Pakatan Rakyat appears not to have learnt from its 2008 polls lesson in Sabah.
It appears the coalition has forgotten the lashings it received in Sabah in the 2008 polls, when it contested in 59 constituencies and won only one through DAP’s Jimmy Wong in Sri Tanjung.
At the time, Pakatan was a loose coalition and had decided to walk alone in Sabah, declining to pair up with local parties.
History, it appears, has not yet taught Pakatan a lesson.
Pakatan has once again pushed away any possibility of working with local parties in Sabah.
At a meeting with Sabah People’s Progressive (SAPP) recently, Pakatan member PKR allegedly told the party that it was going to contest in almost all the seats in Sabah.
Sabah has 60 state seats up for grabs. In the last election, Barisan Nasional (BN) retained 59 seats.
The meeting with SAPP president Yong Teck Lee ended in an impasse, a PKR insider said.
“Pakatan wanted 52 assembly seats. PKR wanted 20, DAP 19 and PAS 13.
“They told him (Yong) only eight seats were allocated for local (Sabah-based) parties.
“I think Yong was shocked. He told them it was not workable,” said the insider who spoke on condition of anonymity.
PAS lost its deposit
In the 2008 general election, PKR contested in 48 constituencies while DAP and PAS contested in 10 and two seats respectively.
PAS did so badly that it lost its deposit
Even Wong’s seat in Sri Tanjung was won after he fought off PKR and BN in a three-cornered fight.
“Unlike Peninsular Malaysia, Pakatan in Sabah was too weak (at the time)…
“‘The situation is different now but it does not mean the Pakatan has a better chance in Sabah.
“The coalition is being overly ambitious in Sabah. PKR has less support in Sabah than it has in the Peninsula.
The same with PAS.
“The strategy for Sabah is unfair and wrong,” the insider said.
According to him, the coalition was confident of at least four seats – Inanam, Likas, Luyang and Kapayan – where in 2008, both PKR and DAP had contested against BN in a three-cornered fight.
“In these four seats the collective votes secured by PKR and DAP (in 2008) were higher than BN.
“Pakatan feels that if there is a straight fight, it win in Inanam, Likas, Luyang, Kapayan,” he said.
Misguided notion
He also pointed out PAS’ “unrealistic” bid to contest in 13 seats, when it is yet to secure a firm foothold in the state.
“In 2008, PAS contested in Sukau and Merotai. It only managed to get 76 and 931 votes respectively and lost its deposit in both the assembly seats.
“Now it wants 13 seats… does this make sense to you?” he asked.
DAP, on its part, is demanding 19 seats claiming it has increasing support in Chinese areas like Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and Tawau.
The Chinese in Sabah can have their pick of DAP and SAPP against BN’s Liberal Democratic Party, Gerakan and MCA.
To add spice is the deep rivalry between DAP and SAPP and claims of “sabotage” have surfaced at every election.
For the record, Sabah saw the most number of parties contesting seats in 2008. Some seats had as many as seven candidates vying for them.
This aside, the main point here, according to the insider, is Pakatan’s notion that it can ride alone without the support of local parties.
“I don’t know why Pakatan thinks it can do it alone. It is impossible to win in Sabah without the support of local-based parties.
“It will only bring them down,” he said, adding that the current situation clearly favours BN, which may retain Sabah for another term.
Kalau saja pakatan tidak melakukan kesilapan pada tahun 2008, BNUMNO sudah jatuh waktu itu!
ReplyDeleteSo jadikan pengalaman tersebut sebagai pengajaran.
Be wise this time and cooperate with local parties demi untuk menumbangkan BNUMNO.
Kita tolong pakatan tawan Putrajaya, dan pakatan tolong Sabah perintah Sabah secara autonomi! Win-win situation!
Jangan kamu tamak nanti another five years. itu pun kalau masih ada laGI HARApan lepas tu.
BN juga pasti akan memperbaki kesilapan mereka pada tahun 2008, kini BN akan kukuh lagi jentera mereka bagi menawan semula negeri2 yang dikuasi pembangkang.
Deleteketamakan juga boleh menjatuhkan negeri2 yang sudah dikuasai oleh pembangkang sekarang. jangan sampai yang dikendong pun berciciran, yang dikejar pun tak dapat.
Deletesemua parti tidak kira BN atau PR pasti akan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk mendapatkan kemenangan.
DeleteJika terlalu tamak, semua tidak akan menjadi.
