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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sino-natives lost identity

KOTA KINABALU: Sino-natives in Sabah are unhappy with the National Registration Department's (NRD) move to do away with their 'identity'.

According to Persatuan Peranakan Tionghua Ranau president Alldem Chia, they are disappointed with NRD's decision requiring the Sino community to choose his or her race based on either one of his or her parent's ancestry.

“We do agree that Sino, like native, is not a race. That is why we queried NRD's earlier practice of issuing birth certiflcates which stated the race of our newborn as Sino- Native," he said in a statement yesterday.
Alldem pointed out: "During the colonial times our birth certiflcate always stated our race as 'Sino' followed by a dash, then the North Borneo indigenous ethnic like Murut, Kadazan, Dusun and so on.

"It was easy and straight forward. We therefore urge the NRD to maintain that status quo unless the'leaders and the Sino community decide otherwise and we strongly urge the government to act immediately," he said.
Alldem said the Sino community which is also known as 'Peranakan', has been in existence in the state even before the formation of Malaysia.

Records of Sino identity was even in existence during the British colonial era and the then government recognized the Sino community, he said, adding that the Persatuan Peranakan Tionghua Ranau itself was formed in the late 1950s.

"Though we were only registered in 2001, the communities have spread all over the state. Our association was formed to look into the welfare, education, native status as well as our identity.

Alledem said the Sino-native community was gaining in numbers in the state. Therefore the association hoped the state government could do something about the issue.

He also pointed out that the community has been keeping its faith with the state government and has been very cooperative.

"However, due to the new ruling from NRD, one of our ancestral races will disappear from our generation. And we see there is no end to the problem as mixed marriages in our beloved state of Sabah are so common.

"There will be inheritance problem for the Sino community who is entitled to native rights but choose to be Chinese, Indian and so on. We are not only referring to the rights to native land but the many opportunities.

"Even the privileges to choose the native court as their preferred platform to settle simple dispute is off the radar. Therefore we are of the opinion that this issue should be brought to debate and discussion in the state cabinet as well as among the Sino community.

"This is why the Sino community of Ranau is strongly opposing the new ruling," he said, adding that the Sino community have been deprived of their right to obtain the Sijil Anak Negeri for 29 years.

“Despite the long wait, for almost three decades, it is still unresolved," Alldem said and  added: "Now, the only thing we have is our identity, which is Sino. So how could the NRD make such a tough decision without consulting the state government and the Sino community at large?"


  1. Kenapa tiba-tiba isu ini ditimbulkan, bukankah rakyat Sino diiktiraf selama ini, kenapa tiba-tiba hilang identiti?

  2. Harap NRD dan kerajaan Sabah akan memberi penjelasan mengenai isu ini.

  3. selama ini mmg sino adalah bumiputera. isu ini tak harus timbul.

  4. JPN kena pandai uruskan hal ini.

  5. kenapa tidak gunakan sahaja sino kadazan? Tidak ada masalh untuk itu.

  6. Janganlah ubah2 lagi nanti menimbulkan kontroversi!

  7. Tidak ada masalah juga sepanjang pengunaan itu.

  8. NRD perlu mengkaji semula pelaksanaa ni di Sabah. NRD perlu mengambil kira kaum2 lain yang ada di Sabah.

  9. harap isu ini akan diuruskan dengan sebaiknya..

  10. harap kepentingan semua akan sentiasa terjaga dan pekara ini akan diselesaikan dengan sebaiknya.

  11. isu yang bermasalah dan perlu disettlekan tidak diambil perhatian. Tapi yang tiada isu dijadikan isu maka terjadi la isu yang perlu perhatian. Macam ni isu la. OK2 saja dulu sekarang jadi isu.

  12. ini masalah kahwin campur sampai tidak tahu apa mau ditulis di surat kelahiran/ kad pengenalan.

  13. perkara macam ni sepatutnya dapat diselesaikan dengan baik tanpa kecoh2.

  14. Should just put "Malaysian" as a race...

    But the NRD should seriously considered to allow Sabahan to add Sino as their chosen race....

  15. konflik identiti ini harus diatasi segera oleh pihak berkenaan iaitu JPN...

  16. kajian mendalam dan menyelurh adalah perlu bagi menyelesaikan perkara berbangkit ini.

  17. kenapa NRD nak jadikan ini sebagai isu? bukankah senang sahaja tulis sino-(bumi) dan selesai masalah

  18. Sino-asli perlu dinyatakan pada sijil kelahiran mereka kerana ini telah lama diamalkan dan tidak pernah menjadi isu sebelum ini tetapi kenapa sekarang?

  19. pohon kerajaan negeri selesaikan perkara ini dengan segera..janganlah panjangkan lagi isu ini

  20. kenapa isu sino-bumi ini sampai sekarang tidak diselesaikan oleh kerajaan? adakah hak mereka ini akan tergugat sebagai rakyat Sabah juga?

  21. "However, due to the new ruling from NRD, one of our ancestral races will disappear from our generation. And we see there is no end to the problem as mixed marriages in our beloved state of Sabah are so common..."

    yes agree, mixed marriage is so common in Sabah..

  22. They should get their identity back. Hope there's a solution to this.

  23. All because races keep on mixing together. It's hard to tell whose suppose to belong to which races actually.

  24. Eh, sy sino......macam mana ni..

  25. Apabila seorang pendatang haram dari pakistan kahwin dengan sumandak KDM di Sabah, anak2 mereka terus jadi MELAYU.

    Inilah kerja setan UMNO dari seberang.

