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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Will Lajim’s exit hurt Musa?

Luke Rintod

Rumours are that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has asked Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman to step down after the 13th general election.

Sabah’s 25 parliamentary and 60 state seats have remained Umno’s ‘most trusted fixed deposit”. In the 13th general election, with uncertainty looming over peninsular politics, Sabah must be won and local Umno ‘warlords’ cannot be simply dismissed because ‘they're too old”.

A case in point is Lajim Ukin, an influential warlord or ‘strongman’ as some call him from Beuafort. He’s a humble man and well liked in his constituency and unfortunately for some factions a ‘winnable’ candidate.

Coffeeshops here are abuzz with rumours that Lajim may announce his exit from Umno later this month.
“Wait till Jan 31… The tree will not shake if there is no wind,” said one of Lajim’s acquaintances when asked of his ‘boss’ will leave Umno for Sabah Peoples Front (SPF), a local party currently headed by Berman Angkap.

The acquaintance also also reinforced that Lajim’s main reason for leaving is because he “knew” that he was among several veterans who were considered ‘under-performers” and  most likely would be dropped by Sabah Umno head, Musa Aman in preparation of the coming general election.

Musa is said to be responding to a call by Prime Minister Najib Razak, who is Umno’s president, to identify those who should be dropped and replaced by younger and more educated candidates.

While it is true that Lajim is now a veteran politician having served as people’s representative since 1985, it cannot be said that he has been underperforming.

He is among the most popular Barisan Nasional MPs and is in touch with his constituency  in Beuafort. He is amiable and easily approachable to people seeking his hand.

According to an insider, the problem lies in the fact that “populist Lajim” is indeed a winnable candidate” at least in his own Beaufort area.

“He is humble and close to the people in Beaufort. He works tirelessly and that’s threatening to some quarters who are instigating Musa, ” said the insider who also spouted common rumour that Musa is contemplating replacing Lajim with a relative.

Musa’s family ties

Currently Musa’s younger brother, Anifah, who is also the Foreign Affairs Minister, is the MP for Kimanis, just adjacent to Lajim’s Beaufort.

Already, Musa’s son in-law Ariffin Arif is the assemblyman for Membakut which comes under Beaufort.

While Lajim has been successful in evading speaking to the media about the rumour of his quitting Umno, his men readily admitted that they already ordered thousands of SPF flags, printed thousands of t-shirts and opening a big office somewhere here.

A senior Sabah Umno, when approached for comment, said the press should ask Lajim when he will announce his exit.

“Rumour are that he will wait until after Chinese New Year to announce his move. We will wait and see lah,” said the insider.

Musa’s principal political secretary, Nizam Abu Bakar Titingan, when asked about the  rumours recently, answered in text: “We have asked the persons concerned but they denied”.

Nizam’s ‘they’ refered to  Ghapur Salleh (MP Kalabakan) and Bung Mokhtar Raden (MP Kinabatangan) and Lajim.

All three are on Musa’s ‘drop list’ and rumoured to be heading for SPF.

Yesterday Musa, in a  bid to counter these rumours, called on BN leaders not to dwell too much on the issue of candidacy.

Musa under Najib scrutiny

Musa himself, some insiders claimed, is already a subject of stringent auditing by Najib and his team as to whether he should continue to be the Chief Minister or not after the general election.

There are speculations that Najib could have asked Musa (as he did to Sarawak Chief Minsiter Taib Mahmud) to step down early and pave the way for a transitional state government as the “general election will not be held very soon”.

Despite PAS’s ‘confident prediction’ that polls will be held in March, Musa insiders claim Najib had insinuated that there will be no polls this year.

Not to be muscled out this way,  billionaire Musa has leveraged his position by going the extra kilometre and “contributing” to oil the Barisan Nasional’s election machinery in its embattled base in Peninsular .

Meanwhile waiting in the wing for the coveted Chef Minister post are Sabah Umno’s deputy head, Salleh Said Keruak, who is also State Assembly Speaker, and Shafie Apdal, Umno’s vice president who is also Rural and Regional Development Minister.

Both, however, are currently not an assemblyman – a prerequisite to be considered for state cabinet posts.
Things would however get clearer when election is called.