DeleteTo All Sabahan vote only local opposition party. Let Pakatan do what the like after all they are not better than UMNO.Why must we import another WEST Malaysian Party here, are we not have enough of UMNO already. All Sabahan must stand united and kick all those suckers out from our mother land. Let us be proud of each other whatever race and religion we are.Don't let those imported parties fool us and take away our right.
ReplyDeleteDo Not Vote for PAKATAN who never learned thier mistakes. No respect for the people of Sabah. No respect of the local parties.
ReplyDeleteWould you support someone who comes to your house and not respect you and your family at all? NO.
Pakatan Rakyat in wanting to contest 52 out 60 seats in Sabah in the 13th general election... is like, these people comes to your house, wants to sleep in all of your room, and ask you and your children to take the sofa.... Total arsehole...
And the leader of these group is someone who has no moral whatsoever....
VOTE for local parties... Win or lose, we chan proudly say, its Made in Sabah...
Sabahans parties are our only hope, but don't pick the wrong Sabah party. Learn from history and don't ever forget it.
DeletePejuangan PR di Semenanjung mungkin sesuai tapi bukan di Sabah. Mereka tetap pihak luar dan sukar untuk tentukan sama ada mereka ikhlas mahu tolong orang Sabah atau ada benda lain yang mahu di 'aim'?
Deletehmmm,, i just can't seem to trust SAPP because of YTL. Maybe they should change SAPP president to a more trustable and sincere leader. P.s: No offence YTL!
DeleteFrom the people of Sabah, FOR the people of Sabah... Vote for our local parties... Kick Out PAKATAN....
ReplyDeletepikir2, knapa kunun pembangkang mw btanding pilihan raya ? Nda ka drg nampak kmi sukung parti2 UNMO ?? sbab kmi mmg hidup sejahtera di bawah pemerintahan UNMO ?? - Tahun 2008
ReplyDeleteUi ging, skrg tahun 2012 suda .. apa yg ko nampak ? sama ka dgn apa ygko dengar ?? Jan lupa, ko ada otak sendiri, jan guna otak org len ..
serahkan kepada pengundi untuk membuat pilihan mereka.
DeleteHanya maw Pakatan kowtow sama SAPP ka?
ReplyDeleteKlu Pakatan DAP dan PKR bersatu masa 2008 hancurlah SAPP Likas dan Luyang masa dulu di BN.
Jgn SAPP maw sja jadi tailo di Sabah ba!
Given the fact that DAP Sabah has no track records & quality leaders, my vote will not go to them. Better support an independent candidate....
ReplyDeleteI sincerely beg all Sabahans to vote BN out of this land. None of their leaders are usefull to us including our local people. They only know to angkat kaki. All are :yes sir men: No balls. Vote Anything but UMNO' Don't allow your children to suffer any further. They have suffered enough on your count for voting BN. don't you be responsible for your children's suffering' 48 years is long enough for you to learn. Believe me Vote BN out
ReplyDeleteThen who to vote?
DeleteYou expect the people to vote anything but UMNO.That means you want the people to simply vote for any opposition parties. Thats a lousy winning strategy. In the end, BN will eventually win again with the votes split.
DeleteWith the many opposition parties formed in sabah, i doubt it would be easy to take down BN.
Deletejadi siapa yang patut diundi?
DeleteSekarang sudah nampak pembangkang bergelut sesama sendiri.Satu cakap Pakatan tamak tapi saya juga dengar SAPP 'buaya besar' dan mahu tanding lebih 40 kerusi.Mana letak STAR? Mungkin JK akhirnya bertanding di Ulu Baran.
ReplyDeleteTajuk ini patut di ubah seperti berikut:
SAPP mmg nak makan semua kerusi, padahal SAPP mmg tak boleh menang. pilihanraya kecil pun kalah teruk.. huhu..
DeleteSAPP shouldn't be too arrogant, lest they will lose deposit during the next elections.
Deletemungkin pembangkang tidak akan dapat membentuk kerjasama untuk formula 1 lawan 1 di sabah..
Deletejika pembangkang masing-masing dengan agenda sendiri, mungkin sukar untuk menang.
DeletePembangkang ada agenda tersendiri.susah untuk menang jika penting diri sendiri.
DeleteAaaH! Jangan peduli si Anak Petagas @ Sultan Tasu Akjan!
Pakatan cannot win Sabah if they go on with their west malaysian colonialistic approach. They have not shown any sincerity whatsoever by what the writer wrote. So it is up to all our local Sabahans true blood to do what is in your heart..My call for our pride and dignity..therefore vote for the best local party you choose who will safeguard your pride and dignity!
