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Friday, December 23, 2011

Khir Toyo guilty of graft, jailed 1 year

The former Selangor MB was however allowed a stay of execution of jail time and forfeiture of the properties pending an appeal.

SHAH ALAM: Former Selangor menteri besar Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo was found guilty by the High Court here today on a charge of obtaining for himself and his wife a valuable property at a consideration he knew was insufficient, four years ago.

He was sentenced to one year in jail from today. The court also ordered Khir’s land and bungalow be forfeited.

Khir was however allowed a stay of execution of jail time and forfeiture of the properties pending an appeal. Khir is expected to file his appeal later today.

Judge Mohtarudin Baki (now Appeals Court Judge) reached the decision upon finding that the defense had failed to raise a reasonable doubt on the case against Khir, 46.

Khir was earlier ordered to enter his defence on the charge of obtaining for himself and his wife Zahrah Kechik, 46, two lots of land and a bungalow at No 8 & 10, Jalan Suasa 7/1L through Ditamas Sdn Bhd director Shamsuddin Hayroni.

The properties were bought at RM3.5 million, in contrast to the price of RM6.5 million paid for it by Ditamas on Dec 23 2004.

Khir had committed the offence with the knowledge that Shamsuddin had dealings with him in his official capacity as Selangor Menteri Besar at the time.

Khir, who is also Sungai Panjang assemblyman, committed the offence at the Selangor Menteri Besar’s official residence, Jalan Permata 7/1, Seksyen 7 here on May 29 2007.

Twenty-five prosecution and five defence witnesses testified throughout the proceedings which commenced on June 6.

On Aug 8, Mohtarudin ordered the politician to enter his defence on the charge after the prosecution concluded its case.

Prosecution and defense were led by DPP Abdul Wahab Mohamed and M Athimulan respectively.

- Bernama


    Dia orang Sabah kah? Kalau Khir Toyol ini UMNO BN dan MELAYU - betullah BN UMNO Rasuah dan MELAYU itu PATI.

  2. Betul! BN=UMNO=PTI
    Beribu lagi yg grand2 punya tidak disiasat!
    Yang si Toyol punya ini cuma wayang kulit saja itu.
    Mahu tahu kenapa? Sebab supaya BNUMNO fikir rakyat akan tertipu dgn kepandiran mereka bila mereka penjarakan si Anwar pada 9.01.2011 nanti.

    Kalau si Taib Mahmud sama si Mahathir kena tangkap dan masuk penjara baru rakyat percaya sikit!

    Kalau si Najib sama Rosmah kena tangkap pasal Cincin dan kapal selam serta pembunuhan Altantuya barulah rakyat percaya banyak sikit!

    Kalau si AKJAN dan Harris sama YB2 BN UMNO yg terlibat projek IC Mahathir ditangkap barulah rakyat Sabah percaya besar!

    NFC! Alahai, inilah kerja ini Tuan kita ini, mereka buat apa saja yg mereka suka!
    Babarik! Orang kafir lagi bagus. INIkah yg mahu mati2an jadi tuan kita? Perompak, penipu dan pembohong!

    Tidak boleh harap! Macam pagar makan padi

  3. akhirnya khir toyo didapati bersalah dan dipenjara 1 tahun. ini sbagai pengajaran kepada kita.

  4. hukuman ditangguhkan sementara menunggu proses rayuan. mungkinkah beliau akan dibebaskan daripada hukuman di saat2 akhir ni?

  5. setinggi mana pangkat dan kedudukan, kalau bersalah pasti akan menghadapi hukuman juga.

  6. sesiapa yang bersalah pasti akan dihukum.

  7. "Sesiapa yang bersalah pasti akan dihukum"!!!

  8. Betul2! Satu lagi, BNUMNO=Rasuah

    Kamu masih ingatkah si syed kecik yg tiba2 jadi Pengarah Yayasan Sabah Time Tun Mustapha?

    Berbillion hasil kayu balak dan ratusan hektar tanah dicurinya menjadikan beliau yg terkaya diAsia pada waktu itu.

    Nah, ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi!
    Itu isteri si Toyokan anak syed kechik! Rasuah jugatu ingat persatuan BALKIS selangor! Jadi suaminyapun kena jangkit rasuah si bininya.

    Kesimpulannya ialah,
    BNUMNO= Kumpulan Perasuah Malaysia.

    Penangkapan Toyo tidak berbaloi kalau 12 bulan saja . Sedangkan penganggur yg mencuri sebuah telefon bimbit dipenjara 2 tahun!

    Si Toyo patut disebat lagi ni. Sdh terlampau banyak dia dan bini dia curi wang rakyat!

    Ini wayang kulit saja ni sebagai mengabui mata rakyat Malaysia kerana Anwar akan dipenjara 20 tahun pada 9 januari 2012.

    Tengoklah nanti!

  9. yang bersalah pasti akan mendapat hukumannya.

  10. pasti mahkamah melakukan pertimbangan yang sewajarnya sebelum membuat keputusan.

  11. kalau sudah terbukti bersalah, tidak perlu la ba bagi peluang buat rayuan..

  12. biasanya kalau sudah bersalah lambat atau cepat tetap akan menerima hukuman.

  13. Harap2 dapat hukuman yang setimpal dengan kesalahan. lebih percepatkan bicaranya.

  14. Those who are involved in graft should be very afraid.

  15. Hope that those who are suspected will be investigated so that actions will be taken.

  16. Baguslah kalau sudah ada jawapan mengenai rasuah Khir Toyo ini.

  17. 1 tahun untuk rasuah?? that's bs!
