The East Malaysians are not concerned about transparency, accountability, good governance, human rights, civil liberties, etc. Those are values and notions of those in West Malaysia, in particular the urbanites. In East Malaysia it is about nationalism and self-rule. And they do not feel by voting PKR or DAP they will achieve that.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Okay, today no Malay-bashing, Islam-bashing, Chinese-bashing or whatever. Let’s put all that aside and look at things from the point of reality.
I must admit, though, it was fun to pin you chaps into a corner to test how you would react. You all sure have a lot more to learn about politics of the poison chalice and the kiss of death, which Umno is extremely good at.
Anyway, never mind, what Ling Liong Sik once told me is probably true after all: “You Malays are better at politics than we Chinese. We Chinese use Kungfu. You Malays use Silat. So it is very difficult to see how the Malay moves. But for we Chinese we know exactly.”
Do you get what Liong Sik meant? When it comes to the Chinese, you know your friends from your enemies because every move is so visible. For Malays it is hard to tell. When a Chinese smiles, you know he is your friend or else he will curse you instead. A Malay can smile and yet be planning your death.
But I am digressing. That is not what I want to talk about today. Today, my question is: can Pakatan Rakyat form the next federal government this May, when the 13th General Election is expected to be called?
First, look at the chart below. The ruling party has been consistently winning 66%-90% of the parliamentary seats since 1959. In fact, 1959 was not the first election to be held although it was the first parliamentary election. The first election was in 1955, the municipal elections, two years before Merdeka, when the Alliance Party won all but one seat.
Now, if you will notice, while the ruling party won 66%-90% of the seats, this was won against a backdrop of only 49.3%-65.2% of the popular votes. In other words, since the beginning, the ruling party has never won more than two-thirds (66.67%) of the votes. Never! The closest it came to a two-thirds win of the votes was in 1995 (65.2%) when it won 84.38% of the seats in parliament.
The worst election for the ruling party was, of course, in 1969 when it won only 49.3% of the votes and only 65.97% of the seats, plus lost a few states as well. Nevertheless, it lost its two-thirds majority in parliament by less than 1%. And the best was in 2004 when it won 90% of the seats but with only 63.9% of the votes, still less than two-thirds of the votes.
The best election for the ruling party was in 2004 in terms of seats. But that was not the best in terms of votes. In fact, 63.9% is less than two-thirds of the popular votes. In 1995, the best year for the ruling party in terms of votes (65.2%), it won only 84.38% of the seats.
So you see, more votes do not translate to more seats, and vice versa. The ruling party could win more votes in one election but lesser seats in parliament, or lesser votes in another election but more seats in parliament. And it can win less than two-thirds of the votes but still win a two-thirds-majority in parliament. Or it can win less than 50% of the votes and still form a government with a simple majority.
In other words, just because more of you come out to vote and more of you vote for the opposition is not going to ensure that the opposition is going to now become the ruling government. More than 50 years of elections over 12 general elections (and one municipal election pre-Merdeka) must have surely taught us that by now.
The bottom is: it all depends on where you vote and whether you all vote in the same place or you are spread out. If all of you reading Malaysia Today are going to be voting in the same areas, meaning of course the urban or Chinese-majority areas, then we are just going to see a repeat of the 13 elections before this. In other words, the opposition is going to win the votes but not the seats.
In the 2008 general election, the 82 parliament seats that the opposition won was split almost 50:50 Malays versus non-Malays MPs. And this was against a backdrop of roughly 90% Indian votes, 70% Chinese votes and 50% Malay votes.
How much more can we squeeze from the Indians and the Chinese? Some analysts say that the Indian votes are going to fall to 50% this time around while the Chinese votes are going to increase slightly to 80%. This would mean that the increase in Chinese votes will be offset by the drop in Indian votes and it would also mean we would be back to square one.
The critical factor, therefore, would be the Malay votes. At only 50% there is still a lot of margin for growth. And since more than 60% of the voters are Malay, the growth in Malay votes can more than offset the decline in Indian votes.
However, will the Malay votes just remain at 50%? Or will it drop to 40%? Or will it increase to 60%? That will determine whether Pakatan Rakyat gets to retain its 82 seats in Parliament (now reduced, of course, due to defections), or whether its seats will drop below 70, or whether its seats will increase beyond 90.
