yee have pointed out the truth.

  33. Lambat betul line internet di tempat saya. Sudah lama kita membangunkan ICT kita tapi masih jauh ketinggalan.

  34. Malaysia had been the pioneer in developing ICT in Asia. But today we fall far behind India, Korea, Taiwan etc.
    We must arise.

  35. Dr Yee cannot do it alone. State Government also cannot do it without Federals participation.
    They must sincerely work together for the sake of the people.

  36. Don blame them. Blame the people who voted them up.
    May be u r one of them.

  37. If every time Sabah project did not carry out properly or materialise and fail to meet deadline, then we blame the federal gomen didnt do their job and bla .....

    Why the state government did not ask from federal government to give full autonomy to the state government to do the job which is also respecting, enriching and honoring the Malaysia Agreement whereby Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya are Equal partner?

    Musang bin tidak aman by bluffing the people the state coffer has billions of RM but where is the money? It suppose to use it for development and not for showing off!

    Don't tell me internet has just started 1 or 2 years ago! Internet has been started since 1995 and all the user need the basic telecommunication devices like modem, phone line and broadband to connect to the internet.

    Yee Mo chai holding the portfolio as IT minister for more than 8 years but failed to do his job by improving the state basic telecommunication infrastructure should RESIGN immediately.

    Rais and yee both are simply in-competence!

  38. I think the ministry has give an explanation about this.

  39. Memang satu tindakan normal bila penetrasi jalur lebar di Sabah masih lemah dan seperti dianaktirikan.

  40. So tell us what has yee have done

  41. Im reposting Ronald comments...seems ha has a point there....

    Well, i have to disagree with Sabah Sifu..

    Dr. Yee Moh Chia in fact has done so much in his capacity as a Minister of Resource Development & Information Technology.

    Since 2005, Dr. Yee's ministry has trained over 150,000 Sabahan's in ICT. In last year alone, a record 65,000 were trained in ICT; 36 of them qualified as Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers (MCSE), the most coveted ICT qualification, and 10 of them the Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP).

    To promote IT awareness in the rural area, 19 e-Desa centres will going to be built this year since the first opened in 2005 at Kampung Sokid at Bundu Tuhan in Kundasang. Each e-Desa centre costs 600,000 ringgit and will equipped with 10 computers with Wi-Fi, a scanner and a public address system.

    Thats only the tip of the iceberg. There are many more project under Dr Yee's but readers may have to check it themselves.. Apart from IT, employment is also one of the issues being oversee by Yee Moh Chai's Ministry.

    During a career expo organized by Yee's Ministry in 2010, 33 employers offered 420 jobs and 39 institutions of higher learning introduced courses to school leavers that will give them the skills and qualifications for top paying jobs.

    In 2009 career expo, more than 2,000 jobs were offered by 60 companies and government agencies.

    Apart from that, Yee's ministry also offered free ICT & language class for Sabahan to make themselves more knowledgeable & giving themselves "an extra values" when applying for a job.

  42. mochavanilla,

    I totally disagree with you and your boss Sotong Chai who is total FAILED working as IT minister portfolio.

    I went to the career expo, all the booth setup only looking for diploma holders and below qualifications job. As for the degree holder. They told me NO JOB vacancy!!!

    The salary offer in Sabah also lesser than any states in Malaysia.

    We do not need a LOSER like YEE to continue to hold that IT ministry portfolio for the past donkey years and can't even achieve the internet penetration to merely 30% in Sabah. What a LOSER?

  43. Dr Yee telah memansuhkan parking fee di Lintas.

  44. Are you been hurt by someone?

  45. Sesiapa yang tidak berpuas hati dengan Yee kerana mereka adalah dari parti bertentangan.

  46. So wasting time.

  47. Jangan kaitkan hal peribadi dengan kerjaya politiknya.

  48. That's right. We have no right to bewilder him.

  49. Dr Yee memang pernah mengusulkan cadangan itu namun ditolak.Jadi adakah kita yang besalah dalam hal ini?

  50. I think it's enough to tarnish his image.