ReplyDeleteDon't risk our future for another 4 years.
DeleteSama2 saksikan penentuan PRU13. Undian ada di tangan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteya..itu yang paling tepat..undian ditangan rakyat. biar rakyat yang tentukan keputusan mereka nanti.
DeleteMenjelang PRU13 ada2 saja yang timbul. hhmm..
ReplyDeleteBiasa lah, time begini lah masing2 mau tunjuk hebat.telampau tamak, habuk pun tiada.
DeleteSusah juga kalau telampau tunjuk hebat. Tak pasal2 rakyat tak suka pula:P
ReplyDeleteNamun semuanya terpulang pada rakyat. Siapapun pilihan rakyat nanti saya yakin itu adalah yang terbaik buat Sabahan.
ReplyDeleteKepada calon yang bakal bertanding nanti, all the best dan bersainglah secara adil. Biar kemenangan yang diperolehi nanti adalah atas sokongan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteTak sabar mahu pigi mengundi dan mengetahui apa keputusan PRU 13 nanti:P hehhee
ReplyDeleteNo doubt that greed will be the main reason pakatans downfall.
ReplyDeleteOf course, greed is the worst thing human being have in this universe.
ReplyDeleteTamak memang syaitan dalam segala sesuatu.
ReplyDeleteIt's downfall of every party.
ReplyDeleteJangan sesekali besar kepala kelak binasa badan.
ReplyDeleteJika PR mahu bertanding dikawasan Sabah dengan 56 kerusi bagaimana pula dengan parti pembangkang yang lain. Nampaknya kurang akan ada pertandingan 1 lawan 1 akan berlaku.
ReplyDeleteakan ada pertandingan 3 atau 4 penjuru di sabah...BN sabah akan menang..
DeletePR seperti benar-benar ingin menawan Sabah dari BN. Namun mungkin itu cuma mimpi untuk PR kerana bukannya mudah untuk menipu penduduk Sabah dengan pelbagai janji manis.
ReplyDeleteyang pasti SAPP dan STAR tidak akan memberi laluan mudah kepada PR...
DeletePR akan kalah di sabah..
ReplyDeleteni PR pun tamak sebab mahu kaut ni hasil bumi sabah..
ReplyDeletenot because of greed, but due to the existence of many opposition parties in the state...
ReplyDeleterakyat harus menilai dengan teliti dan pilihlah yang terbaik.
ReplyDeleteRasa-rasa PR makin kuat dan membuktikan kebolehan untuk memimpin. Walau apa pun, terserah kepada rakyat untuk menentukannya.
ReplyDeleteThe people must judge each competing party and list out the pro's and cons before voting. All the best to the voters, vote wisely.
DeleteJangan gilakan kuasa dan kerusi dan mengabaikan kepentingan orang Sabahan.
ReplyDeleteGila kuasa, semuanya tidak akan menjadi.
DeleteHow the new formula under SAPP? Is it workable in Sabah?
ReplyDeleterasanay formuls SAPP tidak akan menjadi di Sabah.Susah untuk rakyat percaya.
DeleteMasing-masing mencari formula untuk mengambil alih atau mengekalkan kuasa. Semoga rakyat bijak menilai dan mengundi yang terbaik untuk masa depan negara.
ReplyDeleteEach party can say and do what they like before the general elections, but whether or not they are capable of achieving what they promise is another story.
DeleteIrrespective of the party, all will strive for victory.
ReplyDeletePlease let’s respect the people of Sabah and the local parties.
ReplyDeleteIt is advised we learn from history, thus the people should vote wisely.
ReplyDeleteLong live Sabah and the people of Sabah….
ReplyDeleteCome all let’s vote the best for the future.
ReplyDeleteDon't be greedy, know your own limits and don't bite more than you can chew. Or you'll be sure to have a bad downfall.
ReplyDeleteLooking at the peninsular based political based party: They comprise of different political ideology. Just look at the Israeli issue. Some are vocal condemning the sovereignty of Israel.
ReplyDeleteThe "Chief advisor" and master architect of PR is all for a win-win solution for both conflicting nations on the West Bank.
ReplyDeleteIt bad enough the status quo cash in the opportunity to condemn partial of his statement, thus labeling him pro jew/zionist.
DeleteOther members of PR take on the lead and continue the onslaught based on religious ground, while another just 'lashed out for the sake of lashing out', so to speak.
DeleteThis is one of many inconsistency that existed within the PR pact. There are many instances can be found on the alternatives online news media.