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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

DAP Sabah finds unlikely ally in Harris

Michael Kaung

A power struggle is gripping Sabah Umno and the opposition has become an unwitting participant in the tussle.

KOTA KINABALU: DAP has found an unlikely supporter in former Sabah chief minister Harris Mohd Salleh – more than a quarter of a century after they first crossed swords over the administration of the state.

The opposition party may have also been unwittingly drawn into a Sabah Umno power tussle between Chief Minister Musa Aman and Umno vice-president Shafie Apdal when it called on the authorities to investigate government contracts awarded for rural projects.

That call was enough for anyone within the Umno-led Barisan Nasional with an axe to grind to pile pressure on Shafie.

Harris, who spared no effort to attack the opposition party and its supremo, Lim Kit Siang, when he ruled the state from 1976 to 1985, has suddenly found that he can agree with DAP on certain matters concerning state administration.

The former chief minister wants the BN government to “take seriously” allegations made by DAP over contracts awarded in Sabah by the Rural and Regional Development Ministry run by Shafie.

Speaking on the sidelines of a defamation suit being heard here against former chief minister Yong Teck Lee, a local newspaper Daily Express quoted Harris as saying: “The detailed accusations made by DAP… were glaring… there are definitely wrongdoings on the part of the ministry.”

Harris said the ministry’s reply to the accusations was unsatisfactory, adding that it was absurd for the ministry to justify awarding the full RM100 million tender amount for the Pulau Gaya electrification project when the actual tender cost was only about RM25 million.

‘No impact’ from projects

Harris also claimed that he had received “many complaints from rural folk” that the billions of ringgit allocated by the federal government for rural projects was not having an impact on their lives.

“More often than not, the projects were introduced for the sake of contracts and most of them are of low standard,” he said.

Musa and Harris are said to have close family links. Harris, who is a former Berjaya leader, has of late increased his profile within Sabah’s political manoeuvering.

The ex-chief minister has even come out strongly in support of Musa, calling him the best leader for Sabah.

At a function in Keningau last month, Harris stood side by side with Musa who granted his (Harris) Koperasi Sabah Kita Bhd RM1 million to run its contract-farming programme

The co-operative, founded by Harris, comprises mostly Sabah People’s Front (SPF) members who are in turn mostly members of the defunct Bersekutu, a party that Harris launched after the collapse of Berjaya.

SPF president, Berman Angkap, now sits as one of the directors in the co-operative. The party was renamed and launched in December last year.

It is well known that Musa and Shafie are in a power play for control of Sabah and next weeks’ Umno general assembly could end in further jockeying for positions between the two before the next general election.


  1. Sabah DAP is useless party and they have done nothing for the past 40 years in Sabah except complaining and pointing at parit.

  2. Harris will not support DAp for no reason..unless he has something to deliver. He just got his Tan Sri title..thanks to Musa's recommendation.

    And DAP Sabah Hiew trying to run down Shafie for also a help Musa maintain his CMship.

    The picture is very clear why agents who are supporting UMNO or BN in Sabah should be voted out...they are actually opportunists and nothing else....sorry they will fight for you,,,no, they use you to cari makan only...just let and let believe.

  3. DAP di Sabah masih lemah lagi, bukan macam di Pulau Pinang.

  4. Kecuali Lim Guan Eng sanggup masuk DAP Sabah, itu lain cerita.

  5. bolehkh Rakyat Sabah terima DAP di Sabah..tunggu dan lihat sahaja la...

  6. DAP masih tidak akan diterima di Sabah...

  7. Will it be another Pulau Penang in Sabah under DAP? Shall we give them a chance too?

  8. "Harris also claimed that he had received “many complaints from rural folk” that the billions of ringgit allocated by the federal government for rural projects was not having an impact on their lives."

    Kerajaan harus mengutamakan projek yang betul-betul membawa perubahan ekonomi.

  9. "The former chief minister wants the BN government to “take seriously” allegations made by DAP over contracts awarded in Sabah by the Rural and Regional Development Ministry run by Shafie."

    Shafie cuma disyak bersalah, seharus projek yang beliau menjalankan diganti oleh pemimpin lain untuk mengelakkan anggapan yang amat negatif yang berkemungkinan berlaku.

  10. Pegagihan kerusi harus dinilai dan dibuat dengan berhati-hati. Pastikan pemimpinyang berkebolehan diberi peluang untuk bertanding. Generasi muda juga harus diberi peluang.

  11. Lebih baik Haris bersara dari dunia politik.

  12. Lagi lama beliau bertahan lagi lama akan banyak lagi benda yang keluar.

  13. Jika BN berhasrat untuk berkekalan kuasa, harus BN membuat perubahan dan menunjukkan keikhlasan terhadap rakyat di Sabah. Tambahan dengan masalah PATI, rampas tanah dll, ini akan menyebabkan lebih banyak golongan melompat parti.