  26. macam mana sekalipun, yang mix tetap tidak sama dengan yang asli..

  27. Sudah beribu-ribu kes pendatang pakistan kahwin sama sumandak KDM Sabah dan anak2 mereka terus jadi MELAYU di Sabah.

    Yang ori dari Sabah macam Sino KDM mereka tidak mengiktiraf mereka sebagai pribumi Sabah.

    Hanya kaki pengampu UMNO pura2 tidak tahu. Jahanam!

  28. Pada pandangan saya, memang telah hilang identiti kami.

  29. Mungkin ada sebab pihak JPN gagal mengiktirafkan identiti "sino". Harap pihak JPN dapat memberi penjelasan agar semua golongan memahami keadaannya.

  30. A bit complicated about "mix-marriage". Hoping JPN can make a good solution and final decision to give the best identity "sino". To avoid conflict, both side needed to accept and respect the decision, if not, it will never be end too.

  31. No easy to identify mix-marriage identity. No matter how, still need to come with a solution. Could be a great idea to look into the matter by some survey and research. Im sure it's help to come with a better idea and better solution.

  32. "Alldem pointed out: "During the colonial times our birth certiflcate always stated our race as 'Sino' followed by a dash, then the North Borneo indigenous ethnic like Murut, Kadazan, Dusun and so on."

    Pihak NRD perlu mengkaji dan mencari keadah yang lebih baik untuk menyelesaikan masalah suku kaum tersebut. Tiada salahnya jika diberi gelaran "sino". Yang penting, tiada konflik and salah faham diantaranya.

  33. Semoga tiada pihak yang mengambil kesempatan untuk mengungkit isu sensitif berkenaan kaum tersebut. Memang bukan senang untuk memberi identiti kepada kahwin-campur tersebut tetapi perlu juga membuat keputusan supaya semua golongan tidak lagi confuse.

  34. Harap SINO akan dapat dikekalkan. Inilah budaya kita yang berbilang kaum. Maka perkara sebegini tidak perlulah dihairankan.

  35. Jika seorang pendatang haram dari pakistan baru2 sampai Sabah boleh terus dapat MYKAD dan menjadi bumiputra Sabah, apa2 pun boleh jadi dari JPN sebab mereka hanya ikut arahan dari bos mereka dari seberang iaitu UMNO.

  36. Luckily we don't have to sacrifice our religion.

  37. Macam mana nak pertahankan hak kami?

  38. I am a sino as well and guess what? We are not been recognised!

  39. Jika keadaan di Sabah memerlukan identiti baru "sino", maka pihak NRD seharus mengkaji keperluan menambah kaum sino tersebut.

  40. The country not recognised yourself not a problem, but you and your people need to recognised yourself too. I'msure the government will look into the issues and be able to do the best for the minority.

  41. Whats is the concern if to add an additional races called "sino"? May be NRD need to explain and convince the people.

  42. Semoga kerajaan membuat kajian dan perubahan agar suku kaum ini tidak berpendapat tertindas dan kehilangan kepentingan dalam negara ini. Ia membawa kesan sampingan yang amat negatif jika dipandang jauh.

  43. Berilah sikit ruang untuk suku kaum tersebut. Tiada apa-apa kesan negatif jika diberi identiti "sino" dalam surat lahir dll. Semoga kerajaan mempertimbangkan suara rakyat.

  44. harap cepat selesailah masalah ini... agar ia tidak terus berlarutan..

  45. kalau begitu, lebih baik kerajaan haramkan sahaja kahwin-campur, selesai masalah!

  46. kahwin-campur ini bukannya masalah, cuma kerajaan sahaja yang timbulkan masalah!

  47. Hahhaa... Saya terhibur komen si anon. Tapi betul lah kahwin campur takda masalah pun.. Isu timbul jika ada pihak yang saja mahu buat hal. huhu

  48. Syukur saja saya original Kadazan, kalau tak saya pun ikut panas juga pasal ni.

  49. Namun saya harap hal ini diberi perhatian sewajarnya dan pastikan apa-apa perubahan yang dibuat bawa kebaikan ramai.

  50. JPN pun haruslah perjelaskan perkara ini. Kalau tak diiktiraf kenapa tak buat dari dulu lagi; tengok kan dah timbul kesulitan. huhu

  51. Semoga semua pihak bersikap terbuka kerana saya yakin setiap yang dilakukan pasti ada sebab munasabah.

  52. KDM adalah kaum terbesar di Sabah dulu tetapi sekarang PATI dari Indonesia, philipine dan pakistan telah menjadi bangsa MELAYU dan adalah kaum terbesar di Sabah telah mengantikan KDM.

    Inilah semua kerja dasyat parti malaya UMNO.

    Undi BN = Undi PATI!

    Fikir-fikirkan lah

  53. perlu ada penjelasan dri JPN... mungkin ada hal yg tidak disebut dalam hal ini..

  54. Surat Lahir saya d keluarkan pada 1961 " North Borneo of Colony"tertulis d atasnya...Race : Sino Kadazan..nama cina..apabila saya memohon buka Acct ASNB anak saya..tiba2x surat dri KL..meminta saya mengirim bukti2x mengesahkan : 1. Ada kah saya di lahirkan sblm penubuhan Malaysia..2.Salinan surat lahir kedua ibu-bapa saya & nenek saya...Semua ini ada lah Diskriminasi semata-mata. dorg tidak buka mata besar2..x pakai otak tuhan bagi..x baca sejarah..zaman ini..ada kah masih sijil lahir yg mmpunyai kepala surat North Borneo????..