Now, I am talking about Pakatan Rakyat on the basis that it will still be the opposition. Whether it stays at 82, reduces below 70 or increases beyond 90 means Pakatan Rakyat will still be the opposition. What do we need to do to see Pakatan Rakyat form the next federal government?
Well, in West Malaysia, there are 165 seats up for grabs. In the last election, Pakatan Rakyat grabbed 80 parliament seats against Barisan Nasional’s 85. This time around it may be 75:90 if Pakatan Rakyat sees a decline. Or it may remain at 80:85 if Pakatan Rakyat maintains status quo. Or it may be the reverse: 85 seats for Pakatan Rakyat and 80 for Barisan Nasional if the Chinese votes increase to 80% and the Malay votes remain at 50% while the Indian votes drop to also 50%.
Whatever it may be Pakatan Rakyat will still remain the opposition even in the best of scenarios. To be able to form the next federal government, it needs to work on the 57 seats in East Malaysia (31 in Sarawak, 25 in Sabah, plus Labuan).
Now, how fares Pakatan Rakyat in East Malaysia? Not too well, I’m afraid. And in the next article I may go into detail as to why. I am working on that at the moment and the feedback from East Malaysia does not augur well for the opposition.
In 2007, West Malaysians suddenly woke up and the result of this can be seen in the 2008 general election.
At that time the East Malaysians were still sleeping. Now, the East Malaysians are beginning to stir from their slumber. They now realise that neither Pakatan Rakyat nor Barisan Nasional can form the federal government without them.
What Daim Zainuddin said in his recent interview is partly true, in that the next election is going to be a hung parliament. But what Daim did not explain is that it will be a hung parliament in West Malaysia and the East Malaysians are going to decide who is going to get to form the federal government.
The choices we are offering the East Malaysians are either a corrupt home-based government or a new Kuala Lumpur-based government. You might argue that Barisan Nasional in Sabah and Sarawak are also part of the federal coalition. That may be true. But the East Malaysian members of the federal coalition are local-based parties, not Kuala Lumpur-based parties.
The alternative to BN Sabah and BN Sarawak would be PKR and DAP (PAS is not even part of the equation in Sabah and Sarawak), both parties based in Kuala Lumpur.
The East Malaysians are not concerned about transparency, accountability, good governance, human rights, civil liberties, etc. Those are values and notions of those in West Malaysia, in particular the urbanites. In East Malaysia it is about nationalism and self-rule. And they do not feel by voting PKR or DAP they will achieve that.
Hence, Barisan Nasional has a slight edge over PKR and DAP. At least PPB, SUPP, SPDP, PRS, UPKO, PBS, SAPP, PBRS, SNAP, STAR, etc., are home-grown parties and not colonialists, pendatang, Semenanjung parties, or whatever, like PKR and DAP.
I have said this before and I will say it again: the key to Putrajaya rests in the hands of Sabah and Sarawak. But whom will the East Malaysians hand the key to?
You can scream about Perkasa? You can argue whether it is the Malays or the Chinese who are to blame for what is happening in Malaysia today. At the end of the day, all that does not matter. What matters is who are the 57 seats from East Malaysia going to back? And whom they back is going to form the next federal government.
Does PKR and DAP understand this? And if they do what are they going to do about it? From what I have been told the East Malaysians are beginning to have ideas about forming a third force. They want to reject Barisan Nasional but that does not mean PKR or DAP are going to be the beneficiary. They are not interested in taking back power from Barisan Nasional just to hand it to PKR or DAP. They want to keep that power for themselves.
Will they succeed? If I can answer that then I am a better Oracle than Daim Zainuddin.
There are only two possible scenarios. If they succeed in building up this third force in East Malaysia (meaning the various factions unite and do not fight with one another), then they could actually sweep about 25 of the 57 seats and leave Barisan Nasional with 25 and DAP/PKR with possibly 7 or so. However, if they start fighting amongst themselves, then Barisan Nasional may sweep about 40 seats and PKR/DAP would be left with 15 or so.
Either way, Pakatan Rakyat will not be able to form the next federal government unless they work out a solution with the East Malaysian third force and engage Barisan Nasional in straight fights in all constituencies. And that would be more difficult to do than to get Rosmah Mansor to stop all her shopping.
