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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Amnesty package for election purposes?

Holders of IMM13 are more priviledged than ordinary M’sians: SAPP

Larry Ralon

INANAM: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Wednesday accused Umno of trying to take advantage of the amnesty package to register illegal immigrants, including in Sabah, for the purpose of making use of them during elections.

Its Deputy President, Datuk Eric Majimbun, said with the use of the biometric system to record the data of illegals it would be easier for Umno to track them and use them when election time comes.

“He claimed this was part of strategies used by Umno apart from the hardcore poor housing (PPRT) scheme which is used to increase the number of Muslim voters in proportion to the non-Muslim voters of constituencies dominated by the non-Muslim population.

"That is why all of a sudden, despite the amnesty package being postponed in the peninsula, here in Sabah we are still continuing with it," he said, adding that the government is again showing its soft spot by changing what had already been decided under the amnesty package.

The Government now seems to also want to skip that part of the amnesty package whichinvolves deportation of the registered illegal immiglants, he said.

"The changes made to the amnesty package makes it more confusing as to what actually the government intended to achieve from this amnesty package," he told a press conference held at the party's Sepanggar office here.

On the Australia-Malaysia refugee/asylum seeker swap deal, Majimbun doubts it would involve Sabah because as far as the party is concerned most if not all of those refugees (IMM13 holders) from the Southern Philippines who are currently staying at the refugee settlement areas in the State have already been issued the blue MyKad.

"You go to the Refugee Settlement Scheme in Telipok, you'll probably be surprised that they have a blue MyKad now," he cited, saying that the 84,000 IMM13 holders as stated by the State Government before are actually "recycled refugees" meaning foreigners who replaced those already issued with the MyKad.

Asked then why the IMM13 document still exists, Majimbun said the answer is simple - because the special privileges accorded to those holding this document are "much better than being a local Malaysian".

On the new MyKad being introduced by the government, he hoped it will include features that have been voiced out by the people of Sabah.

This is like the ethnicity part like the Sino Kadazan and so on which has been the subject of complaint in Sabah, he said.


  1. Habis lah Sabah.Sana sini sudah orang pilipin dan banyak mereka tidak segan-silu lagi bertutur dengan bahasa mereka di kedai kopi dan di jalanan atau di mana saja.

    Makin hari makin bertambah bilangan mereka di merata tempat.

    Jiran saya mempunyai orang gaji berbangsa pilipin juga dan baru-baru ini suami orang gaji tersebut yang juga berbangsa Pilipin dengan bangga menunjukkan yang beliau sudah ada 'P' lesen kereta dan MyKad nya kepada saya.Kalau dulu macam semut tapi sekarang sudah berlagak seperti gajah.

  2. Harap proses pemutihan ini tidak akan disalah gunakan.

  3. PATI tetap PATI, mereka tidak layak mengundi.

  4. Ada parti malaya UMNO tetap ada PATI. Lihat Sabah saja.

    Tiada parti malaya UMNO tetap tiada PATI. Lihat Sarawak saja.

    So, orang Sabah? Tolak semua parti malaya dalam PRU13 biarpun UMNO, DAP, PKR, GERAKAN, MCA.

  5. harap program yang dilaksanakan ini akan membanteras masalah pati.

  6. kerjasama dan komitmen semua pihak penting agar masalah pati ini dapat diselesaikan.

  7. PATI tiada hak untuk mengundi.

  8. Don't be traitors! Don't 'sell' Sabah for PATI!

  9. Diharap kerajaan telus dalam menangani masalah PATI.

  10. benarkah dakwaan ni? PATI tidak sepatutnya didaftar untuk menjadi pengundi.

  11. masalah PATI tidak akan selesai jika tidak ada tindakan tegas untuk mengusir mereka balik ke negara asal oleh pihak kerajaan.

  12. PATI tidak seharusnya ditawarkan MyKad sewenang-wenangnya.

  13. Mereka hanya cuba untuk memutar belitkan cerita ini. Rasanya rakyat sendiri faham kenapa kerajaan melakukan semua ini. Memudahkan untuk mengesan mereka adakah pernah masuk sebelum ini atau tidak. Lagi satu, dngan cap jari ini dapat mengesan kes jenayah oleh warga asing nanti.

  14. Berapa banyak sudah masuk tapi tidak dapat di kesan da! Sabah bagi mereka macam Hotel 5 bintang keluar masuk sesuka hati.Tak cukup buat gitu kena kasi pula MyKad.Bertuah betul dorang ini ya? Kasian lah bumiputra Sabah yang lain pasal tidak lama lagi anak-anak mereka akan dapat biasiswa,masuk Uni dan masuk kerja di kerajaan pula.Tapi tak apa lah pasal masa itu kita semua sudah mati hanya tinggal anak cucu kita menderita.

  15. you should explain about how this biometric system can be manipulated to give an advantage to BN.

  16. @ black... refer the news above :)
