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Thursday, January 19, 2012

‘Enough of promises from DAP’


The DAP-led state government should make good the promises made before 2008, instead of making more promises.

BUTTERWORTH: Penang Umno Youth wants the state government to stop making promises that it cannot keep. The DAP-led state government has still not fulfilled pledges it made before the 2008 general election.

State Umno Youth head Shaik Mydin Hussein said the state government should act responsibly and not like an opposition front.

“It should capitalise on the resources that the state government has to meet the promises made earlier.”

Among the promises made was to remove the Sungai Nyior highway toll charge, reducing the costs of living and free weekend parking for municipality lots.

“Instead, the DAP through Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has promised to remove toll charges for various highways in the country.

“Can the state government really do this? It is costly to maintain the highways…,” he said in a statement.

If Lim wants to remove the tolls nationwide, he should propose a mechanism, which can be adopted and understood by each concessionaire and the federal government, Shaik Mydin said.

Lim should start in Penang by removing the Sungai Nyior toll and make a simple recommendation to allow for free weekend parking, so that families can spent quality time together instead of having to pay whenever they drive around town on Saturdays or Sundays.

“Have the lives of the people in Penang changed? Are the annual handouts of RM100 to senior citizens, although laudable, improving the lives of the people?” asked Shaik Mydin.

He added that it would be better if the state provide more social amenities and foster care to senior citizens, as this can also lift the burden of the younger generation caring for their elders, he said.

He said the state has implemented interesting schemes such as the Speakers Square but at the end of it all, Penangites would be asking themselves whether their lives have improved since 2008.

Lim should measure the success of his administration against such socio-economic factors instead of talking about how much more revenue the state has collected, Shaik Mydin said.

He added that Pakatan Rakyat needs to know that it is running a government and not a corporate company.


  1. DAP tembirang saja. DAP hanya janji kosong dan tiada beza dengan umno.

    perangai DAP penang fikir mereka masih dalam pembangkang. Mereka tidur dalam kerja.

    1. Dalam politik, banyak yang cakap tak serupa bikin. Jangan letak harapan tinggi sangat bila ahli politik mula janji itu ini.

    2. DAP ni lah yang terlalu angkuh dalam PR. pilihanraya di Sarawak jadi back stabber ahli2 sekomponen.

    3. Oleh itu, rakyat tidak patut undi disebabkan janji-janji manis, undilah parti yang benar-benar berkemampuan.

  2. LGE must make sure the promises made to the people are fulfilled before making more promises.

  3. tak perlu nak percaya sgt pada janji2 DAP. berjanji mmg mudah, nak laksanakan bukan mudah.

    1. Pastikan perjanjian kepada rakyat dipenuhi, jika tidak sukar untuk mendapatkan keyakinan rakyat lagi.

  4. DAP yang perlu cukup-cukup menabur janji. Janganlah asyik menabur janji kosong kepada rakyat.

  5. negeri yang ditadbir oleh pembangkang pun tidak perfect sangat ada juga rakyat negeri tu yang tidak bepuas hati.

  6. itu la.. tidak semua janji itu boleh dilaksanakan semudah meluahkannya masa kempen PRU..
