Comment by RS Galid
I must commend Jeffrey Kitingan for coming up with this grand idea/plan to finally thwart the ruling Umno. If everything falls into place, it will work. Yes, I’m saying Umno, because BN=Umno and Umno=BN .
Let us not pretend otherwise as all the other 14 component parties are just mere appendages of Umno. This brilliant idea can only of course work if Jeffrey’s war cry of ‘Unity is Duty’ is heeded by both Sabahans and Sarawakians alike.
In order to achieve this lofty goal many factors will have to be overcome by Jeffrey’s group or party . In addition, many more factors must work in Jeffrey’s favour for the aspiration to come to fruitation.
With so many political parties and individuals trying their luck in this political jackpot, it suffice that as many ‘problems’ will arise.
The easier part will be to win substantial number of seats to render Umno-BN unable to form the government by itself.
The harder part will be to keep the coalition together. If the opposition were successful, will it be 2008 all over again or in Sabah’s case , 1994 rewind?
Umno has all the money (rakyat’s to be sure) to buy any politician. What can this loose amalgamation of people/political parties with different concept of ‘winning’ do to ensure that this ‘pakatan’ does not fall apart ?
Your guess is as good as mine. What about making everyone in the opposition seeking to topple Umno/ BN come up with a written pledge to the rakyat that they will not be bought over by Umno if they win? It might get a couple more votes.
Meanwhile , best of luck Sabahans and Sarawakians!
All Sabahans must unite for our own mutual rights.
ReplyDeleteHope that Sabah will be given back our autonomous rights to rule our own state.
ReplyDeleteAutonomous rights please!
ReplyDeleteSomeone from Sarawak Patriotback Dr. Jeffery of this fight!
All SabSar'n will backyou ofthis good fight.
God Bless us SabSar'n!
At least the light at the end of the tunnel appears to be brighter for Sabahans.
ReplyDeleteUnited we stand, divided we fall.
ReplyDeleteAll the best to Sabah and Sarawak ini this.
ReplyDeleteSabahans decide what they want.
ReplyDeleteSabah and Sarawak should not controlled by party from outsiders.
ReplyDeleteunite will make we more strong.
ReplyDeletesabahan and Sarawak must make the good decision to unite or not.
ReplyDeleteremember the 20-Points Agreement! we must fight for it. we should get what really belongs to us.
ReplyDeletebut continues fight for rights.
ReplyDeleteHarap 20 perkara diperjuangkan oleh para pemimpin.
ReplyDeleteUnity in this context for Sabahans and Sarawakians is subjective.For one we are all united socially resulting in peace and harmony amongst us.We are able to sit in coffee shops and restaurants even in the back alley stalls in peace and harmony.Malays,chinese,KDM,Bajaus and Indians are able to sit side by side,talk and discuss their daily chores without any suspicious feelings and confrontation.In short we are able to accept each other with ease transcending any cultural and religious barriers.This is unity in Sabah and Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteThen again there is this call to unite the Borneons for the purpose of confrontation.This call is absurd and silly.
I hope Borneons will not listen to this 'war cry' and continue to live as we are.
No one has the right to disturb the peace.We are 1 Malaysia and that should remain in our minds before we allow ourselves to act irresponsibly by elements that are out to destroy the peace and harmony amongst us ironically in the name of unity.
Of course.
ReplyDeleteits impossible to win a fight is thru unity that makes it possible to win a fight.
ReplyDeletefor the sake of getting bck the autonomous right,sabah and sarawak must unite.
ReplyDeleteIts all about the money!!
ReplyDeleteHow to unite? share something how to unite.
ReplyDeleteBersatu teguh.
ReplyDeleteI myself is confused, to whom my vote goes to. I don't even know who is actually fight for us....
ReplyDeletebut i just can't deny, since Datuk Musa is the CM, we see the different, especially in Development.
ReplyDeleteUnity is deemed vital for a better tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteDifferent people different opinion but whatever it takes we still need to find a way how to unite!
ReplyDeleteEasy to say, difficult to implement.
ReplyDeletedengar2 JK mahu buat pakatan borneo..
ReplyDeletelepas PRU nanti, kita dengar lah YB sana sini lompat parti..
ReplyDeletekita tunggu dan lihat sajalah apa yang akan berlaku pada PRU nanti..JK makin agresif..
ReplyDeleteborneons must unite for what?
ReplyDeletecan JK do his magic in the coming GE?
ReplyDeleteSesungguhnya perpaduan itu tunjang harapan.
ReplyDeleteKeep on uniting.
ReplyDeleteUnless the election commission is being fair and clean..
ReplyDeleteBorneons must have high integrity..especially the leaders.
ReplyDeleteterserah kepada rakyat dalam hal ni. segala kemungkinan tetap akan berlaku sekiranya kemajuan majoriti diutamakan.
ReplyDeleteall the best for Sabah.
