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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Let The SunShine In

Yellow. The colour of sunshine.

Yellow offends the indecent ones!
So yellow is now officially banned!


Because yellow has just become a symbol.
Yellow is the symbol for all things clean.
Yellow is the symbol for all things good.
Yellow is the symbol for all things beautiful.
Yellow, the colour of sunshine is now a statement for decency.

Oh, let the sun shine.

Let the sun shine in.
If only the decent ones dare to put something yellow in the open.
Yellow ribbon. Yellow button. Yellow tag. Yellow paper boat.
Yellow paper plane. Yellow light. Yellow balloon. Yellow kite.

Just imagine the decent ones all over the country where Malaysians live, just let the sun shine in.
The sky would be filled with flying balloons with yellow ribbons.
Yellow kites with long yellow ribbons sailing in the wind.
Yellow paper boats with yellow sails on ponds and rivers and seas.
The trees and bushes will have yellow ribbons. Lamp-posts and pillars. Bus-stops and fences.

Yellow ribbons all over.

Imagine every taman, housing estate, everywhere in every state having the colour of sunshine in all public places, what a statement the decent ones would make.
If only the decent ones dare to let the sun shine in, what a beautiful Malaysia it would be!

1 comment:

  1. “Bersih is not about one person but the rakyat. The rally must go on for the good of our future!”-Quoted in the comments by a NEGARAWAN

    It’s true and Bersih2.0 has started well for such a move on ‘clean and fair’election rally for Malaysia.

    But they were twisted,condemned,poltically accused to link with opposition political parties,foreign elements etc etc.
    Also,instead other groups such like Perkasa and specially UMNO or BN parties with its members have tried to find way to pressure Bersih2.0 and Ambiga S using force.
    Worst was the arrest carried out by police and related accusation by Prime Minister suppose to be as leader by example for all malaysian instead treat it politically to bring in UMNO millions as a threat.Also he had falsely tried to link Ambiga S as one anti-Islam!

    Now Bersih2.0 has accomplished their task finally with response to respect DYMM YDP Agong statement and will seek audience sooner to submit a memorandum to the King.
    But many wonder what then just an end here though Bersih has done well non-politically aligned but is condemned as with political links.

    By review in opinion the course of action started now its responsibility should change hand to be taken over by any political party.From here to continue for liberty appeal need be stressed following proceeding action is new and ongoing have nothing to do with Bersih2.0 but to fulfill any unaccomplished mission for a
    new motto now could be known as “CLEAN AND FAIR NATION”.

    Why “nation” now?

    1.Since some has started to link any issue politically it is good to wrestle politically then.
    If UMNO can do it anytime not during election and BN so to bring unreasonable accusation with unwanted response from its members then why not those opposition be given a fair and balance political challenge now!

    2.We have seen abuse or naive action of present government bodies even before latest action on ‘yellow shirts’ and many unsolved cases or bias with unjust responsibilities to serve people.

    3.Also some intent try to call for revoke of citizenship that is unfairly act by certain group for one who is under the civil right born as anak Malaysia here.Who are they to call for the revoke?May be a total review into the judiciary system shortfall because of certain political abuse by ruling party.
    Here the law expert and group such like ‘BAR’ with its council should have a better role to play!

    Opinion is not necessary to have it on 709 now since is a continuity but for a ‘clean and fair’ nation. A suggestion that if any may have it on 831 truly reflect Merdeka into new era that true malaysian all should be patriotic to ‘Merdeka’ Malaysia more than anyone.
    May be all can response peacefully with any symbolic ‘yellow’ throughout whole nation – yellow hats,yellow ties,yellow bags or anything other than just yellow shirts to reflect!
    Also never forget to continue this unaccomplished mission on coming GRE as is going to be the best time for liberty whether politically or right as a responsible citizen for our future liberty!

    There is a saying:
    “They allow them to set fire here and there but for us innocent just to light candle is guilty”!

    Isn’t this so true today?
