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Friday, July 22, 2011

French lawyer Bourdon detained at KLIA

Susan Loone

French lawyer William Bourdon, who was in Penang last night to speak about the controversial Scorpene submarines deal allegedly involving millions of ringgit in kickbacks to Malaysian government officials, has been detained at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

According to Suaram director Cynthia Gabriel, immigration officials boarded the aircraft and detained Bourdon after their plane touched down at KLIA in Sepang this morning.

"He has been taken to the immigration holding centre at KLIA," Gabriel told Malaysiakini.

Initially, the immigration officers, did not allow Bourdon's wife, also a lawyer, to accompany him to the centre.

Following some negotiations, she was allowed to do so.
According to Gabriel, the officers wanted to "question" Bourdon.

At a packed dinner in Penang last night to raise funds for the pending Scorpene trial in France in which the NGO Suaram is involved, Bourdon (left) said the case would also expose details of secret meetings of those involved.

ops scorpene dinner 220711 willian bourdon
He said those beneficiaries and kickbacks from the RM7.3 billion Scorpene submarine deal would be exposed when the matter is raised at the French corruption trial against defence giant DCNS.


  1. Apa? Dihalang di KLIA?

  2. Satu lagi cubaan bodoh utk menyelindungkan fakta. utk menyelamatkan individu2 tertentu yg sangat2 berkuasa. seseorang terasa terancam dgn tindakan suaram melantik peguam 'non-profit' utk mengendalikan kes rasuah. saya yakin ada sesuatu yg sangat "busuk" sedang cuba disimpan rapi supaya ia terkubur selamanya. pembunuhan altantuya juga salah satu dari usaha itu. mereka tidak tahu Tuhan lagi berkuas.

  3. Is this true? Why must he be detained? This case is getting hot! Some people are worry now if their secret be revealed.

  4. sudah dijangka perkara seperti ini bakal dihadapi oleh Bourdon atas tindakannya mendedahkan kebenaran. selepas ini pasti terdapat lagi halangan2 lain.

  5. harap kebenaran tersebut dapat didedahkan agar pelakunya akan mendapat hukuman yang sewajarnya.

  6. Looks like someone don't want him to reveal the truth.

  7. Oh well, there is always internet. He could reveal the truth through writing a blog.

  8. The people ought to know the truth.

  9. Are there any records to show Bourdon entered the country?

  10. Lets hope there is no window inside the detention room. Lest you hear its not suicide nor homicide. Babi punya BN.

  11. UMNO and goons become worst now days not respecting our legal and judiciary system.
    Hope soon that nasty will be detained under 'French investigation' by interpol.

  12. ada alasan tersendri mengapa dia dihalang masuk.

  13. Don't quite like the way policemen treating our 'BAR'committee and observers during last Bersih2.0 Rally on JUL09.
    How to respect such UMNO leaders as administrator to govern our nation like that.
    Show us respect if you want your people to respect you.Do not play 'nuts' with your power and simply a detention just like towards the EO6.
    Malaysian and whole world will keep track of your sinful act!

  14. penjelasan perlu diberikan berhubung pekara ini bagi mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya berlaku.

  15. Kita tunggu saja apa yang akan berlaku selepas ini.

  16. justcie will prevail!

  17. the case of buying two submarines will be brought to the open court of France as early as August. so let them to seek and reveal the truth about this case and political parties in this country does not need to get involved.
