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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Atama to lead rally

An outspoken singer has come forward to organise the Bersih 2.0 rally in Kota Kinabalu.

KOTA KINABALU: An outspoken local singer, Atama, is leading the Bersih campaign in Kota Kinabalu, come July 9.

Atama or Andrew Ambrose Mudi, who had earned the wrath of Barisan Nasional leaders before for his outspokenness, told a press conference here today that he and his friends Michael Liew and Chester Pang, had yesterday applied for a police permit for the peaceful assembly at the city’s Padang Merdeka here.

“We decided to apply for the permit, with complete documents such as the programme for that day and a list of the organising committee members,” he said.

Asked what would happen if the police deny them the permit, Atama, 36, said they would re-apply and “will cross the bridge when we come to it”.

Atama, who is a member of MCLM (Malaysian Civil Liberty Movement), said that he was leading the Bersih campaign as a civil movement.

“We are exercising our rights in accordance with the Federal Constitution,” he said.

“We have formed an ad hoc committee to get the various civil movements to come under one umbrella to support the Bersih rally in a disciplined and peaceful manner,” Atama said.

The Kadazandusun singer, speaking in fluent English, expects 500 to turn up for the march.

Luke Rintod in FMT


  1. BRAVO Atama,
    For coming forward to organise the Bersih 2.0 rally in Kota Kinabalu.
    You are a truly a pemuda.
    Convey the message to Malaysians in Sabah that we too want free, fair and clean election.

  2. The 8 request listed by Bersih are:

    1. Clean the electoral roll
    2. Reform postal ballot
    3. Use of indelible ink
    4. Minimum 21 days campaign Period
    5. Free and fair access to media
    6. Strengthen public institutions
    7. Stop corruption
    8. Stop dirty politics

    So, let us walk for free, fair and clean election
    come July 9 2011 in Kota Kinabalu

  3. We are proud of you ATAMA, our brave sabahan Kinabalu-son with the liberty and freedom for all malaysian.

    This is real "Sunrise After Tonight" and
    we really hope more youth and artists can come forward.

    You too if a good rakyat's leaders by example.
    ROC may declare Bersih2.0 illegal.
    You just make another undemocratic step to force them to move to underground,isn't you so?
    Bersih2.0 for freedom will live on everywhere and every place and in every malaysian's heart now!

    We fight for righteous till end.
    Hidup Justice!

  4. Hidup Bersih2.0 and
    in every rakyat's heart for liberty!


    So do you.

  5. Just make sure ATAMA sticks to what he believes in and not sell his soul to the devil for $$$$$$.
