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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kokakoba unity re-activated

 “The activities and unity of KOKAKOBA is being re-activated from today” announced Phillip Among, at the launching of the KOKAKOBA fellowship last Sunday, 4th March, in Kapayan, Penampang.

KOKAKOBA was started by the elders and leaders of the four (4) communities in Kapayan, namely, Kg. Kobusak, Kg. Kapayan, Kg. Koidupan and Kg. Bahang, to foster unity and to organize activities particularly the Kaamatan Festival, for the benefit of the community.

However, after rotating organization of the Kaamatan Festival and other sporting activities, Kokakoba activities were stopped after 1967.

Phillip Among
Phillip Among and a group of community leaders have taken the initiative to re-activate KOKAKOBA with a renewed spirit and determination to foster unity and better relations of the communities in Kobusak, Kapayan, Koidupan and Bahang once again.

The objectives of Kokakoba include fostering of unity amongst its members, promoting socio-economic and inter-trade activities amongst its members, promoting social, cultural and religious activities and promoting educational and knowledge-based learning and achievements to develop human capital in the society in Sabah.

At the launching of the KOKAKOBA fellowship, Phillip Among, as the protem chairman announced that he hoped that the unity and community spirit initiated in the Kokakoba community will spread throughout Sabah.  In turn, it is hoped that the renewed unity will also lead to awareness of Sabah’s rights and help develop a sense of state nationalism to protect and safeguard Sabah’s rights within the federation of Malaysia.

The protem chairman also announced that KOKAKOBA will organize a joint Kaamatan Festival for the local community, a futsal tournament and a KOKAKOBA Security Council program with the twin aim of (a) nurturing and promoting entrepreneurial skills and business opportunities for the local community, and (b) curbing the influx of illegal immigrants into Kapayan and make Penampang into a safe and crime-free community as was in 1963.

Phillip Among, Protem Chairman, KOKAKOBA



  2. The objectives of Kokakoba include fostering of unity amongst its members, promoting socio-economic and inter-trade activities amongst its members, promoting social, cultural and religious activities and promoting educational and knowledge-based learning and achievements to develop human capital in the society in Sabah.

    Stick to the objectives. Hopefully there is no political motives behind this all.

    1. Dengan ada kesatuan dan kerjasama antara komuniti boleh membantu mencapai matlamat bersama.

  3. All the best to KOKAKOBA!

  4. Bersatulah KOKAKOBA, semoga objektif mereka dalam penubuhan ini akan dicapai.

  5. semoga matlamat Kokakoba tercapai. ia mempunyai agenda yang amat baik.

  6. Baguslah kerjasama itulah yang penting.

  7. Ini demi menjalinkan hubungan yang baik kepada setiap kampung yang menyertaian. Tambahan lagi ini akan dapat memudahkan kerja jika semua bersatu.

  8. Suatu..usaha..yg..patut..patut..diteruskan..dan..dipelihara..oleh..generasi..akan..dtg..utk..perpaduan..kejayaan..dan..keselamatan


  9. Good luck and all the best to KOKAKOBA

  10. hopefully, Phillip Among will be able to make sure this kokakoba activities will not be stopped again..