While Salleh and Shafie may harbour hopes of standing in a state constituency, Lajim for now is said to be weighing his options in the event he is not renominated.

Lajim, a thorn to Musa

The threat is if Lajim quits Umno and forms an alliance with STAR’ Sabah chapter Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, together they might spring surprises in many seats, especially in Sabah’s west-coast area where Kitingan’s
Kadazandusun communities are substantial.

Lajim, himself being a Bisaya, is from the Dusunic group.

Could the political saying “there is no permanent enemy or friend in politics” ring true for Kitingan and Lajim?
According to their respective inner circles, both leaders have been in contact with each other over politics since as early last year.

Berman, when asked yesterday about Lajim joining SPF,  refused to comment.

All he said in his text message was, “no idea, tq”, further fueling speculations that Musa may see more that one surprise spring in coming months.


  1. Pertama saya mahu nyatakan bahawa Lajim adalah warganegara Malaysia dari kalangan Bumiputera asal Sabah.Lajim bukan pemain import dari Indon,Phillipines atau Pakistan.

    Lajim begitu mesra dengan penduduk tempatan kerana kehadiran beliau semasa majlis perkahwinan,khenduri kampung,semasa adanya dikalangan penduduk meninggal dunia.Lajim pasti hadir dan bukannya WAKIL ataupun orang orang kepercayaannya.

    Jika benar Lajim ini meninggalkan BN UMNO,satu lagi tanda atau BUKTI BN UMNO akan MALAM kalaupun tidak HANCUR.Jika ini berlaku MUSA aman PAKISTAN/BENGGALI BINGKUL terpaksa kerja keras dan terpaksa berpura pura jadi macam BISAYA/BERUNAI atau paling kurangpun macam BUMIPETERA.Tapi PAKISTAN tetap PAKISTAN,tipu mesti ada walaupun SIKIT.

    Betullah "tidak ada musuh atau kekal dalam politik" dan dengan meminggirkan Lajim,Bung dan
    Ghafur,BN UMNO seakan CARI NAHAS ditangan SAPP.

    1. kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah..

  2. Keluar saja lah kalau mau apa guna banyak cakap lagi.Kalau tidak percaya lagi sama UMNO keluar hari ini juga tunggu apa.

    1. I wonder what sorta game this Lajim is playing. He should just quit immediately if he wants too.

    2. To remain in the game(politic, one must has the best strategies.

    3. this is just a rumours.

  3. Dulu tunggu kena beli sekarang tunggu kena pujuk.Malu sikit lah.

    1. Siapa itu Musa Aman? Rasanya dia seekor anak Benggali yang tinggal dikandang kerbau diBingkul Beaufort.Seburuk buruk Lajim dia banya suku sakat Bisayah.Kau Musa ada apa,mungkin Pakistan (PATI) yang kau kasih Mycard. Itu tidak cukup,kau TABUR pun orang datang (bukan sokong tapi ambil wang sahaja).

      Fikirlah sebelum pilih CALON.Buat Cikgu Isnin,kau ingat Musa ambil KAU? Fikirlah baik baik.

      Kebatu Beaufort

  4. Musa Aman ketua Menteri,Lajim Ketua Katak yang beli PHD di Gaya Street.

  5. Musa Aman ketua Menteri,Lajim Ketua Katak yang beli PHD di Gaya Street.mereka kawan rapat. sama2 bodoh macam lembu. ABU....hehe

    1. Kalau kedua dua Musa dan Lajim itu KATAK PURU (BUANGKUT) saya percaya.Tapi kedua dua Buangkut ini perang sebab mahu MAKANAN yang sama.

      Indu Bisayah
      Kebidang Beaufort

  6. Tahnian Lajim..

    Kesedaran anda utk cintakan rakyat tulin Sabah kami hargai..

    Umno memang parti yg tidak boleh membela rakyat sabah.

    1. its unsure yet whether he is going to quit UMNO.

    2. semoga Lajim akan terus berjuang untuk rakyat Sabah.

  7. Berambus saja dari UMNO mau cakap banyak apa guna.Bukan tidak biasa keluar parti macam check-in,check-out dalam hotel.Gaya lama susah mau hilang.Kalau anggan-anggan mau jadi KM pun tidak guna pasal tidak ada sekolah.