  14. Tunggu saja la ba hasil siasatan. bukan kena siasat ka kes kementerian shafie tu.

  15. peluang DAP di Sabah belum lagi kuat.

  16. kenapa tidak memberi peluang kepada DAP. Cuba tengok Penang, banyak perkembangan dan rakyat di sana hidup sengan, ekonomi juga stabil.

  17. Perkembangan kawasan perkampungan masih perlukan usaha giat. Ada juga golongan yang tiada bekalan asas seperti air & elektirik.

  18. The ex-chief minister has even come out strongly in support of Musa, calling him the best leader for Sabah.

    Musa memang membawa perkembangan kepada Sabah. Jika membuat perbandingan, tiada apa yang perlu dibanggakan dimana rakyat masih mendelita dengan kos harian yang makin meningkat, ekonomi yang tidak stabil, PATI berleluasa, rampasan tanah dll.

  19. Perosak harus disingkirkan.

  20. DAP masih perlu berusaha di Sabah. Jika betul beringin untuk berkhidmat untuk semua rakyat, tetap rakyat dapat dilihat dan memberi undiannya.

  21. DAP won't get much support.

  22. I don't believe it...

  23. DAP tidak akan dapat banyak sokongan di Sabah...

  24. Penang DAP is good but Sabah DAP is USELESS! A bunch of Opportunists!

  25. Rasa2nya suda tiba masanya Haris bersara dalam dunia politik ini..

  26. DAP tidak akan di terima rakyat Sabah..

  27. Selain dari lompat parti, bekas2 pemimpin menyibukkan diri pun macam dah jadi satu kebiasaan pula. hehe

  28. Tak kiralah parti apapun, yang penting berkelayakan dan mampu bangunkan Sabah OK la tu.

  29. Sekarang ini terpulanglah pada individu untuk membuat penilaian.

  30. Semuanya terletak di tangan rakyat sekarang, so jangan sia2 kan peluan yang ada.

  31. Apapun, harap semuanya OK dan kita tunggu sjalah apa yang berlaku nanti.

  32. @Paquin,

    Saya perhatikan komen saudara ini sama saja dalam semua artikal seperti'kita tunggu saja lah,'biar rakyat yang menentukan lah,terpulang kepada rakyat lah.'Macam tidak ada idea langsung.Kalau tidak pandai buat komen jangan komen lah.Samak saja.Geram aku baca.Memalukan.

  33. There is a good reason why DAP does not have that many supporters compared to other parties. I think u all know why.

  34. BN should buck up their performance. Whatever issue the people facing should be solved before election comes.

  35. We'll just wait and see what is Harris's motive in supporting DAP.

  36. If DAP Sabah wanted to gain the people's support, they still have a long way to go.

  37. mungkin sukar untuk DAP mendapat sokongan di Sabah..

  38. setiap rakyat perlulah sentiasa menilai dan membuat pilihan dengan bijak.

  39. dia cuma support kenyataan pemimpin DAP, bukannya perjuangan DAP.. jadi jangan risau la.. lagipun Harris ni sudah semakin dilupakan sebab itu dia rajin tampil ke media..

  40. lebih baik Harris ni menikmati kehidupan sebagai orang yang telah bersara.

  41. tiba2 pula Harris aktif semula dalam politik. kebelakangan ini banyak sudah artikel yang menyebut tentang beliau.

  42. DAP Sabah still very very far behind unlike DAP Penang by Lim Guan Eng I really admired and can be trusted. Sabah DAP double standard and hope Lim Kiat Siang will see properly for himself.

  43. This is a cloak and dagger game within Umno Sabah...the tussle between Musa and Shafie..and DAP Sabah, Dr Hiew, a convenient tool for Musa to use and to bring down Shafie with allegations of corruption...a pan calling a pot black.

    It would not be a surprise if DAp Dr Hiew help Musa to overthrow Shafie becoz Dr Hiew is a likely candidate for his materialistic dreams and sexual hungers that every one knows.

  44. Rasuah bawa kehancuran kepada negara dan rakyat, tetapi tidak kepada orang2 yang kaya raya akibat rasuah.

  45. Rakyat sekarang lebih bijak menilai dan berani bersuara. Kalau mahu dapat sokongan rakyat, jalankan tugas dengan penuh dedikasi dan jauhi rasuah.

  46. Dakwaan DAP untuk Projek yang behubung kait dengan projek dibawah KKLW. Maka SPRM perlu membuat siasatan atas dakwaan ini.

  47. Pastikan projek yang telah diberikan kelulusan peruntukan dapat dilaksanakan sebaiknya. Penyelewangan dan rasuah amatlah ditegah.

  48. Jika shafie rasuah, musang ketua RASUAH di sejarah Sabah.

    Mustahil DAP tidak tahu pula?
