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Monday, February 20, 2012

KDCA slammed for failing to respond to State AG's attack on NCR land

By Peter Marajin

KOTA KINABALU : The Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA) being the custodian of the KDM's rights which include their native lands and the KDM's are all natives, KDCA should be in the forefront in defending these rights. But alas, KDCA is silent.

This could be construed to mean that KDCA and its president Joseph Pairin Kitingan, who is the Huguan Siou of the KDMs, are condoning this barbaric land grabs of the KDM's native customary lands, now this devilish pronouncment of non-existence of NCR lands after 1930 by the highest legal mind of the Government of which Pairin is a party.

State AG Roderick Fernandez is not known to be a publicity stunt, yet he came out in public to spurt a venom to hurt the hundreds of thousands of natives in Sabah especially the KDMs.

One cannot ignore the fact there must be someone behind him which is the Government. And Pairin being the senior leader in the Government and KDCA President is just sitting idly by and watch his fellow native KDMs suffer in silence because of deprivation of their lands rights perpetrated and perpetuated by this diabolic Government.

The KDMs' heart bled for some defense from KDCA but it deserted them at a crucial moment. Any statement after this from KDCA on this issue could be read as not sincere anymore as it is now under pressure to do so.

Whatever it is, it shows what kind of leadership we have now in KDCA. I hope the KDMs people have opened their eyes and would take charge of their future from now on.

Mr Peter Marajin is SAPP Supreme Council member,also a former vice president of central KDCA.


  1. Replies
    1. Apa ini Pairin Toli,bodoh dan babal bikin malu bangsa Dusun dan Kadazan saja.Jadi penyembah Malaya.Rasakan nanti siapa lagi percaya kamu.RCI ini kamu sia siakan saja.

      Toli Pairin Kalagas

    2. pairin masih berpengaruh...

  2. pairin paling palui. dia yang jual KDM sama melayu.

    1. Aduh, Kita tidak tahu apa yang beliau lalui kerana kita bukan berada ditempat beliau. Kadang2 kita tidak boleh salahkan seseorang itu 100%. Tapi lain orang lain pendapat. Terpulanglah bagaimana untuk kita melihat sesuatu keadaan yang berlaku.

    2. Sokong dengan Rorita, jangan salah lah Pairin 100%..beliau telah lama jadi pemimpin di Sabah, dan telah bersungguh2 unttuk membantu rakyat.

    3. tunggu saja pilihanraya nanti..

    4. It is easy to blame and to critic, but sometime this person has no choice but he had to do it.

    5. Pairin telah melakukan apa yang mungkin termampu untuk beliau lakukan. kritikan2 dan komen2 tentang beliau harap menjadi dorongan untuk memperbaiki diri.

  3. Kalaulah betul Pairin tidak memelihara Sabah sudah lama Sabah dijual kepada SM seperti haris menjual Labuan.

    1. ya.. pairin byk juga memainkan peranan dalam mempertahankan Sabah. jgn hnya lihat kelemahannya.

    2. Biasa la, kalau kebaikan seseorang tu sekejap saja kena ingat, tapi jika ada kelemahan sampai bila2 pun kena cakap. Apapun saya tetap menghormati beliau sebagai pemimpin yang lama di Sabah.

    3. ya...biasalah setiap orang ada kelebihan dan kekurangan masing2...kemahuan manusia tidak dapat dipenuhi semuanya..

    4. Therefore, Pairin needs to bounce back and fight what is right.

    5. sudah lumrah untuk seorang pemimpin mendapat pelbagai pandangan2 yang kurang baik dari pelbagai pihak. apapun, masih ada ruang untuk memperbaiki diri jika benar2 ia berasal dari kelemahan sendiri.

  4. kita harus lindungi hak2 kita.

  5. KDCA are more on the native ethnic cultures, how can they be expect answer something that was related to the law and land rights?

    1. I'm sure not everyone can answer to the NCR land question as the native law is not that established in the state. We should call on the Native court to get their opinion on the NCR status.

  6. Since Mr Peter Marajin is also a former vice president of central KDCA, shouldn't he have the answers to the NCR land issue as well?

  7. why must he respond to the state AG's statement when his statement will not bring any threat to the people in this state?? until today, there is no one agree with AG statement, so should be no problem ba..

  8. kalau apa yang dikatakan oleh rodric sebelum ini adalah benar, maka kerajaan BN harus segera meminda ordinan tersebut..hak dan kepentingan anak negeri harus dipertahankan..

    1. Betul. Lebih baik cari penyelesaian daripada membuat spekulasi mahu tunjuk hero.

    2. saya tak nampak kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Roderic adalah benar. tiada pihak pun yang menyokong kenyataan beliau.

    3. The Attorney General's statement is solely his own opinion and does not represent the truth. This Native Land Status must be clarified so that the people will not be confused.

  9. Hak kita memang perlu di pertahankan, tapi jangan salahkan satu pihak sahaja dalam hal ini.

  10. harap tribunal NCR akan ditubuhkan..

    1. Government is aware and concerned and open to listen to problems faced by the people that involves the natives

  11. Mengenai kenyataan peguam besar itu tidak ada sokongan sama sekali dan itu cuma padangan dan pendapat beliau sendiri.

    1. Betul, tiada sokongan fakta daripada kenyataan Roderic Fernandez, itu cuma pendapat beliau sahaja dan tidak mewakili mana-mana pihak.

  12. Kerajaan akan membincangkan mengenai masalah NCR yang terdapat di Sabah.

  13. Tribunal adalah antara salah satu cadangan yang akan dilaksanakan bagi menangani masalah NCR ini.

    1. tribunal ini pasti akan ditubuhkan tidak lama lagi.

  14. Semoga apa masalah yang dihadapi di Sabah ini akan dapat diselesaikan secepat mungkin.

    1. natives have the right to protect their rights when they are being oppressed or their rights encroached.

  15. Setiap masalah pasti ada jalan penyelesaian. Maka mengenai NCR jika kerajaan serius pasti akan menemui jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik.

  16. Sabah government's move to issue communal land titles is to ensure that the state's indigenous communities do not end up landless

  17. Kerajaan Sabah sedang membincangkan isu NCR ini bersama dengan parti komponen Sabah. Semoga jalan penyelesaian yang baik boleh ditemui.