    1. he should just join forces with other frogs. Politicians shouldn't make "switching party" into their habit. It shows how inconsistent they are.

  8. UMNO tidak relevan utk rakyat Sabah..rakyat Malaya pun sdh ramai yg menyokong PKR, DAP, PAS, knpa kita rakyat Sabah masih spt sapi dicucuk hidung mhu menyokong UMNO? rakyat Sabah mesti menyokong parti2 tempatan pada pru-13 ini.

    1. Parti2 tempatan pun kena berusaha untuk yakinkan rakyat. Lebih2 lagi parti baru. Bukan saja perjuangan kena konsisten, malah parti itu sendiri kena mantap.

  9. belum ada kenyataan dari Lajim yang dia akan keluar parti.

  10. mungkin Lajim tu tidak akan keluar dari UmnoBN. jangan mudah terpedaya dengan kabar2 angin.Politik ba tu.

    1. kan lajim dah beri penjelasan sebelum ini bahawa dia akan terus berjuang bersama UMNO.

    2. Penjelasan yang sukar diterima oleh sesetengah pihak.

    3. pembangkang memang suka mencari isu2 yang boleh dipolitikkan. tidak hairan banyak cerita2 seperti ini timbul di kalangan orang seperti Lajim.

  11. Siok juga baca komen2 ini namun belum ada lagi BIG GUN yang berani tunjuk belang. Kalau ada nanti, satu per satu akan kelihatan belangnya, ada yang ketawa terbahak-bahak, ada yang berpeluh walau dalam bilik berhawa dingin, ada yang turun naik kapal terbang KK-KUL kerana akan jumpa saudaranya di sana, to updates the situation in Sabah. Yang tidak baik pun jadi baik di lapurkan, takut juga diri sendiri kena goreng sotong.......PRU13 sudah dekat, YB2 dan bakal yang ingin mencuba nasib/bakat kena hari2 turun padan, duduk kedai kopi, borak2 ..........................

  12. Many Sabahans are unsatisfied with Musa, i guess it's okay to get him of of here.

    1. If you think about the development he made in sabah, you will realize how much difference sabah is now compared to last time.

    2. Musa may not be a good leader, but at least he made some good changes in sabah. I can't deny that there is still more things to do to sabah but common even rome wasn't built in one day.

    3. but since he has been in his position far too long, then maybe its time to change new leader.

    4. others should also be given the chance to lead. We need fresh new ideas that could further develop sabah to be on par with the other states in west malaysia.

    5. Musa is not a perfect leader. Same goes to the others.

  13. No one wants Lajim to quit, it will be a huge mistake.

    1. its wholly up to him to decide.

    2. only oppositions want Lajim to quit.

  14. Steady korang UMNO/BN tetap menang.

  15. if Lajim want to quit, then he should just quit. Enough talking, and get on with the action.

    1. kalau lajim mahu berenti, lama sudah dia berhenti...ini semua hanya khabar angin saja..biasalah kalau dekat2 pru13..

  16. What is Lajim actually trying to do?stop fooling around already.

    1. Whether he is fooling around or the rumours that caused this speculation?

    2. its the rumors that caused this speculation and confusion..not lajim himself..

  17. If there is no official statement by Lajim on after 31st whether he is quitting UMNO or not, then the rumours need to stop. Didn't he recently made a statement that he will stay in UMNO? Confusing.

    1. lajim juga pernah cakap ada pihak tertentu yang mahu membunuh karier politik beliau..

  18. Regardless who is at the helm, hopefully they can lead Sabah to a new level of prosperity

  19. The leaders within the ruling coalition needs to put their difference aside and strife for the betterment of the people of Sabah

    1. ya...kerjasama dan satu hati untuk membangunkan negeri dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat,..

  20. kita tunggu dan lihat apa keputusan lajim..tapi dulu dia cakap dia akan kekal dalam UMNO..

  21. "there is no permanent enemy or friend in politics” ring true for Kitingan and Lajim?
    No self interest ,otherwise you will be "out" ?
    There are so many capable leaders in the BN , it will not hurt Musa I guess. The committe will decide who will be selected and not only based on on Musa's decision

  22. Patut ada undang2, ketua menteri tidak boleh lebih dari 2 penggal. kalau tidak, sama macam diktator la. terlalu lama, jadi pemalas tolong rakyat, cuma tolong diri sendiri. Siapa setuju, reply.

