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Monday, December 26, 2011

Mayor evasive, KK citizens livid

Queville To

The Kota Kinabalu City Hall's Draft Plan 2020 appears to be championing 'commercial interests' as opposed to preserving the city's 113-year-old history.

KOTA KINABALU: The state Barisan Nasional government has again come under fire for ignoring the culture and heritage of the state capital and its surroundings and letting commercial interests dictate city planning.

A group of city-dwellers who have viewed the city’s ‘DBKK Local Draft Plan 2020′ believe plans are in place to bulldoze the remaining vestiges of the 113-year-old city’s colonial legacy and turn it into a crass, characterless business centre.

“If you want the people of Sabah to love Kota Kinabalu, please protect our city history,” said Richard Sokial, a spokesman for Heritage Sabah, a NGO dedicated to preserving the state’s historical structures and places of interest.

The ad hoc pressure group comprising concerned citizens are particularly incensed that there has been no response from the government on an unpopular commercial project sited next to the historical Atkinson Clock Tower.

Another Heritage Sabah official, Jefferi Chang, and a group of concerned citizens, who attended City Hall’s ‘Meet the Client Session’ on Dec 21, petitioned the local authority to reject the 16-storey project next to the clock tower, city’s oldest historical monument.

The group questioned the wisdom of the zoning of the Atkinson Clock Tower and its surrounding area – Town Padang, Australia Place, KK Community Hall and Gaya Street under ‘Commercial Zone’ and during the recent Sabah State Planning Standards Workshop held on last week, Heritage Sabah reps suggested for special controls to be implemented for all known historical sites and buildings so that their integrity and intrinsic value would not be compromised by uncontrolled commercial developments.

“It would be wiser to consider rezoning this stretch of area as a “historical preservation district”.

Mayor evasive

Having a Historical Preservation District would add more variety and interest to our city, which will be 113 years in 2012”, Sokial said.

“There needs to be a conscious effort made by the local authorities to preserve Kota Kinabalu’s city history.

“A city that neglects its historical sites and buildings loses a lot of its attractions,” he said regarding Sabah’s state capital that was established as Jesselton township in 1899.

He said Heritage Sabah had submitted their objections of the DBKK Local Draft Plan 2020 during the Public Consultation period

The said public consultation period was supposed to end on Dec 26, 2011 but was extended to Jan 26 next year.

According to sources, the DBKK Local Draft Plan 2020 provides little protection for few remaining green areas in the city and residents fear that hill-cutting that has scarred much of a ridge running the length of the city will proceed unabated and more commercial development will take place in such sensitive areas.

Chang has urged Mayor Abidin Madingkir to make the right decision to reject any commercial developments which could adversely impact upon the historical Atkinson Clock Tower.

“We hope he will make the right decision for the Atkinson Clock Tower and not be pressured to be a rubber stamp for people in high places,” said Sokial in a statement over Christmas.

However, Abidin’s evasive reply saying he needs to seek further details from the state government on the status of the commercial project which critics say is contravening the heritage laws, has raised further questions over who is behind the proposal.

“By seeking further details from the state town planning authorities it shows that DBKK is relying on the State Town and Regional Planning Department for advice when in fact they have their own Town Planning Department and a City Planning Committee that approved the plan.

“From what we understand, the only body other than City Hall itself that can be asked for advice should be the Central Town and County Planning Board,” Sokial pointed out.


  1. I saluted to K.K.Mayor Datuk Abidin Ex-Sgt.Madingkir to his decision to preserved the Atkinson Clock Tower(Tower of Mother Loves),I believed he has the same childhood memories playings around near the Atkinson Clock Tower.

  2. I am for commercial development.The government can get rid of the old clock.It serves no purpose and worst still it reminds me of the days the British were here.The British are gone so the Clock Tower must too.

  3. The above comment sounded like a Taliban. Do we want a Taliban-like administration in KK ?

  4. Nothing wrong with being anti-west.One should be suspicious on those pro-British.Maybe they want to bring the colonialist back.

  5. You are not just anti-west, you are also anti-history. Your next move may include getting rid of War memorials, church statues and possibly demolish the current Sabah Tourism HQ.

  6. The Atkinson Clock Tower must be preserved as it is our heritage.

  7. We should not take down all the historical monuments just for the sake of developments. History should be preserved.

  8. Why don't make the Atkinson Tower more attractive? Beautify it for instance.

  9. Its just a clock.It should not stand in the way of development.Anything that should be demolished to construct building and so forth must be done.To hell with those who are against.

  10. The anonymous above me seriously doesn't know how to appreciate the value of history. its just not a clock!

  11. I mean its just not only a clock. It has been there for so long. it serve a good reminder that british was once in sabah. Sure there are bad times but there are also good times especially when sabahans get to learn a lot of things from the british.

