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Monday, June 27, 2011

SAPP supports free and fair election

KOTA KINABALU, June 27, 2011: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Youth strongly support the efforts of Bersih on their 8 demands which should be acknowledged and respected.

It's Youth Leader, Edward Dagul said that it is the constitutional right of every Malaysian to voice his or her opinion, irrespective of the political inclinations.

"The 8 demands by Bersih should be respected and supported and if the voice is unheard, then the natural tendency of grouping takes over. The voices of the rakyat in wanting a free and fair election should not be stifled.

In the Bersih set up, the steering committee members have continuously stated that they are apolitical. Haris Ibrahim was quoted as saying, We say again and again, Bersih is not pro-Pakatan Rakyat.. Neither are we anti-Barisan Nasional. We are pro-reform."

Edward emphasized that the image of a stronger, independent EC would only help to boost Malaysia's standing as being a proponent to fair, transparent and just governance. The demands by Bersih are similar to the 8 points declaration by the Party especially "that the government shall be of the people and based on Good Governance and Civil Society."

"It is common knowledge to many that the current electoral system is riddled with faults to the extent of being biased to the government. The political gerrymandering of boundaries over the years, as well as the much talked continued presence of phantom voters within the electoral list are but a few of such examples in Sabah. Therefore, the demands by the Bersih organizers are justified and their proactive approach should be commended in making the country a more respected nation.

"Many have complained of the Elections Commission bias and our own experiences in Batu Sapi as well as the recently concluded Sarawak State elections are testament to this. SAPP has made numerous reports of election offences and other irregularities with the Election Commission but unfortunately, till now, no action has been taken.


  1. D mana kah SAPP berada semasa Perhimpunan Bersih Pertama d KL pada tahun 2007 ??? Bila dah keluar dari BN...baru berani bersuara!!!

  2. Maknanya waktu itu mereka masih terikat dan takut dgn bekas 'big boss' atau 'abang besar' paling tepat 'umno' pada waktu itu. sekarang mereka tidak perlu takut lagi. saya tertanya-tanya adakah parti2 komponen BN yg lain di sabah juga mempunyai ketakutan seperti itu atau hanya takut akan kehilangan kerusi kerana mereka juga menyumbang dan terlibat secara langsung dgn aktiviti pilihan raya yg tidak sihat seperti pembelian undi dan suapan politik.

    Sebagai rakyat malaysia yg merdeka, saya menyokong perjuangan B.E.R.S.I.H 2.0 ini dan saya tidak melihat apa masalahnya dgn mengadakan perhimpunan besar-besaran secara aman. mereka mempunyai sebab utk melakukanya kerana SPR selama ini memang mengikut telunjuk kerajaan umno/bn dan tidakpernah benar2 berkecuali atau neutral. tindak tanduk mereka banyak kepada memehak kepada blok sebelah sana.

  3. Lama juga SAPP tunggu untuk bersuara.

  4. Parti lalang ba.Mana angin tiup di sana dia tunduk.Itu dia pendirian SAPP.

  5. semua pun sokong kalau pilihanraya dijalankan dengan bersih dan adil tapi cara tuntutan tu saja yang tidak disokong oleh semua rakyat.

  6. Kalo pemuda Sabah nak bersih ko jgn kasi bikin kotor lagi mcm mata-mata je!

  7. SAPP hnya tau mengambil kesempatan. jgnlah kita rakyt Sabah terikut-ikut dgn perhimpunan tersebut.

  8. Kalau SAPP masih dalam BN, beranikah mereka mengeluarkan kenyataan yang mereka menyokong Bersih ini?

  9. Kenapa salah kah SAPP sekarang menyokong Bersih...apa niat Sachiko ...???

  10. masing-masing ada pendirian..apa pun harap penyelesaian terbaik akan diperoleh.

  11. SAPP parti lalang? Betul ka?Ada orang kata parti nyamuk.Mana satu betul?

  12. Orang malaya kata parti Sabah adalah parti nyamuk, orang sabah pun ikut cakap orang malaya.

    Apabila orang malaya kata orang sabah semua macam monyet, orang sabah pun percaya semua orang sabah macam monyet termasuk dia dan keluarga sendiri.

    Orang macam inilah pengkhianat kepada bangsa dan negeri kita dan sepatutnya dibuang ke laut.

  13. Bila mahu guna panggilan parti semut? Kasian ini SAPP penyokong dia sudah berapi-api tapi tidak ada sambutan juga.Lepas p/raya bubar lah.

  14. SAPP support this?? What we know that our election already free and fair, but the opposition cannot accept the reality that they be the loser.

  15. daripada buat perhimpunan atau lebih tepat demonstrasi jalanan, baik penganjur Bersih dan SAPP menghantar wakil untuk berdebat dengan SPR.. bawa sekali bukti2 yang menunjukkan bahawa SPR tidak adil.. SPR sudah mempelawa penganjur Bersih untuk mengadakan perjumpaan tetapi ditolak.. bermakna SPR juga ada penjelasan mereka sendiri tetapi tidak diambil peduli oleh penganjur Bersih. jadi ada baiknya diadakan debat terbuka jika kedua2 pihak tidak mahu mengalah..

  16. To Karin-nah: if u are a Sabahan talking, then pity you being a loser. Sabah will be lost becoz of people like u.

  17. Karin-nah maybe from pulau jolo, philipine and get free MYKAD by umno and now enjoying the bumiputra status like our Sabah native.

  18. @Karin-nah,

    I accept your view.But there is something that you should know.In politics nothing is fair.There is always the oppressed and the oppressor.The oppressor will try every tricks in the books to continue to be the oppressor and the oppressed is seeking redress as not to be oppressed anymore.In relation to elections it means like this.
    The opposition being the oppressed and aggrieved party wants the oppressor being the government to stop oppressing the opposition in election time.It wants fairness as to exposure to media coverage,sufficient time in campaigns,freedom of assembly and unbiased issuance of speaking permits and many more.I hope you understand the dilemma that Pakatan is facing but with your support we will win.

  19. Sekarang baru bersuara.