    1. Undang2 harus diwujudkan utk memberi laluan kepada rakyat Sabah beragama Kristian supaya menjadi Ketua Menteri tanpa gangguan dari Malaya.

      Harus faham Sabah tiada agama rasmi!

  23. Don't make any speculation.

  24. Lajim tidak pernah berkata hendak keluar dari UMNO.

  25. As far as I concerned, Lajim will stay in BN.

  26. ada saja khabar angin yang dimain, tapi tidak perlulah dipercayai sangat kerana khabar angin sebelum ini pun terbukti tidak benar.

  27. daripada memainkan isu-isu yang hanya khabar angin lebih baik fokus terhadap isu lain yang lebih penting kepada rakyat.

  28. janganlah mudah terpengaruh dengan sebarang khabar angin yang entah daripada mana sumbernnya.

  29. Datuk Lajim telah mengatakan dan berjumpa dengan CM sendiri bahawa beliau tidak akan keluar dari BN dan akan terus berjuang bersama dengan pemimpin Bn yang lain.

  30. Rasanya tidak perlu risau dengan perkara ini kerana kita sendiri tahu akan jawapan yang telah diberikan oleh Lajim sendiri. Ini cuma permainan politik dari pihak lain.

  31. Dia keluar pun ok bah.Bagi saya lebih bagus keluar sekarang daripada lepas p/raya macam dulu di mana dia lompat masuk UMNO dari PBS lepas p/raya.

    Kalau sudah hati tidak sedap dalam UMNO keluar saja jangan tunggu kena beli.Politik bukan berniaga.Ianya satu perjuangan untuk rakyat.

  32. Lajim akan menjadi wira yang berprinsip bukan macam Pairin dan yg lain2 yb dalam BNUMNO Sabah.

    Dulu dia lompatpun atas dasar prinsip dan rakyat telah menyokongnya. Apa salahnya dia lompat party jika prinsip perjuangannya diperkotak-katikkan oleh BNUMNO?

    Salutelah pada Datuk Lajim, bukan macam Pairin yg pengeut itu.

    Hidup Lajim for the KDM!

  33. I don't think Lajim's exist will hurt Musa, especially if the party is SPF. A mosquito party like that will not be able to do anything.

  34. We should just wait and see what are Lajim's plans, so far SPF president stated that Lajim has not sent any application to join his party.

  35. Had Lajim not crossed to BN during PBS era
    sabahans would not have suffered . I blame him for crossing to BN causing PBS to fall and Sabahans to suffer further. Please repent Lajim also the rest of the BN politicians . Save Sabahans from drowning.

  36. Lajim telah membuktikan bahawa beliau masih berkekalan dengan UMNO. Andaian negatif tidak harus dibuat.

  37. Pasti ada pihak ingin merosakkan imej baik Lajim.

  38. Kalai lajim betul meninggalkan BN, pasti menjejas imej BN. Harus juga Lajim membuat keputusan yang bijak.

  39. Jika Lajim tidak bertanding apa-apa kerusi, pasti lajim keluar dari BN.

  40. I thought Lajim & Musa indeed close. They should strike towards similar objective.

  41. Santai ja bah kamu!

    Sekali si Lajim keluar BNUMNO pengsan kamu semua!

    Kalau si Rahim Ismail sma Karim Bujang lagi keluar BNUMNO, mati terus kamu semua!

    Diam kamu. Biar dorang yg buat keputusan. Bukan budak2 lagi dorang tu!

  42. Rasanya belum ada keyataan dari Lajim yang beliau keluar dari umno.

  43. Terpulanglah kepada lajim mau stay atau keluar parti.

  44. Khabar angin yang tidak tau betul atau tidak.

  45. Isu yang dipanaskan oleh pembangkang.. tapi begini lah politik..kalau tiada cerita begini, tidak meriah lah.

  46. Apapun kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja nanti bagaimana ia berakhir.

  47. macam2 perkara yang dibincangkan tapi yang empunya badan tidak pun keluar dari umno..