ReplyDeleteAll the bestlah. Saya menyokong apa saja usaha untuk mempertahankan hak Sabah.
ReplyDeleteS/ada DJK dapat mencipta keajaiban atau sebaliknya hanya akan diketahui next GE nanti.
ReplyDeleteSo sekarang ini, kita lihat saja sejauh mana kesungguhan DJK memperjuangkan hak rakyat.
ReplyDeleteTerpulanglah pada rakyat untuk menilai hal ini.
ReplyDeleteBagi saya utk tujuan yang baik dan demi kepentingan bersama Borneons memang patut bersatu. Namun jangan sesekali salahgunakan kesatuan yang ada.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan harus memperjuangkan perjanjian 20 perkara.
ReplyDeleteNo party can give bigger authority, they should share equally then only the country grow bigger.
ReplyDeletePRU 13 harus dijalankan dengan bersih dan adil.
ReplyDeleteThe people will only support anything that is good for them, bring more development and economy stability.
ReplyDeleteRakyat harus pandai menilai dan pandai membuat pengundian. Tidak harus tertarik dengan unsur-unsur "bonus" yang diberi tetapi mengorbankan masa depan anak negeri.
ReplyDeleteThey word unite seems simple, but if really want to do it, Im sure its tones more difficult than what they thoughts. All have their own mission to achieve, not possible provided they really put the people in priority.
ReplyDeleteApayang sedang berlaku di Sabah dan Sarawaksekarang ,tidakakan berlaku jikaDrJeffery adalah diantara pemimpin yg ada semasa perjanjian atau tinjauan Cobbold /Gagasan Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteJika kita punyai pemimpin yg panjang akal serta komited dan bijak menilai masa depan Kita 45 tahun dahulu; maka sudah tentu nasib orang asalSabah seperti, Berunai, Bisaya, Dusun,Murutdan lain2 tidak akan direbut oleh Pilak, dan Bugis yg kini sudah jadi pemerintah kita di Sabah.
Oleh itu, mungkin ini adalah satupeluang yg ALLah berikan kepada kitauntuk sekurang2nyamengurangkan tamakhaloba kaumpendatang yg sudah menguasai semua aspekkehidupan orang asal di Sabah.
ini terpulang jika rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak mahu bersatu
ReplyDeleteuntuk dua negeri bersatu tentunya tidak begitu mudah kerana masing-masing ada tujuan tersendiri
ReplyDeletekita lihat dan tunggu sahaja jika usaha DJK ini berjaya atau tidak...
ReplyDeleteuntuk mendapat sokongan rakyat dari 2 buah negeri ini memang bukannya senang
ReplyDeleteberjaya atau tidak semuanya di tangan rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak
ReplyDeleteUnite all Borneons and Stand up for our rights!
ReplyDeletedaripada dia tubuhkan UBF, baik dia tubuhkan parti politik awal2..
ReplyDeleteBersatu untuk memilih BN sebagai kerajaan kedua Negeri itu.
ReplyDeleteJK seperti merancang untuk berpolitik semula. Apa yang JK cuba lakukan untuk mengabungkan politik Sabah dan Sarawak?
ReplyDeleteNampak seperti UBF semakin berpengaruh di Sabah dan Sarawak dibawah presidennya Jeffery. Tapi kita tunggu setakat mana kebolehan Jeffery untuk menghantui fikiran rakyat.
ReplyDeleteUBF hanya NGO tapi begitu aktif dalam memperjuangkan isu rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteSabah dan Sarawak perlulah bersatu untuk memberikan sokongan kepada Kerajaan BN. Kerajaan BN juga perlulah membuktikan tanggungjawab mereka kepada rakyat terlaksana.
ReplyDeleteUBF sebagai badan berkecuali.. DJK tau susah berjuang mendapatkan hak SABAH. Sebelah mata jak CM tinguk.. UBF di tubuhkan sebagai parti. Masih kecil dan baru pun belum cukup untuk menggoyangkan UMNO/BN di sabah.. Untuk merealisasi impian dan mengembalikan hak penduduk sabah.. parti kena kuat dan kukuh.. skg ni UBF jadi United Borneo Alliance.. not a small potato anymore.. usaha beliau untuk kembangkan parti sampai ke tahap yg blh menggerunkan UMNO.. bukan alang2 punya usaha.. tapi masi berterusan.. kalu bukan Dr.Jeff, siapa lagi yg mau perjuangkan hak sabahan?? pemimpin UMNO? siapa??
Harap yg terbaik untuk Sabah..
ReplyDeleteSemuanya terletak di tangan rakyat..
ReplyDeleteSusah untuk dua negeri ini bergabung..masing2 ada arah tuju yg hendak di capai..
ReplyDeleteSemoga berjaya dengan apa yg diperjuangkan..
ReplyDeleteKita tunggu dan lihat apa yg akan berlaku nanti..