ReplyDeleteIf Sabah wants to be independent & stop getting screwed by UMNO, local parties like PBS, SAPP UPKO, PBRS MUST UNITE.
As long as there's no unity, Sabahans will be forever enslaved by UMNO.
So Pairin, Jeffrey, Yong, Dompok, its time to unite or your names will be forever cursed by current & future Sabahans...
Set aside your personal differences & agenda and do the right thing.
Semua penduduk asli Sabah mesti bersatu.
DeleteSelagi tak bersatu, tak mungkin dapat kalahkan UMNO kerana UMNO ada banyak undi dari PTI.
Selagi pemimpin macam Pairin, Dompok & lain2 penakut & hanta menjadi anjing suruhan UMNO, masa depan Sabahan sangat gelap...
If only they are willing to put aside their personal differences & agenda..not gonna be an easy thing to do..
DeleteSay no to Pairin Talou n Maksimusial n Dompok Taik, Kurup Penipu n all the KDMs and BNs Umno in Sabah.
DeleteYou all go to the jungle and sacrifice yourself to the ROGON!
balik-balik malays, chinese....tak ada sebut non-malay bumiputera, the indigenous people of sabah and sarawak... tak mau sebut kadazandusun dan iban pun :P
DeletePemimpin2 Sabah pun berusaha dalam memenuhi suara2 rakyat, sekiranya tidak adakah RCI boleh berada dalam progress seperti sekarang ni. cuma tunggu announcement saja lagi.
DeletePairin & the rest of the local leaders who are merely UMNO dogs, please die & go to hell...
ReplyDeleteAll of you have betrayed the Sabahan people.
Do you think that you can take all your ill gotten dirty corrupt money with you to hell?
Sabahan bukan MONYET and don't play monkey game here Malayan!
DeleteLet's face facts where if Najib could not see the lowest pay salary for Sabah and Sarawak could not be lower than West Malaysia Pairin or other in BN should remind him.
What fuck is all the BN sabahan ministers include Musa go play kites in hell for we earn less but at higher expense!
Are sabahan giving less in tax,sales tax or even extra 15% set by Musa for lottery or gaming?
Jom keluar Malaysia!
DeleteBuang masa sahaja dgn terus kekal dlm Persekutuan Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteTak ada faedah langsung & cuma terus diperbodohkan & dipandang hina oleh Malaya.
Jila Sabah keluar dari Persekutuan Malaysia, semua rakyat Sabah boleh hidup senang dari kekayaan hasil semulajadinya.
That's if only the financial and natural resources are managed properly. Look at the previous leaders/govts and the consequences of their actions in nowadays.
ReplyDeleteUnder the 1963 Malaysia Agreement, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore had the assurance that Malaya would have less than two-thirds of the seats in Parliament.
When Singapore was expelled from Malaysia in 1965, all its 15 parliament seats did not go to Sabah and Sarawak. Malaya took seven of Singapore's seats.
This meant that from that moment onwards, Malaya reached a point where today it has more than two-thirds of the seats i.e. 165 compared with 57 for Sabah and Sarawak.
The situation even led then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to brag that the ruling Umno did not need Sabah and Sarawak to get two-thirds majority in Parliament.
But Mahathir did not really believe his own propaganda and lost time in bringing Umno to Sabah to pick additional parliamentary seats.
The presence of Umno and other Peninsular Malaysia-based parties in Malaysian Borneo compromises the autonomy promised to the two states under the Malaysia Agreement.
In Sarawak, Umno was told bluntly that they were not welcome. Sarawakians were united against Umno unlike Sabahans who were easy prey for Umno. Disunity has caused them dearly.
Sabahans must realise that if they root for Peninsular Malaysia-based parties, they will be further weakening themselves in Parliament. At the same time, they will be helping to add to the already considerable and disproportionate strength of the Peninsular Malaysian parties in parliament.
It will be a different ballgame if Peninsular Malaysia-based parties incorporate locally in Sabah and Sarawak.
The political tsunami of Mar 2008 has opened up an unprecedented window of opportunity for Sabah and Sarawak in the Malaysian Parliament.