  12. “A city that neglects its historical sites and buildings loses a lot of its attractions,”

    Do you agreed? Lets preserve for our next generation

  13. Most of us want to visit Europe , part of the reason being there are a lot of "Histroy "in those countries.

    There are Laws on the "Heritage" issue !!Hope Sabah/Malaysia will follow...

  14. Atkinson Clock Tower is a Sabah heritage. we must protect it.

  15. If you want to see history go to the rural areas maybe you will appreciate Tugu Mat Salleh,Sabah hero who fought the British but not to appreciate a clock.Just get rid of the clock.It makes me sick.

    Sabah people suffered enough because of the British.The Japanese for example came to Sabah in WW2 to drive the British out and end up Sabahans had to face the harsh and bitter consequences of their presence.

  16. saya bantah projek 16 tingkat itu bukan atas sebab menara atkinson, tetapi sebab pembinaan itu akan mengundang kesesakan lalu lintas yang lebih teruk..

  17. yang penting sebarang pekara yang dilakukan perlu diteliti dan dipertimbangkan dengan sedalamnya.

  18. kepentingan dan pandangan semua pihak juga pastinya diambilkira.

  19. I think memorable things must be keep and maintaining. That was Sabah history. Nobody can change it.

  20. Hope will develop more than before but still remain certain history.

  21. Sejarah harus dipelihara.

  22. kerajaan harus mengutamakan pembangunan dan projek yang betul-betul membawa pembangunan.

  23. Perkembangan dan pembangunan harus dijalankan, hasil sejarah harus juga dipelihara agar generasi muda dapat menikmati titik-titik sejarah negara kami.

  24. Jam tu menambah tarikan untuk pelancongan.

  25. Lama-kelamaan, Sabah akan kehilangan identiti dan keunikan sendiri jika kesemua dirobohkan untuk pembangunan. Harus dikaji.

  26. Peninggalan yang ada perlulah dijaga. Jangan biarkan dimusnahkan. Sayangilah peninggalan sejarah kita.

  27. sudah banyak bangunan2 dibina di area KK. kalau nak robohkan menara jam tersebut semata2 untuk memberi laluan kepada pembinaan bangunan 16 tingkat, saya rasa tidak berbaloi.

  28. yang sepatutnya menara jam Atkinson ini perlu dipelihara. di Tuaran pun ada juga menara jam tapi tidak berfungsi. kalau diperbaiki, berguna juga selain dapat menjaga nilai sejarahnya.

  29. Bangunan 16 Tingkat boleh jadi pemangkin ekonomi Sabah dan memberi peluang pekerjaan kepada beribu rakyat Sabah.Jam itu untuk apa.Boleh kasi makan kita? Pelancung pun bosan tengok.

  30. Saya tak pro dengan pembinaan bangunan tu bukan sebab nak pertahankan menara tapi bagi saya kalaulah bangunan tu diguna untuk tempat tinggal kos rendah mungkin saya sokong kot:P hehe

  31. Tapi kalau boleh agak2 jugalah kalau nak buat pembangunan pun. Jnagan sampai undang kontroversi. huhu

  32. Semoga perkara ini dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.

  33. Memang betuk katanya, pembangunan dan perkembangan harus diteruskan dan hasil usaha nenek moyang harus juga dijaga dan dipelihara.

  34. Mungkin boleh mencari jalan alternatif supaya pembangunan tersebut boleh diteruskan juga.

  35. Sejarah harus dikekalkan supaya generasi akan datang dapt menikmati sejarah negeri Sabah.

  36. Jam juga merupakan satu tarikan bandar KK.

  37. kerajaan harus mengkaji dengan teliti sama ada jam tersebut harus dikekalkan? Sejarah tidak dapat dibuat semula.

  38. Jika Jam ini tidak dijaga, lama kelamaan, Sabah akan kehilangan keunikan dan keindahan sejarah perjuangan kami.

  39. Jangan merobohkan bangunan jam ini untuk pembagunan. Sejarah kita wajar dipertahan.

  40. Bagunan Jam Atkinson ini juga adalah satu tarikan pelancong di Sabah.

  41. Ini lah dia pengaruh british maseh ada.British punya pasal pembangunan tergadai.Kalau Sabah susah mereka kasi wang kah?

  42. I agree…the Atkinson Clock Tower must be preserved as it is our legacy.

  43. No matter what happens we should support in protecting our heritage.

  44. The state history should be preserved at least for the next generation, so they can learn from/about the past as well.

  45. I agree….the negligence of our historical sites will lose its attraction.

  46. We must protect and preserve what is rightfully ours irrespective of its past or present.
