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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

State Govt must support Borneonisation suit

Jeffrey Kitingan

KOTA KINABALU: The United Borneo Front (UBF) today urged the State Government to fully support the Borneonisation suit filed by Bernard Fung Fon Chen and Mohd. Nazib Maidan Dally against the Federal Government and the State Government to compel for a speedy implemention of the Borneonisation of the Federal civil service in Sabah.

UBF’s chairman, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, said in a statement here that the Borneonisation of the federal civil service in the Borneo States of Sabah and Sarawak was pledged through the 20 point agreement to ensure the development of the Federal civil service with home-grown talents who understand the local context of government administration.

“This was one of the safeguards for the Borneo states to prevent replacement colonization by the Federation of Malaya,” he said. “It was agreed on not only by the then leaders of Sabah and Sarawak but also by the founding fathers of the Federation of Malaysia.”

Jeffrey stressed that Borneonisation was one of the many rights that were to be complied to as enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement, 1963. “That is why this is among the overriding  objectives of the Borneo Agenda championed by UBF,” he said. “We also insist that there be a compliance mechanism to be put in place to ensure the Borneonization pledge is implemented. The government must recognize the safeguards and their annexes, undertakings and assurances contained in the Inter-Governmental Committee Report as set out in Article VIII of the Malaysia Agreement.”

He pointed out that this particular Article VIII states that: “The Governments of the Federation of Malaya, North Borneo and Sarawak will take such legislative, executive or other action as may be required to implement the assurances, undertakings and recommendations contained in Chapter 3 of, and Annexes A and B to, the Report of the Inter-Governmental Committee signed on 27thh February, 1963, in so far as they are not implemented by express provision of the Constitution of Malaysia.”

“Under Borneo Agenda No. 1, UBF also calls for the restoration of the position of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners of the Federation of Malaysia as envisaged in the Malaysia Agreement and the founding fathers of Malaysia,” he added. “Originally, it was never the intention for Sabah and Sarawak to become the 12th and 13th unitary states which they have now been demoted to.”

“I have always been vocal on the rights of the Borneo states and we should use all legal means to support, protect and defend our rights as we have agreed when we merge to form Malaysia. One avenue is to seek redress in our court,” he said. “In fact on the 17 March 2011 the court had already spoken in a landmark decision and declared that amendments made to the Federal Constitution taking away the powers of the TYT in appointing Judicial Commissioners (JC) to the Borneo High Court are null and void and this what Justice Datuk Wong said that ‘...the 1994 amendments had contravened the IGC report which for all intent and purpose set out the rights of Sabah and Sarawak in the formation of Malaysia’.”

“Through voicing out these facts of history, UBF has so far been able to enlighten the peoples of the two states with regard to their rights and special position in the federation as promised in 1963,” Jeffrey said. “We are therefore excited that courageous patriots like Bernard Fung Fon Chen and Mohd. Nazib Maidan Dally have filed the Borneonisation suit. UBF further welcomes all patriotic Sabahans and Sabah-loving people and all patriotic Sarawakians and Sarawak-loving people to fully support this historic legal action agains the federal government.”
He said that if the Sabah state government was truly concerned with the welfare and rights of the state of Sabah, it must fully support the Borneonisation Suit and take all necessary actions to instruct the State Attorney General to support it. “The State Government and the State Barisan Nasional leaders especially the Chief Minister and the Sabah Federal Ministers should also use all their influence with the Federal Government in Putrajaya to recognize and accept the Borneonisation Suit and take steps to fully implement Borneonisation of the Federal civil service in Sabah and Sarawak as soon as possible,” he urged. “I believe that prior to the two recent appointments, there were only 2 Sabahans heading more than 70 Federal Agencies and Departments in Sabah, and this points to gross injustice and a clear case of colonialisation.”

He said that for full and meaningful Borneonisation to take place, it should happen not only  in accordance with the letters of the law but it has also to be implemented fully in the true original spirit we had for it at the birth of Malaysia as well.

“Borneonisation is not just merely appointing Sabahans and Sarawakians to head the federal departments in their states but also to be given full authority to implement the policies, bearing in mind the local context and cultural norms of Sabah and Sarawak,” he said. “They shouldn’t be puppets manipulated as instruments of Putrajaya!”

He gave an example of the case of the director of a federal department in Sabah being headed by a Sabahan but everything decision making, including even minor matters, need to be approved by Putrajaya.

He said the action taken by Bernard Fung Fon Chen and Mohd. Nazib Maidan Dally has shown that they loved Sabah more and had stepped forward to safeguard and regain the rights of all Sabahans. “UBF, which had launched the ‘Cintai Sabah’ campaign late last month to instill love and patriotism for Sabah, looks forward to having more patriotic Sabah-loving Malaysians to come forward and voice their demands for Sabah rights under the federation,” he said. “We cannot allow Sabah’s position from being further eroded.”


  1. Hope that the Sabah State government will support this suit for the sake of Sabahans.

  2. All the best for the two Sabahans who press charges against the Federal Government.

  3. mmg amat diharapkan hak2 dan kepentingan penduduk Sabah dikembalikan dan kita kena berjuang demi hak2 kita.