There's a Hung Parliament situation in Peninsular Malaysia because of the emergence of an opposition alliance, Pakatan Rakyat, to match the Umno-dominated ruling Barisan Nasional (BN).
There are now two Peninsular Malaysia-based national coalitions in Parliament.
Sabah and Sarawak too need a national coalition, one Malaysian Borneo-based, in Parliament.
This 3rd national coalition would be the proverbial 3rd Force in the Malaysian Parliament, steering evenly between the BN and PR.
The 3rd Force can support either BN or PR to form the Federal Government without it being part of such a Government.
The 3rd Force should only be in the Federal Government when it can take the initiative to form and lead such a Government in partnership with either BN or PR.
In that case, the 3rd Force would hold the Prime Minister's post even if it has less seats in Parliament vis-a-vis BN or PR.
The 3rd Force would not support any attempt to form a Government of National Unity composed of all parties/coalitions in Parliament.
Star is fully-committed to the 3rd Force in the Malaysian Parliament.
We urge all political parties in Sabah and Sarawak to incorporate locally and similarly dedicate themselves to the 3rd Force in the Malaysian Parliament.
The 3rd Force is the key to the Malaysian Government's compliance with the Malaysia Agreement.
The 3rd Force is the key to Sabah and Sarawak, together, getting a fair share of the Federal Government.
The 3rd Force is the key to Sabah and Sarawak leading the Federal Government or alternatively winning independence from Malaysia.
"The East Malaysians are not concerned about transparency, accountability, good governance, human rights, civil liberties, etc. Those are values and notions of those in West Malaysia, in particular the urbanites. In East Malaysia it is about nationalism and self-rule. And they do not feel by voting PKR or DAP they will achieve that."
ReplyDeleteWRONG ABOUT THE TRANSPARENCY PART RPK! Are you trying to push us in a corner?
If anyone cares to read all the Sabah and Sarawak anti-UMNO web papers they will see that we in the east care just as much as Malayans do about issues of transparency and accountability!
Of course we want self-rule and independence. The sooner the better!
As for the 3rd Force there is an urgency for the Sabah and Sarawak opposition parties to unite just to defeat UMNO and get rid of this pack of rats first.
We can deal with Pakatan later. But Pakatan should not think they can hang on to Sabah and Sarawak like UMNO.
Once we get rid of UMNO we must progress to demanding keluar Malaysia. The Malaysia Agreement has been nullified by Singapore leaving and Brunei never "joining". Sabah and Sarawak were sold a different concept of Malaysia.
If the Malaysia Agreement is void - then it is not binding and we can just take Sabah and Sarawak out of Malaysia!
So we may not even bother with the Malayan elections.
But we must live with the reality that both countries are occupied by the Malayan army and are just colonies. So it will have to be more than just cutting all links with Malaya.
We want Malayan to de-colonize Sabah and Sarawak and take its occupation army out of our countries!
We want independence not Malayan colonization!
RPK should be the political advisor for local parties in Sabah/Sarawak. he is looking from the outside and have a clearer view of what is going on and share his ideas on how the main objectives can be achieved... At the end of the day, corrupt governance must die... dead and buried. transparent. However, can the local parties, IF.. BIG IF, get to run the state, will not be the same ? We had that chance before, PBS,.. any difference ? Dr. Jeffrey and some of his executives was flying in Luxury Jets to the Philipines and god know where else when he was running the JollyBee franchaise... i know because i was one of the exec.. flying alone from Manila to KK in a very luxury private jet.. corrupt leader as well.. At this moment, RPK, all i see from leader of the local parties is TALK ONLY, NO SUBSTANCE... politics.. It will end up the same old corrupt government..BN
ReplyDeleteParti tempatan Sabah perlulah melakukan yang terbaik untuk memperjuangkan hak rakyat Sabah, orang luar boleh memberi nasihat dan panduan tetapi pemimpin kita yang patut bertindak.
DeleteYou appear to be grandiosizing parties from Malaya. But they are no difference from us. You do not have confidence in yourself, but over-relying on Malayans to rule you????
DeleteSoalnya, bolehkah Sabah dan Sarawak mendapat kuasa autonomi untuk mempertahankan hak dan kebaikan rakyat kita jikalau DAP dan PKR menjadi Kerajan Persekutuan? Adakah kita boleh mendapat kemerdekaan daripada campur tangan mereka?
