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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More than 200,000 dis-‘like’ Najib

Tarani Palani

The Facebook page calling for the PM's head to roll following the Bersih 2.0 rally continues to gather momentum.

PETALING JAYA: The Facebook page demanding Prime Minister’s Najib Tun Razak’s head to roll continues to garner support, with 205,725 “likes” so far.

The page titled “100,000 People Request Najib Tun Razak Resignation” is believed to have been created immediately after the July 9 Bersih 2.0 rally.

It was reported that the page registered 300 “likes” per minute following the demonstration and hit the 100,000 mark within three days of its creation.

A check by FMT this afternoon revealed that within the last hour, the number of “likes” increased by 100.

Among others, there were also users who took a swipe at the police’s plan to make public videos regarding the rally to counter the allegations of excessive force used.

“Trailer Bersih 2.0: PDRM Edition dah keluar ke?” (Bersih 2.0 Trailer : Police Malaysia’s edition, is it out yet?), “x sabar nk tgk filem dr PDRM…mesti kutipan lebih 12 juta mcm kl gangster (Can’t wait for Police’s ‘filem’ which would garner more earnings than RM 12 million like, the local movie KL Gangster),” read a post.

Not many ‘like’ Najib

On the contrary, a Facebook page created on July 9 in support of the prime minister merely attracted 1,914 “likes”.

The page is called “Kami sokong YAB Dato’ Sri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak sebagai PM Malaysia” (We support Najib as the Malaysian prime minister).

However, Najib fared better in another Facebook page, which had 10,113 “likes”.

The page “1 Juta Rakyat Malaysia Menyokong Kepimpinan DS Najib” (1 million Malaysians support Najib’s leadership) labelled itself as a “political organisation”.

It is not clear when this page was created but the first entry was dated July 10.


  1. Aku bumiputra islam dari Kota Belud pun tidak suka najib. Bodoh punya PM.

  2. i dont like him and there is probably more than 20 million with no facebook a/c like me.

    If not there will be 20m hits by now

    And 25m for Mahathir

  3. Kita mahu pemimpin dari keturunan orang miskin baru lah betul tahu dan sensitif akan kesengsaraan rakyat bukan macam Najib dan Musa Aman.

  4. out of 200,000, how many of them registered as a voters?

  5. Hanya bila PRU-13 baru rakyat boleh bertindak. Guna FB, mereka tidak akan menghiraukan.

  6. Setuju dengan Ongkol. Kalau mereka ini belum daftar sebagai pengundi, tiada guna juga pakai FB untuk paksa Najib turun.

  7. Jangan terpedaya dengan angka fb.

  8. tidak semestinya angka yang 'like' dalam FB adalah angka sebenar yang akan menyokong pada PRU nanti. tunggu saja keputusan selepas PRU-13.

  9. Setakat dalam FB, takde maknenyer. Budak 8 tahun pun boleh klik 'Like' tu. Tunggu PRU 13 lah.

  10. ye, tunggu keputusan muktamad dalam PRU-13 je.

  11. dalam fb tidak menggambarkan sokongan rakyat Malaysia secara keseleruhannya.

  12. Not surprising at all.

  13. ramai jg rakyat yang sukakan Najib.

  14. Look at GE 13 the result. How many people dislike and like (support) BN in Malaysia. only 200,000 dislike in facebook. But the population in Malaysia around 3,000,000. So??that mean 2,800,000 still LIKE Datuk Najib..

    Another reason why they need like this FB because if we want to comment or whatever for this FB. We need to like first and then we can comment it. So it mean not all like this FB agree this title, have few protesting it.

  15. Have these people registered as voters?

  16. even the number reached more than million of people who dislike Najib, i still don't trust such online survey..

  17. What is the use, if these people do not vote in the next election?