  4. harap hak dan kepentingan penduuduk Sabah akan sentiasa terjaga.

  5. sepatutnya bukan Borneonisasi (Perkara 8) saja yang perlu dilaksanakan segera tetapi keseluruhan 20 Perkara yang menjadi asas kepada pembentukan negara Malaysia pada 16 September 1963.

  6. Setuju dengan Cherish. Jika semua rakyat Sabah bersatu hati, tentu lebih banyak kebaikan yang boleh dicapai pada masa akan datang.

  7. Kalau bukan sekarang, bila lagi? Kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi yang mahu perjuangkan hak rakyat Sabah?

  8. Apa yang terbaik untuk Sabah kita perlulah memberikan sokogan. Perjuangkan hak-hak rakyat Sabah.

  9. Kerajaan tempatan memang menyokong usaha murni.

  10. Hak kita harus kita tuntun agar kita tidak menjadi bahan ketawa dimasa hadapan.

  11. Lihatlah apa yang berlaku keatas mereka berdua. Takanlah kita inginkan perkara sama berlaku pada diri kita @ saudara kita yang lain?

  12. apa yang berkaitan dengan hak sabah, pasti kerajaan negeri sabah akan sokong.

  13. wait and see the court result..

  14. sabah govt sure support this..

  15. I'm sure the Government will do the best for the people, of course they must support this.

  16. For everyone, we all should support this..

  17. Rakyat Sabah harus bangkit dan berani menyuarakan kpd kerajaan ersekutuan apa yg terbuku dihati kita rakyat Sabah berhubung pencabulan hak asasi kita syarat dan terma persetujuan kita membentuk Malaysia pada tahun 1963.

    Kita tidak dapat mengharapkan seratus peratus hak kita dapat dipulihkan/dikembalikan kpd bentuk asal sepertimana dlm 20 Perkara menerusi perjuangan politik melainkan menerusi perundangan sptmana yg dilakukan oleh dua wira kita dan SAPP.

    Syabas dan tahniah kpd warga Sabah yg prihatin akan masalah ini, kerana apabila ada pemimpin kita menyuarakan perkara ini yg menyentuh hak kita dlm 20 Perkara serta hak kuasa otonomi pemimpin2 tertinggi BN menyifatkan isu itu sebagai lapok dan basi.

    Sebaliknya, siapakah yang menjadikan isu itu lapok dan basi...bukan kah gara gara pemimpin Federal yg sengaja melambat lambatkan pelaksanaannya yg memaksa kita rakyat Sabah menunggu sehingga hampir sedekad lalu...itu pun masih banyak yg belum terlaksana.

    Sepatutnya...apabila kita bersetuju bergabung membentuk Malaysia pada 1963, maka segala peruntukkan dlm perjanjian yg diasaskan dlm 20 erkara serentak itu dilaksanakan, malangnya ianya dilengah lengah pula.


  18. goodluck to Bernard Fung Fon Chen and Mohd. Nazib Maidan Dally..

  19. Benar, hak rakyat Sabah perlu diperjuangkan. Sebagai kerajaan sudah semestinya akan mencuba untuk memastikan hak rakyat Sabah dapat dipertahankan dan berusaha untuk memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik untuk rakyat.

  20. Semua cadangan perubahan yang boleh mendatangkan lebih banyak manfaat dan kebaikan untuk Rakyat Sabah memang digalakkan termasuk juga Borneonisation suit. Apa-apa pun, demi rakyat, kami usaha dan berjuang lagi.

  21. Wazxiran said...
    Benar, hak rakyat Sabah perlu diperjuangkan. Sebagai kerajaan sudah semestinya akan mencuba untuk memastikan hak rakyat Sabah dapat dipertahankan dan berusaha untuk memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik untuk rakyat.

    Betul kata Wazxiran, semoga rakyat Sabah dapat menikmati hak kepunyaannya dan saya pasti kerajaan negeri akan memberi apa yang terbaik untuk rakyat Sabah. Ini semua memerlukan masa.

  22. “Borneonisation is not just merely appointing Sabahans and Sarawakians to head the federal departments in their states but also to be given full authority to implement the policies, bearing in mind the local context and cultural norms of Sabah and Sarawak,”

    I think such idea no harmful to anyone but yet bring some benefits to the people for its right and trust.

  23. "Sabah state government was truly concerned with the welfare and rights of the state of Sabah, it must fully support the Borneonisation Suit and take all necessary actions to instruct the State Attorney General to support it. "

    To take care Sabahan welfare and rights, we hope Sabah state government can do something and supporting for such Borneonisation Suit. We hope the best for people.

  24. Kami sokong sepenuhnya terhadap apa-apa jua cadangan dan perubahan yang bermanfaatkan untuk semua rakyat dan bukannya untuk 1 atau 2 orang atau organisasi.

  25. Sabah needs transformation.

  26. Borneonisation mean, except for defence purposes, sabah and sarawak will chart their own destiny. This will include only local base party is allowed to operate in the two respective state. So its just sad to say umno, mca, gerakan, pkr, dap, pas will all have to leave sabah.

  27. Saya memang menyokong dasar penggubahan Sabah ke arah lebih baik.