ReplyDeleteIt is now said that the Malaysia Agreement has been nullified by S'pore leaving the 4 party federation which originally included Brunei.
If Brunei and S'pore realise that it was an extremely bad judgement to become part of Malaysia why is it that Sabah and Sarawak leaders are still persisting with ideas like autonomy etc?
This slavish mentality is absolutely appalling !
Can't these politicians see that Sabah and Sarawak are rich enough to be independent and developed countries?
Why have you all become slaves of a colonial idea which never had any legitimacy?
Why would we become attached to Malaya as no more than colonies and to subject ourselves to the feudal Malayan system?
It is our inalienable right to freedom and national independence.
The longer we stay in Malaysia the longer will our rights be suppressed!
We are dreaming to believe that Pakatan will be any different when its declared agenda is the closer "integration" of Sabah and Sarawak. It just mean Pakatan has stronger justification to use our resources to develop Malaya because Malayan state we have to share our wealth!
What that means? - It does not take a primary six student to work out.
It will just be life imprisonment as colonies of Malaya!
Perjanjian yg mantap dan ditandatangani oleh peguam dan wakil rakyat diperlukan agar PR tidak mungkir janji jika memenangi PRU13 nanti. Jika tidak masuk BNUMNO balik. As simple as that because we really need the autonomy.
DeleteKalau gila otonomi dan kebebasan,besok pergi Padang Merdeka dan buat pengumuman.Itu pun kalau anak jantan lah.Bawa YTL dan JK,minta mereka berdiri tegak atas pentas dan umum kepada seluruh negara dan dunia sekali.Itu baru di panggil 'hero'rakyat dan lebih baik daripada memakihamun sana-sini oleh pengikut-pengikut yang tidak siuman dan hilang akal.Memalukan bangsa dan agama dengan mengunakan kata-kata kesat yang mencerminkan kurangnya peradaban dalam diri sendiri.
Beri tahu juga boss korang YTL dan JK jangan terlampau ghairah untuk berkuasa sehingga menimbulkan permusuhan dan kebencian diantara rakyat dengan agenda sempit dan provokatif.
DeletePemimpin SAPP umpamanya saya lihat macam sudah kehabisan 'peluru' untuk menyerang UMNO dan seperti orang yang sudah hilang pedoman hidup dan perjuangan.Hari ini serang UMNO,besok serang DAP dan lepas itu pula kutuk STAR dan kemudian duduk semeja dengan pemimpin STAR.Sebelum itu minum bersama pemimpin DAP.Mana satu yang betul? Korang penyokong 'lintah jalan' asyik menyumpah dan memakihamun UMNO seolah-olah itu adalah budaya politik SAPP.
Ringkasan nya kalau berpegang teguh kepada perjuangan parti dan isu-isu tertentu seperti otonomi,jangan tunggu p/raya tapi pergi saja ke Padang Merdeka dan umumkan pendirian tersebut ke seluruh negara dan dunia.Buat apa cakap pasal ALLAH dan Tuhan.Jadilah seorang jantan bukan? Bak pepatah melayu,'Berani kerana benar,takut kerana salah.Pokok yang mempunyai banyak akar tidak akan takut kepada tiupan angin dan ribut.'
SAPP ni mempunyai sikap buruk iaitu suka mengutuk pihak lain, seolaj-olah mereka begitu sempurna. padahal SAPP lebih teruk. huhu..
DeleteApa2pun ini si AP macam semakin MULAU sekarang! Ketulahan kerana menjual maruah rakyat Sabah pada PATAI! Mampus lu AP!
Ko tau kanapa YTL sukong Dsai jadi PM tapi tdak suka lain-lain pemimpin atau parti simenanjung.Kanapa?
ReplyDeleteDia bukan tidak fikir urang yang bukan sja lama berpolitik tapi juga bergaya kaya tenguk sja negeri-negeri ditadbir disemenanjung sikarang!
Kalo SAPP mau bertanding banyak kerusi...siapa lagi mau kurualkan duit banyak untuk PRU13 je? Siakap tanding senang macam pigi makan angin tak bulih mesti cari seorang tauke lebih berupaya ba.Betulkah?
kan betul and otopot cakap c rpk.... jd bos pbs dan upko jangan pikir banyak tentang terikat dengan najib sebab dapat projek besar tidak dapat lari...fuck with the project... kalau kamurang keluar.. bisuk menang lagi besar projek kamu dapat untuk memajukan sabah. tapi yang penting kita sepak dulu tu parti bn alias parti semenanjing.............
