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Monday, October 24, 2011

On Ill gotten wealth of BN

Should we not nationalise the ill-gotten gains of the BN and its cronies?

When Pakatan Rakyat takes over the Federal Government, the question of what to do about the BN cronies and their ill-gotten assets will surely arise. There is no law that deals with this situation in Malaysia’s statutes and it may become necessary to legislate one. We are, after all, talking about billions in assets in and outside Malaysia.

Of course the suspected businessman and their politician accomplices will have to be investigated, and they will have the right to a fair trial.

However, if it is found that there were corrupt acts in their gaining the rights or licenses to certain businesses, then the state should have the right to nationalize their assets.

A different nationalisation and criminal court

Nationalization will return stolen assets back to their rightful owners, the long-suffering people of Malaysia. Nor should any assets that they have amassed or stashed outside the country be spared.

Take for example, the IPPs. They have been making billions in profits while stubbornly refusing to reduce their rates. They are paid by Tenaga. Tenaga gets its revenue by collecting from the people.This essentially means the IPPs are collecting money from the people, with Tenaga as a go-between.

If there was wrongdoing or corrupt practices in the awarding of those contracts, then the people have been wronged,  and  the new government should be given the right to nationalize those assets. In addition, of course, the owners will have to face a separate criminal court.

Justice at last

Let’s consider another example ; Astro. This widely despised monopoly provides bad programming, poor service and overcharges you for their services. Their revenue comes almost entirely from charging individual citizens. The key question is why was Astro granted such an outrageous monopoly? We are talking about entertainment here, not national security! Why did the government grant Astro such generous terms?

Astro’s owner, Ananda Krishnan, has been accused by India’s CBI in a corruption case involving India’s then Telecom Minister. A thorough investigation must be carried out by the new Pakatan government. The current BN government has declined to investigate Ananda, already a suspicious stand. If corrupt practices were involved in Astro gaining their licenses to broadcast in Malaysia, it could be grounds for nationalization of the broadcaster.

And so on, and so forth. But the rakyat must get justice. And the cronies must receive justice. What thinks you all? Agree?

Written by  Ismail Dahlan, Malaysia Chronicle


  1. All this should be considered only after PR manages to win Putrajaya.

  2. I can't imagine what will happen to us when it be the day.

  3. pastikah jika PR memerintah negara akan lebih baik?

  4. Bilalah ini akan berlaku? Satu keajaiban kalau dapat membawa mereka yang korup ke muka pengadilan, lebih2 lagi melibatkan mereka yang ada kuasa dan pengaruh.

  5. only the fittest will survive.

  6. mereka yang lari dari kesalahan dengan menggunakan kuasa dan pengaruh akan mendapat balasan juga akhirnya.

  7. rakyat pandai-pandailah menilai dan membuat pilihan yang mereka rasakan terbaik..

  8. kalau dilihat tidak kira pemimpin BN dan PR ramai yang kaya..

  9. That will be happen if PR win the next GE.

  10. kalau PR memerintah, perubahan yang kita nampak, pemimpin2 PR pula yang akan jadi kaya..

  11. Tak usah gemuruh la wei... kalau tidak bersalah@tidak melakukan kesalahan apa nak takut. berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah. biarkan urusan2 orang kaya itu ditangani oleh mereka yg berwajib (kelak). yg bersalah, sumbat di penjara sepanjang hayat. rampas harta mereka dan masukkan ke data disatukan. bila sampai masanya, kembalikan ia kepada rakyat. saya percaya, kekayaan2 ahli politik umno/bn berserta kaum keluarga dan kroni mereka mencecah ratusan billion ringgit (jka tidak trillion) dalam dan luar negara. jgn lupa Mahathir. dia juga harus disiasat. lucutkan anugerah kebesaran TUN yg diperolehinya dan sumbatkan dia di penjara sampai dia KO. Terlalu banyak kesalahannya terhadap Sabah dan penduduknya.

  12. rakyt tau memilih mana yang terbaik.

  13. I strongly agreed that a thorough investigation must be carried on Astro esp in its billing policy in which the customers are not allowed to shorten their payment period.
    My recent experience is with my annual subscription fee which I found that it is too costly to maintain and request to cancel a package so that I can keep my cost down but Astro insists that I have to pay the whole amount basing on the new bill amounting RM1,599.25 whereas the original amount isRM1,551.20 even though I have cancel one package.
    I believe that Astro is taking advantage of the situation and dishonor as the only service provider in malaysia.
    Under the new govt, more licenses should be issue so that there will be competitions in the entertainment industry and not being cheated.

  14. Banyak lagi muka2 pemimpin BN yg tidak dimasukkan itu! Tapi kalaulah ditakdirkan Tuhan PR menang, saya ingin sekali jika Mahathir ditangkap dulu kerana ia bukan sahaja telah merompak rakyat Malaysia tetapi DOSA terbesarnya ialah berhubung dgn Projek IC Mahathir. Kalau boleh mau sulah dia kerana perbuatannya sama seperti pelacur! Dia telah melacurkan maruah rakyat Sabah.

  15. If PR take over from BN, will they continue to use the ill gotten gains to run the country?

  16. People is determine for the next Government..So do the best for rakyat..

  17. Setuju dengan God Bless, bahawa Mahathir lebih dulu ditangkap jika PAKATAN menang kerana Mahathirlah RAJA HANTU di atas SEGALA RAJA HANTU...
    Ahmad Alliuddin.

  18. Yeah! Setuju dgn God Bless dan Alliuddin. Mau tambah lagi, Penjahat no 1 Malaysia! Kalau boleh kasi suruh balik ke India sebab akta buang negeri sdh dimansuhkan.

  19. Inilah muka-muka perompak ulung di dunis abad ke 21. Tuhan pasti tidak akan membiarkan mereka2 ini ketawa besar tanpa diperhitungkan!
