KOTA KINABALU: Leaders in Sabah, regardless of their political orientations, must now unite in order to be effective in fighting for state interests, said Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.
The chairman of the United Borneo Front (UBF) said this in response to Upko's hardline call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to look into the long-standing issue of the illegal immigrants in Sabah.
He said it had always been the call of the UBF to all leaders, regardless of whether they are in the Barisan Nasional or in the opposition, to unite and to voice out the Sabah cause, and this is another opportune moment in which they can do that.
"It's high time we stop operating under our respective party identities and create a united front to get the federal government to relent on its reluctance to form and mobilize the RCI on illegals. There is no question that we can be the strongest when we speak as a truly united front for the sake of Sabah," Jeffrey said.
He reminded the leaders not to forget that the Barisan Nasional is in reality obliged to the Sabah and Sarawak leaders for saving the coalition from collapsing after the last general election, and the 56 parliamentary seats held by Sabah and Sarawak today are more than enough to change the federal government without going through any general election if all these leaders decide to support the opposition.
"But to achieve this they have to be united," he said. "And the big question is whether they can be wise and pragmatic enough to create that one powerful force. Can't they raise above their personal and party interests and create history?"
Jeffrey also pointed out that by acting as individual parties, with each trying to be a hero, the leaders are actually showing that they have fallen into the divide-and-rule tactics of the federal government.
Source: BP
Hope that all leaders will unite and cooperate for the best interests of the state and the people.
ReplyDeletePut the people's benefit first and personal interests last. A leaders job is to serve the people in the best possible way.
ReplyDeleteBetul, pemimpin harus bersatu untuk kebaikkan bersama.
ReplyDeleteKeadaan pasti akan bertambah baik jika semuanya bersatu. Bukan hanya tahu membangkang sahaja.
ReplyDeleteyang penting semua pemimpin perlu sentiasa menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka dengan baik.
ReplyDeletesemoga isu-isu yang berlaku akan dapat diselesaikan dan Sabah akan menjadi lebih membangun.
ReplyDeletesemua pemimpin mmg harus bersatu, jika mereka bersatu pasti keadaan akan lebih harmoni.
ReplyDeletethat's what they should do. but unfortunately, the difference in political orientation makes them difficult to unite. because all of them have the same goal to form a new government..
ReplyDeletewhen Jeffrey was still in PKR, why he did not unite with all leaders especially from the government side?
ReplyDeletedgn bersatu segala permasalahan rakyat pasti akan dpt diselesaikan.
ReplyDeleteKalau masing2 ada agenda tersendiri, susah mahu dapat kerjasama daripada semua. Tapi rakyat akan menyokong mana2 pemimpin yang ikhlas berjuang untuk Sabah dan rakyatnya.
ReplyDeletememang benar sukar bagi para pemimpin2 untuk bersatu memperjuangkan kepentingan negeri dan rakyat Sabah jika mempunyai matlamat yang berbeza2 malah ada juga yang hanya pentingkan diri sendiri.
ReplyDeletesemoga RCI akan ditubuhkan sebelum berakhir 2012. peranan pemimpin2 amat diperlukan dalam merealisasikannya.
ReplyDeleteFor once, please unite and put aside your personal interests. Can you eat well when the person next to you don't have any food to eat?
ReplyDeleteItu yang semestinya perlu dilakukan untuk Sabah. Harap semua dapat bersatu untuk memastikan kebaikan untuk Sabah itu sendiri.
ReplyDeleteAll Sabah leaders should unite for the good of the people.
ReplyDeleteSabahans need to unite, if not we will fall.