ReplyDeleteBye Bye Be End in Sabah in this coming GE13!
ReplyDeleteAll the UMNO Sabah traitors should be charged for treason by flooding Sabah with illegal immigrants!
UMNO is rotten to the core. People of Sabah will show them where the EXIT DOOR this time.
ReplyDeleteVote SAPP to take back our Sabah government from party import!
PKR, like other Orang Malaya parties, has no business whatsoever being in Sabah and Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteSabah and Sarawak have autonomy in Malaysia under the 1963 Malaysia Agreement.
Among others, this autonomy means that Malaya would have less than two-thirds of the seats in Parliament so that Sabah and Sarawak, together, would have veto power in Parliament.
Even without Orang Malaya parties crossing the South China Sea to Borneo, Malaya has already done away with the veto power of Sabah/Sarawak in Parliament by grabbing more than two-thirds of the seats in Parliament i.e. 165 seats (Malaya) to 57 seats (Borneo).
The situation of the Borneo parties in Parliament will get worse if Orang Malaya parties insist on crossing the South China Sea to grab even more seats in Borneo.
The only reason that Orang Malaya parties are in Borneo is to make up for their lack of seats in Peninsular Malaysia given the Hung Parliament situation there. They can't get a two-third majority on their own and soon even a simple majority.
It's unfortunate that there are some locals in Borneo who are willing to be proxies of the Orang Malaya parties. These are traitors and stooges.
The people should reject them.
In a Hung Parliament situation, the Borneo-based 3rd Force in the Malaysian Parliament will only work with an Orang Malaya party which has no seats in Borneo.
Alternatively, if any Orang Malaya party wants to work with the 3rd Force, it must surrender all its Borneo seats to the latter.
Only Borneo-based parties can fight for Borneo.
If Orang Malaya parties in Borneo want to fight for Sabah and Sarawak, their local chapters must incorporate locally and be autonomous.
DeleteWhy not take it a step further?
Borneo parties fight for Borneo independence from Orang Malaya rule?
Forget about "autonomy" bullshit as neither UMNO nor Pakatan want to give up control or return of our resources as this will deprive them of major source of resource and tax revenues to prop up Malaya and its development and to keep enriching themselves by stealing from us!
Without separation from Malayan colonial domination in Malaysia we can never never become our own masters.
So autonomy will keep us under the thumb of Orang Malaya.
Kalau saya baca apa yang Anak Petagas katakan sungguh menarik juga. Kadang-kadang apa yang dikatakannya itu betul. SAPP kita lihat sendiri parti yang tidak ada pendirian langsung. Sebelum ini pernah akan berjaung atas nama SAPP sendiri, tapi sekarang apa sudah jadi dengan SAPP sehingga sanggup bersatu dengan STAR. Mana kata-kata dulu itu. Inilah dia SAPP yang sebenarnya. Sungguh memalukan diri.
ReplyDeleteCerita di Batu Sapi juga merupakan satu yang memalukan SAPP. Penduduk di sana tidak percaya dengan Yong sehinggakan beliau ada ditempat yang uncit. Cuma meraih dibawah 1k sedangkan PKR lebih diterima. Tapi kalau BN tidak perlu bezakan sudah pasti yang pertama.
Jadi Yong Teck Lee sedarkanlan diri sendiri bahawa bukan mudah untuk menambat hati rakyat hanya dengan berkata-kata yang bukan-bukan. Semua itu cuma akan melemahkan SAPP sendiri.
Ya betul itu Baterisiah isteri AP. Hahaha. Malu aku malu, pada semut merah, Dua2 ini laki bini datang dari Pilipin! Hahaha...
DeleteJika dibandingkan STAR dan SAPP sudah semestinya STAR lebih berpengaruh dari SAPP. Walaupun STAR parti baru namun sokongan STAR lebih baik daripada SAPP. Mungkin sebab itu SAPP sengaja bersatu dengan STAR untuk meraih sokongan pengundi STAR itu sendiri.
ReplyDeleteSebaiknya SAPP sedar diri dan tidak perlu bergantung dengan parti lain. Penduduk Sabah cabar SAPP kalau SAPP boleh berdiri tanpa ada sokongan dari PAKATAN atau STAR..
Barisan pembangkang di Sabah tidak akan menang satu kerusipun jika tidak bersat dan asyik masuk bakul angkat bakul!
DeleteAku penyokong bebas kerana amat beci dgn BNUMNO serta Barisan pembangkang yang tidak reti bahasa bersatu asyik bergaduh saja!
Jika dibandingkan dengan sokongan2 diberi oleh orang2 Sabah terhadap parti2 pembangkang di Sabah, SAPP lah yang diterima paling ramai sokongan dari penduduk2 Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKekalahan di batusapi hanya satu kesilapan oleh SAPP dan akan membangkitkan perjuangan SAPP untuk Sabah otonomi lagi berdedikasi dan komitmen.
Tidak mustahil semua parti malaya macam UMNO dan PR akan dihancurkan di Sabah dalam PRU13 kali ini.
Kesilapan apa di Batu Sapi?SAPP salah kira penyokong?YTL boleh berdiri di mana saja di Sabah tetap juga tumbang.Hanya ahli-ahli SAPP saja sudah kelabu asap dan dalam khayalan.Satu kerusi pun susah menang tapi sudah angan-angan jadi kerajaan.
DeletePemimpin seperti Mohd Noor Mansor,Dullie,Amde dan Bahari semuanya syok sendiri saja.Angan-angan si luncai!
Kekalahan di Batu Sapi adalah kerana SAPP dan PKR bertanding dan rakyat amat benci dgn pemimpin politik yg tidak sehaluan dan bertolak ansur.
DeleteBNUMNO pula menang besar kerana selain menipu, mereka juga bersatu walaupun bersatu dalam kejahatan.
Ingat SAPP dan DAP perlu bersatu dgn PR, STAR dll party pembangkang. Tiada duit kalau bersatu tetap akan menang!
halo kawan and tobpinai.... SAPP..STAR..USNO BARU..semua parti borneo termasuk PBS dan UPKO kalu diorang mau JOIN ... time.time mau pilihanraya ni kalu diorang ada perbincangan tentang pembahagian kerusi... ok lah bah. JANGANLAH bilang itu SAPP atau STAR atau USNO BARU atau PBS atau UPKO bagus atau tidak bagus. SEMUA BAGUS...KITA tahu pulau semenanjung KECIL tapi boleh dibahagi 11 buah negeri...PULAU BORNEO pula lagi besar dari semenanjung TAPI kena bagi 3 saja iaitu SABAH .. SARAWAK .. BRUNEI. SABAH saja pun besar dari semenanjung. kalu ini parti..parti BORNEO bergabung dan menang pilihanraya...... INI SABAH kita kc jd 4 atau 5 negeri supaya ada KETUA MENTERI tiap..tiap negeri.maka ahli..ahli politik setiap PARTI BORNEO ini tidak lagi MERAJUK sebab semua ada tempat. JD PARTI BORNEO....BERUNDINGLAH KAMU. INI SABAH KAYA tau....MINYAK. KITA URUS MINYAK KITA SENDIRI. 5 NEGERI PUN BULE BAYAR... OK PARTI BORNEO..JANGAN GADUH..GADUH.
ReplyDeleteYa betultu! Kalaaaaaaaaau mahu tumbangkan BNUMNO yg tiada guna2 itu ikutlah nasihat bijak Anon di atas!
DeleteNo more gaduh2!
Sabahan telah ditipu & diperbodoh-bodohkan sejak 1963. Cukuplah, sedarlah & bangunlah semua sebelum terlambat.
ReplyDeleteBuatlah apa yg sepatutnya untuk masa depan generasi muda sekarang & yang akan datang.
Semua Sabahan berhak mendapat balik hak mereka & hidup dgn lebih senang.
Jgn terus dibiarkan hidup dlm kemiskinan & dipandang hina oleh Malaya...
Pakatan akan terus jadi pembangkang jika terlalu banyak parti pembangkang yang mana pemimpin2 mereka amat mengidamkan jawatan2 kabinet..